Tuesday, May 31, 2011

1.7 Possiblilities

Some guy found somethings in the 1.6 Minecraft system and on Notch's twitter that suggest  that Sky Dimensions :D

 You think it's going to look like this??? Watch the video then.

He says another possibility is the Piston.

This is a video of the mod.

Downloading Other Worlds: Calculator

 The Add/Subtract Room, where you punch in the numbers
 The entire machine  Pic A
The entire machine Pic B

This is amazing! You can download this world and a few others under.

Planet Minecraft Homepage > Projects > Share Options > World Save

1.6.6 Out?

+ Added a new use for bonemeal
* Changed the material of glowstone from “glass” to “stone”. This means you need a pickaxe to get resources from it
* Made glowstone drop more loot
* Made the recipe sizes for creating cloth blocks and glowstone blocks smaller (2x2 instead of 3x3)
* Re-introduced unlimited FPS, renamed the option again
* Fixed beds not working very well at all in SMP
* Fixed destroying a boat spawning the player too low, causing them to sometimes fall through the ground
* Boats float up to the surface quicker
* Boats falling down into water lose their vertical momentum very fast
* Removed Herobrine

Awww... Herobrine's gone... xD

I enjoyed those Youtube videos of Herobrine. Like this one:

I hear there's going to be a 1.6.7... not for a week thankfully. ;) I just got my Single Player Commands mod back, and a new update shows up D:

Skin Shop Updated

Our skin shop has been upgraded! :D We're now selling skins found on the internet, and we're also selling parts!

Item Copyright: SkinEdit, SkinDex, Minecraft Skins

Views Skyrockiting??

Hmmm... interesting, it looks like we got 293 views in one day. :D Thank you for your views, keep visiting!

Edit: Okay, now our views are going down the toilet. What's going on here? xD

Your Nearest Power Plants on Google Maps

Wo ist das nächste Atomkraftwerk?This Google Maps application lets you find the location of the nearest nuclear power plants to your home. When you first load the map your location is automatically detected and lines are drawn on the map from your location to the nearest nuclear power stations. If you click on any of the marked power stations on the map you can view its age and its distance from

Herobrine Na versão anterior do 1.6.6??

Segundo Notch o patch corrigiu tais Bugs!!! o.OFoto retirado do Minecraft Forum

San Francisco Bike Routes on Google Maps

San Francisco BikeMapperThe San Francisco BikeMapper uses Google Maps to provide biking directions using all existing Class I, II and III bike routes in San Francisco, southern Marin County and northern San Mateo County.Using the BikeMapper it is possible to find the best bike route for your trip with turn-by-turn directions. To get directions you just need to enter your starting point and

Minecraft 1.7 : Mode Aventure

Minecraft 1.7

Notch a annoncé il y a peu que Minecraft 1.7 intègrerait un Mode Aventure. Il n'en a pas dit plus pour le moment mais on est en droit de se poser des questions.

Alors j'en appelle à votre imagination : A quoi pourrait ressembler ce Mode Aventure ?

Minecraft 1.7 : Mode Aventure

Notch a annoncé il y a peu que Minecraft 1.7 intègrerait un Mode Aventure. Il n'en a pas dit plus pour le moment mais on est en droit de se poser des questions.Alors j'en appelle à votre imagination : A quoi pourrait ressembler ce Mode Aventure ?

Sortie de Minecraft 1.6.6

Minecraft 1.6.6

Visiblement Notch était pressé de partir pour l'E3, du coup il s'est empressé de sortir Minecraft 1.6.6.

Voici la liste des changements :

* Nouvel usage de la poudre d’os (bonemeal)
* Dureté de la Glowstone identique à celle de la pierre. L'utilisation d'une Pioche est donc nécessaire pour récupérer les ressources.
* La glowstone drop en plus grande quantité.
* La recette pour crafter des blocs de laine et de Glowstone change : 2x2 contre 3×3 initialement.
* Retour des FPS illimités.
* Bug des Lits en multijoueurs corrigé.
* Bug sur les bateaux corrigé et diverses améliorations.
* Suppression d'Herobrine

Plus qu'à attendre Minecraft 1.7 :)

Sortie de Minecraft 1.6.6

Visiblement Notch était pressé de partir pour l'E3, du coup il s'est empressé de sortir Minecraft 1.6.6.Voici la liste des changements :* Nouvel usage de la poudre d’os (bonemeal)* Dureté de la Glowstone identique à celle de la pierre. L'utilisation d'une Pioche est donc nécessaire pour récupérer les ressources.* La glowstone drop en plus grande quantité.* La recette pour crafter des blocs de

