Saturday, April 30, 2011

White iPhone 4 Thicker than Black iPhone 4

The white iPhone ate too many burgers.
Yes, it is true. The white iPhone 4 is thicker than the normal jet black iPhone 4. I am appalled. It's appalling ! I mean it's just another colour. Apple has always been good with colours, with the iPod Nanos to all other products, it was perfect.
The White iPhone 4 is fatter.

However, the white iPhone 4 has been reported to be 'fat'.

I know, it's not a lot, but it is always harmful to have this differentiation. I mean Apple is a professional company. They should be consistant with their products !

But, possibly this is because they have tweaked the antenna and perfected it possibly ? That was just a guess, not a fact. The reason is unknown to me. I researched the internet, in vain. But I finally found the fact. Click here for the post.

It is just slightly fatter and the difference can be vividly noticed only when the two phones are brought very close together.

This is all just weird. Someone once said "If you do not understand something, consider it art". 

There is little difference.
 Image courtesy :

 I do not understand this at all.

Thanks for listening out to my opinions,
We'd love some suggestions, Please comment,

Royal Wedding TLDR

Indecent exposure and child mistreatment, that is all!

Vidéo : Portal 2 dans Minecraft

Si comme Notch, vous ne savez pas trop comment répartir votre temps entre Minecraft et Protal 2, alors vous pouvez essayer de vous inspirer de ce GhostRobo. En effet, ce dernier s'est amusé à reproduire l'univers de Portal 2 dans Minecraft. Bluffant !

Wallpaper : Minecraft out of this world

Voici un superbe Wallpaper réalisé par iNegacion qui n'est pas sans nous rappeler le film "Là-haut"

Wallpaper Minecraft

Friday, April 29, 2011

Sexy Female Toxia Zombie

So I was out with friends last night and started doodling random people on a drawing app on my phone when I realized I hadn't drawn any female figures for quite awhile...Sat down and knocked out a sexy female zombie a bit ago, simple graphite nothing fancy.

Apple, Microsoft & Google : All track phone locations ? [Shock]

Microsoft, Google and Apple all three
track you !
I just realized by reading a number of articles that Apple, Microsoft and Google all three are collecting the data of their users' locations. Google through the Android, Apple through iOS and Microsoft through Windows 7. I saw an article on each. Microsoft is collecting through the Windows phone OS, says this article. Apple recently denied the charges. Steve jobs said, "We don't track anyone". And Google was sued over the collection of data.

So why is this ? Are all these big companies in a cold war on world domination ? They all want to become Big Daddy. Probably even the white iPhone 4's are doing it !

Microsoft, Google and Apple all three
face tracking charges.
I think this is pretty awkward. These are only two possibilities, either it's all true, that these companies want to keep and eye on you for some reason. Probably hired by some Secret Service Agency (Lol). That was probably the worst joke I have ever said, but I cannot think of anything else, because this situation is so serious. The second possibility might be that it's all false and this is just a three sided triangular blame game.

They all will be sued and let's see what comes up in court.
Thanks for listening out to my opinions, post yours in the comments section below !

If you have any suggestions, we'd love to hear from you .

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Song of the day

Apple parody on Southpark Season Premier - "HumancentiPad" [Comedy]

"HumancentiPad" from Southpark S15E1
Today, the 15th season of the much loved Southpark is set to start. As Gizmodo reported, it is set to get you laughing on Apple. The joke is on Apple's unadmitted quest for world domination. As it was reported, the iPhone was tracking people's locations wherever they went. The creators of South Park made fun of long Apple User License Agreements, which no one reads and blindly agrees to.

In the episode, Apple managed Kyle to agree on letting him be used as a human prototype for the "HumancentiPad", the idea is as funny as it is ridiculous. I'd like to see Apple put up a good sense of humor and take it the way they are expected to.

And Of course they did not use the correct Apple logo, probably for copyright reasons, but it's pretty funny how they drew it. Literally a shiny black Apple which is bit.

I loved their depiction of Jobs, as you can see above, in his black turtleneck.

This is going to be a lovely episode for Apple entusiasts, isn't it ? It might even give Jobs an idea. For the 'HumancentiPad'.

Please see : The creators of South Park are the copyright holders of the thumbnail above. Thankyou.
We'd like to hear from you. Please post your opinions and suggestions in the comments section,

Toxia Cyber Zombie Natzi

Just a quick concept of a character inspired by a friend of mine's RPG he runs out of secondlife.

