Friday, March 7, 2008

Prayer Points

Here is an abridged version of the prayer points that I have sent out on our prayer partners email list. If you would like to receive the prayer points via email - email me and let me know and I'll add you to the list.
  1. Praise God for the beginning of the Imagine Project, launched and commissioned on March 1st at the Diocesan Gathering. This is a significant boost for Connections as we come under this project, the leadership of Bishop Ross Nicholson, and a funding arrangement with Bush Church Aid (BCA).
  2. Consequently I have now finished up in the Parish of Wynyard. Saying goodbye was a moving time for me, but the time ended well and I can look back on the two and half years of ministry in Wynyard with a great deal of gratitude. Please pray for the Parish of Wynyard as they enter a time of transition.
  3. At Connections itself, God has brought a number of people to us and we have gained a number of families and young adults in the last few weeks. This something to thank God for, and to be grateful for the privilege that God is at work in us and through us. Please pray for all of us (newcomers and oldcomers) and particulary for wisdom for myself and the leadership so that we can best care for, pastor, empower and release this growing congregation.
  4. Please pray, in particular, for the playgroup - Time-Out - as it is goes through a time of transition with new leaders picking up responsibility for it. Please pray for the new leaders, for good relationship, purposeful conversation and interaction - and for persistence etc. as they complete safe ministry checks, and engage with the task at hand.
  5. Please pray for a new small group of musicians and others who are to commence meeting on Saturday evenings. They intend to practice music and to have all that soaked in the joys of Bible study, fellowship etc.
A passage that has touched me recently is from 1 Corinthians 2 - particularly verse 12 - "We have not received the spirit of the world but the Spirit who is from God, that we may understand what God has freely given us." Please pray for our region, that the Spirit would move, bring people to faith and an understanding of the wonderful gift of salvation that is in Christ Jesus.

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