Tuesday, February 23, 2010

*Blows the dust away*

Time for an update I think.

The blog hasn't seen much action recently because I haven't done anything I'd regard as noteworthy. The poor weather, the general malaise, and apathy have meant I haven't been out much. And even when I have the events have been such that if you weren't there, there is little interest in hearing about it.

Sadly I'm not sure when this will change. Hopefully when we see the sun again!

One thing that has been going well is the relationship front. K and I are getting on well. We went to see Sherlock Holmes and then have a meal for Valentines day (we both enoyed the film, and the food was good too), went to a LGBT month talk about censorship and homosexuality in Sailor Moon, and have made more than a few shopping trips together since we hooked up in November.

I think it helps that we have some shared interests (gaming and anime) and some interests not shared by the other (she loves cooking TV shows and I don't. I love to read novels, ad she doesn't). It also helps that she met Pandora before we started dating.

She takes great joy in pointing out things "Pandora would like" when shopping. Although I think she sees me as tartier than I actually am! We also enjoy laughing the "hooker shoes" that seem to be in every shoe shop right now (leopard print 5" heels, patent pink stillettoes, etc)

I've even met the parents but she hasn't met my family yet. I'm still referred to as a "friend", but I think her parents are smart enough to realise the situation. I suspect they are letting her tell them in her own time :)

We shall see where things go from here.

At last...

...something OTOY-related (http://games.venturebeat.com/2010/02/22/our-latest-gamesbestgdc-speakers-contest-deadline-approaches)

Disruptive companies are getting a lot of attention at our upcoming GamesBeat@GDC executive game conference. The event is set for March 10 in San Francisco at the Game Developers Conference in the Moscone Convention Center. Today we’re announcing the following speakers have been added to our lineup:

Jules Urbach, CEO of Otoy and Lightstage. Urbach will join our panel on Disruptive Innovation and talk about the latest efforts at Otoy to create a games-on demand service with partners such as Advanced Micro Devices. He made his first game, Hell Cab, at age 18. He was the co-founder of Groove Alliance, which pioneered making online Flash games on Shockwave.com such as Real Pool. At Lightstage, he is working on technology that could revolutionize 3-D rendering; the company worked on face-capture technologies that helped create Brad Pitt’s morphing face in the film The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. Like OnLive, Otoy is trying to create cloud-based gaming, which allows consumers to play games in their living room that are actually hosted on servers in a distant data center.

Monday, February 22, 2010