Add Graffiti to Google Maps Street View

Paint Your StreetHave you ever wanted to spray your tag on the side of the White House or Buckingham Palace?Well now you can.At least you can virtually.Paint Your Street lets you add graffiti to Google Maps Street View. Anywhere that has Street View coverage can now be virtually daubed with your very own tag.Just log-in with your Facebook account, find your location on Google Maps and tag away to

Vidéo : Compilation Minecraft FAIL

Minecraft FAIL

Voici une vidéo géniale qui compile les plus beaux FAIL que l'ont peut subir dans Minecraft... Le tout réalisé avec beaucoup d'humour s'il vous plait. Bien joué ;)

Vidéo : Compilation Minecraft FAIL

Voici une vidéo géniale qui compile les plus beaux FAIL que l'ont peut subir dans Minecraft... Le tout réalisé avec beaucoup d'humour s'il vous plait. Bien joué ;)

Swedish Travel Tips with Google Map

ReseEkonomenThis Swedish language Google Map provides advice and tips about the favourite tourist destinations of the Swedish around the world. As well as providing travel tips from Mattias Varén the map also shows tips sent in by users. The yellow markers on the map indicate tips provided by Mattias and the green markers are those sent in by users of the map.It is possible to filter the travel

Fan Art : Creeper le Pirate

Si maintenant ils se déplacent même en bateau on est pas sorti de l'auberge... Satanés Creepers !

Creeper Pirate

Fan Art : Creeper le Pirate

Si maintenant ils se déplacent même en bateau on est pas sorti de l'auberge... Satanés Creepers !

Monday, May 30, 2011

[Minecraft] Optimized Jar 1.6.5

Notch released a new version of minecraft, and as usual, here i am, with the optimized one :)
But this time with a twist! There are two variants, both of which you should try and see which one works better with your machine!

(for information on how to install this file, read THIS post)

Downloads: Variant 1 | Variant 2

Again please note, these variants are two jars with two different kinds of optimizations, try both for optimal results!

Watching the Wheels

One of my favorite songs has always been Watching the Wheels by John Lennon. To me, it speaks volumes. I can understand where he’s coming from with the lyrics, and alternately with the original lyrics when he was toying around with the song as a demo.




I’m just sittin’ here watching the wheels go round n’ round… I really love to watch them roll.



He talks about people thinking he’s somehow lost his mind, how he couldn’t possibly be happy stepping away from it all and watching (occasionally dabbling). In the original lyrics he talks about how people give him advice about how not to throw his money away and try to save him from (financial) ruin, how he’d be happier if he owned the whole damned world.


But in the end, John Lennon was right.


He was much happier the way he lived life. From songs like Across the Universe (which Craig Lyons in SecondLife does amazingly well as a cover) to Strawberry Fields.


Nothing’s gonna change my world.


There’s no problems, only solutions.


I’m just sitting here watching the wheels go round and round. I really love to watch them roll. (Alternatively: I’m just sitting here watching the flowers grow) No longer riding on the merry-go-round. I just had to let it go.


I’m in a similar mind-set when it comes to virtual worlds and research. I don’t really have a stake in the outcome any longer, and stepped off that merry-go-round years ago. Sure, I dabble here and there, and even continue with research (and even have my hand in various development from time to time) but not like I used to; not like when I was on the full-time bandwagon and had a direct stake in the outcome. Now I simply write the research and participate in order to seed the fundamental ideas into the minds and move on. I already know where the future of virtual worlds will end up, and I’m just sitting here doing time (quite happily I might add) as I smile and watch the short sighted banter continue.


A lot of great ideas stemmed from my involvement in the industry over the years, and just as likely many near disasters were foretold in the same breaths. Conversely, however, I see the same things from both sides of the fence now. IBM has a natural stake in selling more powerful servers and virtualization technologies, maybe even facilitating cloud computing because, quite obviously, it’s feeding a mistaken need for more power to these centralized virtual environment systems. Of course they’d never tell you there is a better and cheaper way to go about it, because it’s against their best interests and bottom line.


The same goes for existing companies already in the virtual environment industry. There is never a better solution than the one they are willing to sell you. This is likely why we’ll not see a standard in place anytime soon – at least not concerning existing companies like SecondLife. No, Linden Lab is responsible for quite a lot of atrocities against their own community which the serious developers know about but Linden Lab sweeps quietly under the rug. You’d be amazed how many third party solutions LL quietly destroyed to stay ahead.


However, I’m not pointing this out to bash Linden Lab or any company, really. I’m merely pointing out that they are a company, first and foremost, and are willing to stab whomever it takes to stay in the game and on top. That’s just the nature of the business empire itself… and maybe people like Mark Kingdon (but that’s a private anecdote).


I realized something many years ago, which made me smile and move on.


