Sunday, September 28, 2008

Prayer Points - September 2008

These prayer points were just sent out on our prayer support mailing list. If would like to join this list please email me.

Sorry that these are a bit late this month, and I'll blame it on school holidays and conferences and things!

Thankyou for continuing to support us in prayer. We are also now in the BCA prayer notes booklet.

Here are our prayer points for September:

1) Praise God for the milestone on September 14. On the first day of our fifth year we had a baptism and confirmation at the Cam River. Photos and details can be found here: It was a significant event and affirms the heart of our mission as we see lives switched on for Jesus! Please continue to pray for Dave, who was baptised in the river, and his family.

2) Please thank God for the many who put lots of energy, time and prayer in many acts of service that keep our community ticking over. People are stepping up to the plate in leadership and acts of service. Pray for this heart to spread! And please pray for more "harvesters" for the harvest in the next season and 2009.

3) Please continue to pray for our need to shift our venue. There have been some administrative hiccups recently with regard to considering a local school gym as a venue. Please pray for the way forward to become clear and smooth.

4) Please pray for those who will be attending facilitators training in the next month, preparing for the Lifekeys "Search for Life" course that we will be running in the new year.

5) Please continue to pray for those who run and help with our children's program - KLT - and for the raising up of those willing and able to work in the discipling of our older children.

6) Please pray for a new small group looking to start up with men in Somerset.

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