Wednesday, May 21, 2008

May 2008 Prayer Points

Prayer points that have gone out on our "missionpray" mailing list. If you want to receive these prayer point emails please contact me.

Thankyou once again for your support in praying for Connections. The season we are in is an interesting one. In many ways we are building up to the "next wave" of how we push ahead with the work of the Kingdom in the Somerset region - and this means we need to be well-founded, and well-aligned with God's purposes.
Here are some prayer points that pertain to our current season, in no particular order:
  • Please pray for spiritual growth in our congregation. This is always a good thing to pray! But in a season of significant planning it is particularly important. Please pray for us in the sense of Paul's exhortation to the Philippians in 2:12-13 that we might heed the call to "continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose." Pray for courage for us to face the weaknesses, sins, and worldly patterns in our lives and find resolution of them in the Spirit of Christ.
  • Please pray for the "fact-finding" part of our season. We have some of our number going to Melbourne to explore the opportunities provided by a conference there. There are other avenues to explore - all with the aim of finding the best way to implement a culture of spiritual growth and substantial outreach.
  • Please pray for some who are beginning new aspects of ministry - preaching, service leading, music ministry, and more. Praise God for people willing to step out and "have a go." Particular thanks for the Saturday night musicians small group and the consequent increase (in all aspects) of our music team.
  • Please pray for the rising up of people into some key positions. In particular, pray for our KLT (Kids Learning Time) and children's ministry leadership. Please pray as we look to begin a youth ministry - for enthusiasm, paperwork and funding opportunities, and people to be inspired.
  • Please pray for our leadership as we seek God's wisdom in this season. Pray for Bp. Ross as he has returned from Long Service Leave and is into the thick of things.
  • Please pray for those who will be sharing their testimony of spiritual growth over the next few weeks in our Sunday gatherings.
  • Please pray for our small groups, and thank God for the young adults group that is coming together well.
  • Please pray once again as we look to change venue. It seems our current venue will be sold by its owners. This is an opportunity to be positioned well and we are approaching local schools etc. Please pray for opportunities to eventuate at the right time.
  • And finally, please pray for the Synod of the Diocese of Tasmania as it meets this weekend - please pray for myself and Jonathan who are the synods people at Connections.

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