Monday, July 21, 2008

July Prayer Points

These prayer points were recently sent out on our prayer email list.

1) Praise God for some of the excellent testimonies that have been shared during our Sunday meetings. It has taken some courage for some to speak up the front but each time of sharing has been helpful for many.

2) Please pray for the amount of administrative things that are happening in the coming month. Our first clear Connections-related budget is being produced along with financial projections and so forth.

3) Please pray for our next venue. We are in the process of considering a move into a local primary school and have begun to consider what the various and ongoing logistics would entail. Please pray for wisdom and creativity.

4) There have been a number of health and other crises amongst our members recently. Please pray for those impacted and those caring.

5) The local pastors group has organised an ongoing "pray-for-Burnie flag" that passes form church to church each month - the idea is that the church who has the flag focuses on the local region for prayer. It is our turn during July - please pray for the city of Burnie and its local region, of which Somerset is a part.

6) Please continue to pray for growth in small groups - an increase in their number, the raising up of leaders, and growth within them also.

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