Sunday, November 30, 2008

Re-Vision - Kid's Christmas & Community

We've had a month in the Surf Club but in the lead up to Christmas we are again without venue - so picnics in the forest, church in the park and other like activities will abound. The season of adapting continues raising disconcerting but exciting questions of "who are we?" and "what are we doing?"

Often the answer to these sorts of questions revolve around a "returning." What was our original vision? What did God place on our heart at the beginning? Are we still heading that way or have we gone off course? Often we don't need new vision we need a re-vision!

One of the things that has been close to our heart as a church since the time we began was to be a presence in Somerset that helps to build Somerset as a community with a growing identity. For instance, if we have hopes and dreams about buildings to have or to make use of, they revolve around having a facility that can be, in the true sense of the word, a community centre.

One of the ways in which communities are built is through a sense of being able to "do things together" in the local space. So, for instance, earlier this year some of us were involved in an Easter festival ran at a local school with some local leaders from Fusion Australia - it brought kids and others together to simply have fun in the local space.

We are planning a "Kid's Christmas" time in the park on Christmas Eve. Not only is it an opportunity for those on the fringes of the church who want to some form of spiritual expression over Christmas (without interrupting Christmas Day) - it is also an opportunity to build community.

On the eve of Christmas we can provide a safe and accessible time for children and families to gather around, engage with the Christmas story. And so we can do something community-building while sharing some gospel truth at the same time. What an opportunity!

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