Sunday, August 16, 2009

Prayer Points - August

Recently sent out on our prayer email list:

Dear Prayer Partners,

We continue to appreciate your support as we continue in the task of Kingdom work here in Somerset and the local region.

Some points to guide your praying:

1) We recently sent out a family who are going to live in Asia bringing medical care to those who need it. Please pray for their travel, provision and wellbeing.

2) We have the joy of a number of people coming to church who have not been part of a church for many years. A key focus of our heart in this region is for the so-called "de-churched." Please pray for good relationships and the strengthening of our church community.

3) Relatedly, we continue to have interaction with a number of people who are involved in a situation involving sexual misconduct amongst church leadership (across a number of denominations) in the region. See Please pray for all those involved and for healing and growth to come
about even in the midst of pain.

4) Please pray for the local Parish of which we are a part. Our Annual Meeting was recently held and had some significant administrative aspects to address. Please pray for creativity and
generosity in the reviews and considerations that will flow from this. The other congregation (sometimes called the "Traditional" congregation) in the Parish is about to locate to renovated premises. Please pray for them as they formulate the specifics of their identity
and mission in a new location.

5) Our Connection Leadership Team is just about to begin the process of reformulating our Mission Action Plan (MAP). Please pray for wisdom and creativity and boldness as that process gets under way.

6) We understand that we will soon receive the green light to begin advertising for a Youth Minister. Please pray that we will find someone able to pioneer a ministry from the ground up. Please pray for those involved in administrating this and for all those specifically involved in our children's activities and KLT (Kid's Learning Times).

As always pray that we all may grow in Christ and follow him closely,



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