Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Prayer Points - March 2009

This recently went out on our prayer points mailing list:

Dear Supporters,

Thankyou for continuing to pray for the Connections Church project in Somerset. Thankyou in particular for those who have prayed for us over the summer while we have been meeting in the local park. We have recently moved our Sunday gatherings to a local primary school. If you would like to see photos you can click here:

Some prayer points for this month:

1) Please pray for our transition into the school hall. Particularly pray for us with the ongoing contact this is producing with many in the community.

2) Please continue praying for the number of couples amongst us who have recently been married or who are getting married shortly. Pray for good beginnings, good foundations, and a firm awareness of God's grace.

3) Our "Search for Life" lifekeys program has recently started. Please pray for those who are participating, for insight, courage, humility as they encounter the opportunity to grow in God.

4) Continue to pray for those who have leadership roles within our congregation.

5) Please continue to pray for the newcomers in our midst, for a sense of belonging and believing together.

6) Our KLT (Kids Learning Time) ministry on Sundays needs more (childsafe-endorsed) leaders. Please pray for new helpers and leaders and the necessary processes to get them on board.

God bless,


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