Lego Minecraft #2

Voici une deuxième fournée de réalisations Minecraft en Lego. Bon c'est décidé, je m'achète des Lego !

Lego Minecraft
Minecraft Lego

Source : suparMacho

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

White iPhone 4 Launch - Is the hype dead ? [Poll]

"iPhone 4. Available Tomorrow", was written on Apple's website.

Back in April 2010, the iPhone 4 was announced by Apple. After a whole freaking year, the white iPhone 4 shall finally be released today. It is completely pointless. Most people would just say, that the white iP4 came, and talks discussion and hype about the iPhone 5 has already started.

A pink iPhone 4 casing. (Image courtesy :
To be honest, I was never excited about the white iPhone 4. And a much more ridiculous fact is that you can find some electronic shops here in India, who would just ask for your iPhone 4, and can give you any colour, including pink, and of course white. And I am pretty sure the trend started in China, where actually nothing is imposible. I wish I really had some pictures.

Enough of me, but I have seen some of my friends and basically the whole 'White iPhone 4' community just 'de-hype'. Some people just come around and say it was Apple's strategic decision. How ? If you know how, please post in the comments below !

I know manufacturing is hard, but how does it take a whole year to manufacture just a different colour ?

Intersting Fact : The White iPhone 4 image on Apple's website was named "hero_20110425.jpg"

But I think we're being too harsh aren't we ? (Because they're Apple)

All the people who were really hyped about the iPhone 4 have already gone broke on the classic and much better (in my opinion) classy black colour. And might have also got the iPad 2, just for the sake of it.

We would love to hear from you, please post your opinions on the comment box below !

Info on Minecraft 1.6

Innuendos aside, apparently the new version of minecraft will have maps. With a compass and this, I doubt you'd ever get lost. Just hope Notch will have some sort of indicator of spawn position...

Now, I hope there's more "performance improvements". We haven't been having any of these, only decreases, thus, the optimized jars I've been posting...

Anyways, let's see what notch has in store for us!

Navi's Song (Hey, Listen!)

You've gotta see this, if you ever played Legend Of Zelda - Ocarina of Time!!

Minecraft 1.6 : Carte / Mini-map

Minecraft 1.6 Map

C'est officiel, la grande nouveauté (la seule ?) de Minecraft Beta 1.6 sera l'ajout d'une Carte / Minimap craftable. La carte vous dévoilera les zones explorées à partir de l'endroit où vous l'avez crafté. Une fois toute la carte remplie, il vous faudra en créer une autre pour avoir un aperçu des nouvelles zones découvertes.

Minecraft 1.6 Mini Map

Pour ce qui est de l'utilisation, il suffira de regarder vers le bas pour avoir un aperçu de la carte.

Carte Minecraft

Notch travaille actuellement sur l'implémentation de cette Carte / Mini-map au mode multi-joueurs.

Recette :

Wallpaper : Creeper & Free Hugs

Voici un joli Wallpaper qui nous réconciliera avec les Creepers. Il est pas mignon ?

Wallpaper Minecraft

By Indignation

Musique "Popcorn" dans Minecraft

Écoutez moi ce grand classique de la musique électronique "Popcorn" revisité par un joueur de Minecraft.

A vous de jouer maintenant et proposez-nous vos meilleurs composition musicales dans Minecraft.

Personnellement, j'en suis incapable :)

PSN Hacked, all user information compromised

Yesterday, 26th April 2011, Sony declared that PSN had been hacked and all the user information, from all countries, around the globe had been exposed to the hacker. All credit card information has been hacked. We strongly advice you to change your passwords if they were identical or similar to the one you used for the PlayStation Network. The credit card numbers of 70 million people have been exposed to an 'unauthorized person'.

The hacker has all vital information, from your name, birthday, to your bills and invoices for the PlayStation Store.

From's post : "Sony said it has temporarily shut down the PlayStation Network and Qriocity services and hired an outside security firm “to conduct a full and complete investigation into what happened,” but refused to offer details on the hack."

Sony says no retore date has been yet decided on. When you log on PSN this message will greet you, "PlayStation Network is currently undergoing maintenance."

