Monday, October 31, 2011

Creative Commons (and eLearning in Creative and Performing Arts)

At the bottom is my Prezi for the recent eLearning in Creative and Performing Arts workshop. Inspired by Judy O'Connell, and obviously with the nature of Music, Visual Arts and Drama, I really wanted to address 'Creative Commons' as an opportunity and moral imperative (timely, went to a Michael Fullan seminar today). To this end I set about gathering and attributing images licensed under Creative Commons, as described in Judy's post Find Free Images Online!, to model to the teachers in attendance. As we all do I wanted some catchy image at the start, and in using Prezi I wanted something to zoom in and out of with effect. Whilst searching I came across Charis Tsevis' awesome photostream on Flickr. I found his Steve Jobs mosaics and wished to use one of them in particular as this was timely with the recent death of Jobs plus iPads are almost de rigeur at the mo'.

(This was incredibly easily to embed and attribute simultaneously using ImageCodr as outlined in Judy's blog).

However, I wished to use this as the background yet I noticed the Creative Commons licence was 'No Derivative Works'
Creative Commons License

This left me in a potential quandary as I would essentially be modifying the image by adding text, images, links and YouTube on top of it within Prezi.

The solution was found at where is stated:

Waiver — Any of the above conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder

That said, I contacted Charis via Flickr to seek his permission. Charis was more than happy to help out. Having already been assured that I would attribute him all he asked was that I share my work with him: win-win! This was a fantastic, collegial and collaborative exercise! Simple, effective, I've added another great person to my PLN and feel good for operating ethically and making a positive digital footprint. This is also a great exercise for students to do. A few years back some of my Physics students contacted Sneaky Sound System to use their music in a video competition - they graciously agreed. The students were not only stoked that they had permission but also that they received a letter back from one of their favourite bands!

As a postscript, Judy mentioned that I should include the great Kiwi Creative Commons video. Enjoy and enjoy the prezi below.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Metallica and Delhi : Deja Vu?

As you guys know, Metallica is one of the greatest Metal bands. This year, 2011, is a big year for the youth in India. Metallica was set for their maiden tour of India, and the Inaugural Indian Grand Prix. Metallica was scheduled to perform in Delhi and Bangalore. Delhi is the nation's capital. Delhi would also host the first ever F1 race in the Indian subcontinent.

The F1 went pretty smooth yesterday. F1 racers liked the track, the organization and were pleased. Vettel won the race.
Buddh International Circuit

However, this is not what this post is about. Metallica could not perform in Delhi. It was because of security issues, some barricades were not present, there was no checking of tickets. This upset the band and they called the concert off.

I lived in Delhi for 12 years, I'm 14 years now. And I know that people get pretty angry there, fast. People started thrashing equipment. They started breaking barricades and started doing the most stupid, attention seeking acts you can imagine.

I am pretty sure Metallica will not return to Delhi again. However, on the other hand, it went smooth in Bangalore. This just shows the level of patience in the people of Bangalore.

The security was pretty tight with guards in and around the crowd.

Coming back to Delhi, four organizers from the DNA company, senior executives, were arrested on the grounds of cheating people and breach of trust. Many people did not even get their tickets.

Deja Vu? This is another major event in delhi after the Commonwealth Games 2010. In the CWG, there was a similar story. Many stadiums were constructed on inflated rates. The excess money going into the pockets of some officials of the government. The loss incurred to the government was around 100 billion INR and 2 Billion US dollars.

The Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium
This enraged the people, giving rise to a people's movement led by a social activist, Anna Hazare who demanded an anti-corruption bill which was being passed around in the parliament for a couple of decades. This bill was finally accepted by the parliament and is being drafted by a select group of Indian Officials.

This just seems very ironic. Thousands of people joined the movement. But still, there is a desire to cheat the people in some executives.

What I am happy about is all the corrupt people are being put in jail. Very fast. Last year, around a dozen high-level people from the government, were put in jail, and all bail-pleas rejected.

This is how corruption is still connected to everything that is done in India, and most importantly, for the obvious reasons, New Delhi.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

The History Of Performance Reviews!

Halloween According To Shoppers

How People "Tweet" In China

Budget Halloween ideas

This year I really wanted to celebrate Halloween properly. This year I'm at my boyfriend's house so decorating will be on a budget as to ease him into the idea of Halloween. So I started out with the average bats, spiders and cardboard cut out skeletons and then I found GARDEN GNOMES (which I love) and came up with the idea of ZOMBIFYING them (I love zombies too).



They're utterly disgusting and bloodtastic. They cost $8 each and I used black and red paint for blood. Nothing more but a few foam letters for the 'brains' sign. Less than $10 each! I don't think I'll put them in the front yard.. haha.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Crossworlds with Mal Burns

I’ll be a guest tonight to talk about kittens & ninjas | #SecondLife






I've been invited to attend the show Crossworlds with +Mal Burns tonight in #SecondLife as a guest. We'll be talking about IEEE Virtual World Standard Group and Interoperability in Virtual Worlds. Mostly, though, we'll be focusing on what matters: Ninjas and Kittens



Show starts at 3PM SLT (Pacific) | 6PM EST
Live stream available here:




Aeonix Aeon in SL [July 2011]

The sim doesn't open up until 2PM SLT - so grab a tent and camp on the outskirts to get a good seat :) By all means.. come down and join us.


You never know what sort of crazy stuff we’ll talk about.

Justin Bieber Vs Lady Gaga

How To Make Money On The Internet

How Are Smartphones Being Used?

Where Does The Money Go?

Podcast à 2 POs #17

Podcast à 2 POs 17

Hey ! L'épisode 17 de Podcast à 2 POs est sorti ! Au programme, un nouvel épisode de Minecraft noire, les news, l’interview de izzymaniak et de Msbgirl45. Et pour finir, le SAV en compagnie de Vexios et Elarcis !

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Adventure Update(s)

More Updates!!!


Sorry, those are the old ones. More updates! Not just any old update. You may be thinking "Oh another update more dyes?" No. Not at all. Dyes are boring. I mean, there not all boring. People make pixel art. Ok, but what the called these "chains" of updates are the adventr adventur adventure updates. Here's the basic overview.

Nether Strongholds
Mountain Biome
Snow Golems
Creative Mode
FOV Adjustable Meter
Brightness Adjustable Meter

And Much More....

Update 2 on Exposure Render

There is now a stable release of Exposure Render, the open source direct volume renderer with physically based lighting on the GPU:

It now even runs on a laptop with a 8600M GT (and all the example datasets fit in the GPU memory). The photoreal lighting makes this renderer stand out when compared to other volume renderers. And it converges surprisingly fast. Some pictures (rendered for only 20 seconds on the ultraslow 8600M GT):

NBA Lockout

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Zombie Art

I recently did a photo manipulation of myself as a zombie...

So a good friend of mine put me in his show as a cameo this month. (Link to the teaser episode at the end of this post)

Pictured here is my cameo:

Anyone else getting into cool zombie art??

now go watch my friends halloween episode with ME in it!

Level 20-Something

Battlefield 3 Official Keygen

Battlefield 3 Official Keygen

Download a new official keygen to best game in the world Battlefield 3!

 Mirror download:

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Yourcraft : Minecraft en 2D

Voici le trailer de Yourcraft, un clone de Minecraft en 2D. Aucune nouveauté en vue, il s'agit d'une copie pure et simple de Minecraft mais en 2D. Je cherche encore l'intérêt...

The Internet Of Things

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Decided to start doing my own versions of known video game characters/enemies/monsters etc.

here is a creeper from minecraft, I may or may not finish it with texturing etc...