Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Prayer Points - January 2009

These just sent to our prayer points mailing list. Contact me if you want to receive these by email.


Dear Prayer Partners,

Apologies that this is later in the month than usual. Summertime has it's own complex routine! Thankyou in particular to those who made contact to let us know of your particular prayers - it is greatly appreciated.

For those keen to receive news about Connections, please go to In particular there are some photos of what has happened so far over summer at

Please pray, thanking God for

1) The success of our Christmas events - particularly the contacts made at Kid's Christmas on Christmas Eve.

2) The ability and opportunity of the local park - our Sunday outside gatherings have gone well with many bringing guests and visitors.

3) A qualitative growth within us - people willing to share, and pray for each other.

4) The number of those who have picked up using the "Connections @ Home" daily bible reading and journaling program. (More information

5) For the numbers amongst us getting married - a wedding was held at a local waterfall this past weekend.

Please pray for:

1) The upcoming transition out of summer - what do we do, where do we meet, how do we do it next? We are working on some options, please cover them in prayer - particularly our need for an ongoing children's program.

2) The children who have come forward for baptism and to be admitted to communion.

3) For those considering participating in our upcoming "Search for Life" discipleship program - particular for those for whom it would be of great benefit but are feeling hesitant in showing interest.

4) A continuing of spiritual growth - increased commitment to being part of a Christian community that is resident - gospel-focussed and counter-cultural - within the local community.



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