Here's what Sony wrote on the first line of their blog post , "We sincerely regret that PlayStation Network and Qriocity services have been suspended, and we are working around the clock to bring them both back online"
Here is the link to Sony's rather short blog post


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Cycles, a new unbiased CPU/GPU renderer for Blender

The GPU path tracing virus keeps spreading at an incredible rate: Blender is soon going to have a fully integrated physically based renderer, codenamed 'Cycles', which can use the CPU or the GPU for rendering (GPU path tracing starts at 1:18).

Changing materials, moving objects around and adding/deleting new objects can be done in real-time and the Cycles rendering engine can also rebuild the acceleration structure of the Suzanne model at lightning fast speeds. The source code will be available in about two weeks! It's going to be really cool when you can modify your model and immediately see the changes rendered in real-time in photoreal quality. Speaking of real-time editing and rendering, one of Luxrender's developers has made an utterly amazing video showing live editing of a physics simulation inside Blender and rendering it in real-time with Luxrender's PathGPU2 (a 100% OpenCL path tracer and part of SmallLuxGPU v1.8 with a heavy focus on animation rendering): (real-time part starts at 1:23)

The video was rendered on a Core i7 920 + 2x ATI HD4890's, certainly not a bad system, but the HD4000 series was not exactly conceived with OpenCL computing in mind. I would love to see a GTX580 rendering this scene though. According to the graph below from Anandtech depicting the performance of SmallLuxGPU 1.7, I can imagine that card would just fly in this scene and make the video that much more awesome!

Update: SmallLuxGPU 1.8beta (which incorporates Metropolis light transport in OpenCL) is now available for download from the Luxrender forum

Update2: A lot of useful information and implementation details on the Cycles renderer can be found on under the header "Design"

Minecraft Bed Glitch

With this, you can wallhack no problem. Great work notch!

Nintendo Wii 2 !

Nintendo finally announced the Wii 2. Here are some things we know :

Many people say it all it will to is add "HD" graphics to the Nintendo Wii, something like "Wii HD". And on the other side of the argument, many people say there will be more.

No technical details have yet been released. The sales of the Wii have been gradually declining due to the competition faced by the PS3 and Xbox 360. Many hardcore gamers do not believe in Motion Gaming, and say that its rather kiddish, for kiddish games. Wii was the first console to offer motion gaming, and the technology was utterly brilliant at the time. But now, it's gotten old, compared to the Kinect, which is basically Wii without a controller and the PS Move, which is Wii's big brother.

And yes, there is probably going to be a design change. (Duh)

In the first three months of 2011, PS3 held a 36% share, compared with 32% for the Wii and 31% for XBox 360.

It's time to change that.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Pas de Mod Piston pour Minecraft 1.6

Minecraft 1.6

Mauvaise nouvelle pour les amoureux du tant attendu Mod Piston. Notch a affirmé qu'il faudra du temps avant de l'intégrer au jeu. Certainement pas de Mod Piston pour Minecraft Beta 1.6 donc...

Hotdogs dans Minecraft 1.6

Notch l'a annoncé aujourd'hui sur son compte Twitter, il ajoutera des Hotdogs dans Minecraft 1.6. Ça nous fait une belle jambe :)

Minecraft Hotdog

Saturday, April 23, 2011


It's been 2 MONTHS! So many new updates!

Beta 1.3

Beta 1.3.1

Beta 1.4

Beta 1.4.1

Beta 1.5

Beta 1.5.1 (Current Version)

Beds, Weather, Charged Creepers, More Tracks, Dyes, and MORE!

I'll get back to the LP later, I'm busy playing Portal 2.

Boucles d'oreilles Minecraft

Ces Boucles d'oreilles fait main raviront les joueuses de Minecraft. Cube de Terre ou Creeper il ne vous reste plus qu'à faire votre choix :)

Vous pouvez vous les procurer sur le site ALittleMarket : Cube de Terre ou Creeper (11€ la paire).

Friday, April 22, 2011

Quelles nouveautés pour Minecraft 1.6 ?

Minecraft 1.6

Minecraft 1.6 ne devrait pas se faire trop attendre. En effet, Notch n'hésite pas à communiquer sur les MAJ à venir. On pense notamment à :

Minimap / Automapping : une carte se générera au fur et à mesure de vos explorations.

Statistiques & Succès : encore plus de statistiques et de succès (ok, on s'en fout).

