Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Real-time Energy Redistribution Path Tracing in Brigade!

A lot of posts about Brigade lately, but that's because the pace of development is going at break neck speeds and the intermediate updates are very exciting. Jacco Bikker and Dietger van Antwerpen, the coding brains behind the Brigade path tracer, seem unstoppable. The latest contribution to the Brigade path tracer is the implementation of ERPT or Energy Redistribution Path Tracing. ERPT was presented at Siggraph 2005 and is an unbiased extension of regular path tracing which combines Monte Carlo path tracing and Metropolis Light Transport path mutation to obtain lower frequency noise and converge faster in general. Caustics benefit greatly as well as scenes which are predominantly lit by indirect lighting. The original ERPT paper can be found at and offers a very in-depth and understandable insight into the technique. A practical implementation of ERPT can be found in the paper "Implementing Energy Redistribution Path Tracing" (

The algorithm seems to be superior than (bidirectional) path tracing and MLT in most cases, while retaining it's unbiased character. And they made it work on the GPU! You could say that algorithm-wise, the addition of ERPT makes Brigade currently more advanced than the other GPU renderers (Octane, Arion, LuxRays, OptiX, V-Ray RT, iray, SHOT, Indigo GPU, ...) which rely on "plain" path tracing.

The following video compares path tracing to ERPT in Brigade at a resolution of 1280x720(!) on a GTX 470:

This image directly compares path tracing on the left with ERPT on the right (the smeary pixel artefacts in the ERPT image are mostly due to the youtube video + JPEG screengrab compression, but I presume that there are also some noise filters applied as described in the ERPT paper):
ERPT seems to be a little bit darker than regular path tracing in this image, which seems to be a by product of the noise filters according to

On a side note, the Sponza scene in the video renders very fast for the given resolution and hardware. When comparing this with the video of Sponza rendering in the first version of SmallLuxGPU on a HD 4870 (which I thought looked amazing at the time), it's clear that GPU rendering has made enormous advancements in just a few months thanks to more powerful GPU's and optimizations of the path tracing code. I can hardly contain my excitement to see what Brigade is going to bring next! Maybe Population Monte Carlo energy redistribution for even faster convergence? ;)

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