Sunday, December 7, 2008

Update: Observations from a Forest

I'm going to stop calling our current season "weird" - it's just "interestingly normal." I still get aghast looks from colleagues and friends when I tell them "no, we still don't have a permanent venue." And yes, there is tiredness and tedium involved in setting up, packing up, making sure people know where and when we are etc. etc. But the positives of being on this particular edge continue:
  • This Sunday just gone we met for a picnic at a local forest reserve. Spiritual input, lunch, hide-and-seek, cricket with the kids. Interestingly - many of our long-term group did not come along (partly due to a wedding the previous day) - and most of those who were there are those who have recently joined us or came for the first time that day. God's gift of "getting to know one another."
  • We are ramping up to having a "Kid's Christmas" in a marquee in a local park on Christmas Eve. So the next two Sundays will be in that same park. The physical "four walls" are gone and we just need to step up to the plate.

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