Mode Piston : on ne présente plus cette adaptation du Mod attendu par bon nombre de joueurs.

Et vous, qu'espérez-vous pour Minecraft Beta 1.6 ?

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Tuto : rail booster et rail détecteur Minecraft 1.5

Rails Minecraft

Vous n'êtes pas sans savoir que Minecraft 1.5 propose un nouveau système de rails bien utile. HSZ nous propose une vidéo où il met en application ces nouveaux types de rails : le rail booster et le rail détecteur.

Lego Minecraft

Mettez la main sur une boite de Lego et faites de même. Vous aurez de belles figurines Minecraft au moindre coût. Bon courage quand même :)

Lego Minecraft

Source : The BCth

I'm in the Udon Megaman Tribute book!!

cover image by Matt Moylan

Remember this fella well I'm well chuffed to announce he made it into the official Udon Megaman Tribute book.

You can pre order it here.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Deobfuscating java projects

Lately I've been digging into minecraft. Normally digging into minecraft means something like this:

I was rather digging into something like this:

/*    */ import;
/* */ import;
/* */
/* */ public class a extends gc
/* */ {
/* */ public int a;
/* */ public int b;
/* */ public int c;
/* */
/* */ public void a(DataInputStream paramDataInputStream)
/* */ {
/* 21 */ this.a = paramDataInputStream.readInt();
/* 22 */ this.b = paramDataInputStream.readInt();
/* 23 */ this.c = paramDataInputStream.readByte();
/* */ }
/* */
/* */ public void a(DataOutputStream paramDataOutputStream) {
/* 27 */ paramDataOutputStream.writeInt(this.a);
/* 28 */ paramDataOutputStream.writeInt(this.b);
/* 29 */ paramDataOutputStream.writeByte(this.c);
/* */ }

Obfuscated java code :-(

What is obfuscated code?

By obfuscating your java classes you want to prevent others from taking your source, modify it and release it again under another brand. There are tools which automatically obfuscate your code. These tools normally do the following things:

  • Put all artifacts (classes, interfaces, ...) into the default package

  • Rename all artifacts and members to something generic like 'a'

These changes make it very hard for humans to understand the meaning of some code. But there are a few things that can't be changed that easily during obfuscation:

  • Access modifiers

  • Types

  • Signatures in general

  • Import statements

What has all this to do with minecraft?

mojang is obfuscating it's minecraft releases so nobody can steal their code. Unfortunately this makes it very hard for developers to extend minecraft due to the lack of APIs within minecraft. So the community helped itself and created bukkit. bukkit is an API for minecraft. bukkit is so important just because of the minecraft obfuscation. With every minecraft release (major or minor) the signatures of all classes change. bukkit is the abstraction layer for the obfuscation changes.

But this means a lot of work for the bukkit developers [1]. They need to revert the minecraft obfuscation for every minecraft release manually.

The plan

Now there is a chance to make undoing the obfuscation more easily. But it will only work when the following conditions are met:

  • You got the deobfuscated source of a former version

  • The software is implemented iterative. So only relative small amounts of the code change during two versions.

With these assumptions you can statistically try to match artifacts from the old source with artifacts from the new obfuscated source. You just need to compare the things that don't change during obfuscation. Theres a big chance that the two artifacts with the most equality are actually the same artifact. This allows you to transfer the artifact's name and package from the old source into the new source.

The project

I like the idea of automatically deobfuscate java code. So I've hacked something and released it on github. java-deobscurify tries to find matching artifacts in the clear text and obfuscated source. java-deobscurify is still a work in progress. Let's say pre alpha... but I hope it will produce reasonable output in the near future.


  1. When will Bukkit be updated for Minecraft 1.5?

New look!

Gone are the days where I used templates. Gone are the days where I used "Default" wallpapers. Gone are the days where I only used what they gave me.

The blog now has a new look! And of course, a new logo, which seemingly, suits it! Like it? You should, it has the Canadian maple leaf for my Canadian pride!

Should I do more improvements? Leave a comment! I'm eager to hear your opinion!

Minecraft 1.5_01 Optimized JAR

As you probably expected, here is a new version of the optimized Jar for Minecraft Beta 1.5_01.

