Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Prayer Points - July 2009 (Back on Deck)

Gill and I and family are back from holiday and starting to get back into our stride. Please excuse the absence between posts. There are some things coming up that I will reflect on here in this blog including the results of our Natural Church Development survey, the (re)creation of small groups, the stimulation of evangelism, Pioneer Ordained Ministry, the importance of action-reflection, and the formation of an updated Mission Action Plan. Hold me to it - I will blog!

Herewith latest prayer notes:

Dear Prayer Partners,

Thankyou for continuing to pray. You may have noticed an absence of correspondence in June. Gill and I and the children went on holidays during that time, catching up with people and touring parts of the mainland.

Please pray:

1) For Gill and I and the children as we settle back into the rhythm of life and the next season of ministry.

2) We have recently identified priorities for the church. They are, unsurprisingly, evangelism and small group ministry. With regard to evangelism, please pray for a reinvigoration of people's heart for God, a thirst for the gospel, and a ready-willing-and-able-ness to share the hope that is in them. With regard to small groups, please pray for us as we begin to approach and train some of the untapped potential leaders in our midst. Pray for those who are already putting their hands up.

3) Please pray for the local church community that has been rocked by sexual misconduct situation involving a youth leader (this time in another denomination) a number of years ago. This is yet another example in the Burnie region of abuse towards members of "Generation X" in their child and teen years - it makes ministry with that generation (the current parents of children) difficult and tenuous. Please pray for a breakthrough.

4) Please pray for one of our families who have been with us for a number of years (from when we were very small) who are now leaving us to take up missionary work in Asia. They are in the midst of packing and making arrangements. Help us to support them well and send them off with our blessing.

5) Ongoing prayer for this year is required for the amalgamation of our local schools. Please pray that the right arrangements are made, the right buildings are built, and the right people get the right jobs to make the new school community a great champion for our local children and local community. This is a key aspect of seeing Somerset advanced as a community.

God bless,


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