Thursday, August 21, 2008

Prayer Points - August 2008

These prayer points we just sent to our prayer point mailing list. Please contact me if you would like to be added to that list:

Thankyou for continuing to support us by praying for the Connections congregation and the work of the gospel here in the North-West of Tasmania. This email list started off in preparation for the visit by the Ridley Mission Team - and it's been almost a year since that happened. The work, and prayer continue. Here are some points for this month:

1) We have been, and are being blessed, by a number of milestones and joyous occasion in people's lives. We have three engagements in our midst at the moment, all to be married before the end of the year. Babies are being born, people are being baptised and confirmed. It's great to see God at work in that wonderful mix of the ordinary and extraordinary that make up our lives. Please pray for those who will be at the centre of this occasions over the next few months.

2) Please pray for us as we go about organising some new programs that will help reach new people, and provide some of the foundational teaching and formation that people are thirsty for. Please pray for those preparing for baptism and confirmation as they go through the "Jesus All About Life" course. Please pray as we identify and train up facilitators for a Lifekeys "Search for Life" course and for those doing the organising. Please pray as we begin the early stages of having a clearly defined program for raising up and training leaders.

3) Please pray as we go about finalising arrangements for a Youth Worker and a Children's Worker and begin advertising. Please help us to "pray in" these harvesters.

4) Arrangements for using the local school as a Sunday venue are at the initial stages of being organised. Please pray for those participating in the negotiations and discussions and pray for favour with the various boards and committees that will need to give approval.

5) With a number of new comers and other factors, we are learning the importance for each of us to take responsibility for helping build a cohesive and unified church community. Please pray for us to be sharing life with each other well.

6) Please continue to pray for a thirst for God's Word in us and around us - that God will be at work in the people of Somerset and the Burnie area and that the seed sown through us will find fertile soil and the Spirit already at work.

Also, please pray for myself and for my family as I attend the EFAC National Conference in Melbourne before heading with my family to the BCA conference in Launceston.

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