For Windows :
  • Open any window
  • Type "%APPDATA%" on the address bar
  • open the .minecraft/bin folder
  • Replace the Jar file
For Linux : 
  • Open a terminal and type this:
  • "cd ~\.minecraft\bin"
  • "mv minecraft.jar minecraft.1_5_01.old"
  • "wget"
For Mac OS X:
  • Follow THIS tutorial

Download : (use the minecraft.jar file inside)

PSP Go discontinued - No Go! for the PSP [EPIC FAIL]

As we all know, PSP Go was just not a 'hit'. Actually, most people hated it, and only the people who had some money to waste even thought of it. With the NGP coming soon, there is just, 'no point'.

It was expensive for what it gave you, and it had no support for UMDs. Basically, all the money you spent on the games of your previous PSP were completely useless. The PSP 3000 will also be soon discontinued, but only just before the NGP, in my opinion. The Go looked like a test product, it had nothing concrete, and the PSP Go services did not seem to work in some countries, including mine, India ! A market of a billion people, and where the PSP was a blockbuster, something like the Inception of consoles.

By the way, PSP Go never came to India in the first place. And, India is not the only country where it is not available. Just to note : PlayStation store is available.

So Indeed, there is no "Go!" for the PSP Go.
That is why the PSP Go is a failure. 

Thanks for listening out to my opinions,

YouTube partnership in India - How to get it

Hey guys,
 I am from India, as you know, and I have recently become a YouTube Partner. In the programme, you get some perks and advantages. To most people YouTube partnership is available only in other countries. Most people do not seem to realize that Partner Programme has arrived in India. I get questions everyday "How did you become a partner, its not available in India".

In this post I will talk about how to get partnership in India. In future posts, I will talk about secrets and tips of becoming a YouTube partner. (Worldwide)

Step 1 : Go to . If this page does not load, or redirects you back to YouTube, then partnership is not available in your country. (PS : It is, in India)

Step 2 : Click the Apply now button.

Step 3 : Follow the instructions !

If you have any problem or difficulty, you can comment here, or mail me at

In future posts, I will further discuss about Partnership on YouTube, and what to expect.

This post can be also named : How to get Partnership on YouTube.
                                                How to become a YouTube partner
                                                How to become YouTube partner from India

I hope this post cleared some misunderstandings,


Minecraft Karaoké : Mad World

Mad World Minecraft

Quand Minecraft se transforme en Karaoké grâce au talent d'un joueur qui a du goût, voilà ce que ça donne.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Apple Sues Samsung. Samsung replies back !

If you have been following the recent news, Steve Jobs, sues his sister (More Info)

"Instead of pursuing independent product development, Samsung has chosen to slavishly copy Apple's innovative technology, distinctive user interfaces, and elegant and distinctive product and packaging design, in violation of Apple's valuable intellectual property rights." said Apple
Apple believes that Samsung has infringed many of their copyrights and patents. Samsung replies back, denying everything.

That's basically the gist. According to many people, there is nothing unique in the design of the iPad. In my opinion, I think that the iPad is designed very simply. And every tablet that comes out, obviously has a similar structure to the iPad. But, the iPad came first, so, Apple probably expects all the other companies to follow a different design, than the simple 'slab'. Apple played a very nice strategic move in launching the iPad first. I think that was the trigger of a bullet, that would cause many more interesting tablets to come out.

The bullet hit Samsung. I like dramas like this. They're fun. You know, the true things about a company get exposed during things like this. It's quite funny, actually. 'Quote wars'.

Let the games begin ! Let's see how this plays.

Thanks for listening out to my opinions,

How to download music from SoundCloud

After spending so much time in stumbleupon, sometimes I stumble upon a list of AWESOME songs on Soundcloud, some of them Mashups. But their download buttons are disabled, why? Too many downloads. So, what now? You download the stream! And it is very simple!

Compatible with the following browsers:
(Got IE? Switch today! You won't regret it!)

Now, go to the song you wanted to download, you should see something like this:
Right click on "Use right click save as to download" and choose "Save link as" or similar, and voila'! Enjoy!

Sortie de Minecraft Beta 1.5

Minecraft 1.5

Minecraft 1.5 vient de sortir pour notre plus grand plaisir ! Voici les nouveautés présentes dans cette mise à jour :

* Climat (pluie, neige, orage)
* Statistiques
* Succès
* Rails en Or

On attend vos avis sur cette Beta 1.5.