Monday, April 14, 2008

April 2008 Prayer Points

Thankyou for continuing to pray for the Connections project. There is much to rejoice and much for you to uphold in prayer for us.
  1. Praise God for continuing growth in the life of the congregation. We have had growth in numbers but also a sense of depth. This Sunday in particular was a fantastic celebration of the baptism of little Isabella Grace. There was a sense of God's presence and a real engagement with the truths of the gospel. Please pray for continued growth in depth as well as breadth.
  2. Praise God for activities and services of Easter. The "Good Friday @ Five with Fish & Chips" was a time for making contact with people. Fusion Australia also ran an Easter community festival in the lead up to Easter which had some very positive outcomes.
  3. Please continue to pray for our administration and infrastructure. These are the things that can niggle and be stumbling blocks rather than good vehicles. Please pray for the owners of our venue as we consider ongoing terms of hiring, or the possibility of moving to a different venue. Please pray for good financial management etc.
  4. Please pray for Gill and I as we meet this week with the candidature committee for Bush Church Aid. BCA are kindly providing resources to us to help us kickstart into the current and next season of the church plant.
  5. We have grown in youth all of sudden - from people joining us, and from children growing into the youth age levels. We are working on proposals and things to invest in a youth ministry, building up through this year to be up and running by 2009. This is early days yet so please pray for things to go smoothly in this regard.
  6. Please pray as people complete safe ministry accreditation and begin to be released into new positions. Please pray for right spirit and closeness to God and steadfastness in the word for our leaders, wisdom and ability for those who minister and exercise gifts in the church.
  7. Please pray for new small groups that have started - Saturday night musicians group, Thursday morning daytime group, and Sunday night young adults group.
These prayer points go out on our "Mission Pray" email list. If you would like to receive them please let me know by emailing me.

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