You start to notice that the record begins to repeat after you listen too long. I already know there isn’t much that is going to change as time marches forward, but I still love to toss in the occasional ideas here and there and see if we’ve reached a point where the people who are in a position to benefit most are ready to listen. Most of the time those ideas will sit around on a shelf for four or five years before somebody suddenly thinks it’s a good idea and runs with it.


Or maybe not. It doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things. I don’t have a board of directors breathing down my neck to produce results at all costs, or millions of dollars sunk into a technology design that was built haphazardly. I simply don’t have a stake in the game, so I suppose you could say that I have no corporate influencer behind me. That’s always a good thing, except for those who do have corporate influences guiding their decisions.


I’ll make an amendment, though. I do have a stake in the outcome – a 100% stake in it, to be precise. But it’s an outcome that will come about on its own, and no existing company is likely going to make it happen. I just like to speed up the process a little bit, that’s all. I’ll live to see this outcome, and I’m willing to bet it’s not going to have a Linden Lab logo on it, either.


You’d think I’d be mad about the situation, but I continue to smile. The (virtual) world will continue on, regardless, and one day (maybe) it’ll catch up to the big thinkers in the field. Until then, we’re on the merry-go-round.


Except me. I’m watching the wheels go round and round.


I really love to watch them roll.

Greek Flights in Real-Time on Google Maps

Greek Aircraft TrackingAs one of Europe's favourite holiday destinations Greece sees a lot of aircraft traffic. This Google Map lets you view all the civil aviation flights over Greece in real-time.The map shows the location of all of Greece's major airports and of all the planes currently in flight in the country's air space. If you click on one of the plane shaped map markers you can view

Toilettes dans Minecraft grâce aux Trappes

Toilettes Minecraft

Voilà une utilisation bien sympathique que l'on peut faire avec les Trappes dans Minecraft. Personnellement, je compte bien me faire des Toilettes sur le même modèle... Trop fun !

Toilettes dans Minecraft grâce aux Trappes

Voilà une utilisation bien sympathique que l'on peut faire avec les Trappes dans Minecraft. Personnellement, je compte bien me faire des Toilettes sur le même modèle... Trop fun !

Historical Map Collections

One of the most popular uses of the Google Maps API since it was launched six years ago has been as a tool to view historical maps. The David Rumsey Collection, with its huge collection of historical maps, obviously stands out.However it does not stand alone.In the last six years Google Maps Mania has reviewed historical map mashups from the Netherlands, the UK, the USA, France, Japan and many

Foursquare on Google Maps

4sqmap4sqmap lets you view your foursquare check-ins on a Google Map and access all your other foursquare statistics.As well as viewing all the locations you have checked-in you can view all the places where you have earned badges and where you have become the mayor. You can also view the latest check-ins made by your foursquare friends.The map also allows you to search for the currently trending

What Does 16 Million Colours

Construction Minecraft : Patinoire de Hockey

Histoire de changer des Stades de Football dans Minecraft, voici une jolie et très réussie Patinoire de hockey. Un match Canada - USA semble se préparer.

Patinoire Hockey

Construction Minecraft : Patinoire de Hockey

Histoire de changer des Stades de Football dans Minecraft, voici une jolie et très réussie Patinoire de hockey. Un match Canada - USA semble se préparer.

Minecraft 1.6.6 en attendant Minecraft 1.7

Minecraft 1.7 n'est pas prêt de sortir. En effet, Notch a annoncé sur son compte Twitter qu'une Beta 1.6.6 était prévue pour cette semaine mais que Minecraft 1.7 devrait prendre un peu de temps. Dur de trouver du temps libre entre l'E3 et les vacances d'été...

Minecraft 1.6.6

Minecraft 1.6.6 en attendant Minecraft 1.7

Minecraft 1.7 n'est pas prêt de sortir. En effet, Notch a annoncé sur son compte Twitter qu'une Beta 1.6.6 était prévue pour cette semaine mais que Minecraft 1.7 devrait prendre un peu de temps. Dur de trouver du temps libre entre l'E3 et les vacances d'été...

Sunday, May 29, 2011

LA Noire mini review

First off let me just write that I did start off liking this game. I thought the facial animation and new spin on the Rockstar's line of games was great. It just gets repetitive and well.. you can tell from the below images why I started hating it.

The stupid clues: This was one actual scene I came across. The choice of looking at a fork or a spoon in a kitchen as clues. I didn't bother.. I'm sure you wouldn't either. I see you've played knifey spoony before.

Driving everywhere: I know you can make your partner drive but when did the 40s get teleporting or GPS anyway? I also figure any street crime that was happening atleast a 30 minute drive away was going to be over by the time I got there.

Every person running from you: FOR FUDGE SAKE! I wanted to shoot anyone who ran. I'd make a good cop. Especially the derpy guys who you knew had nothing to do with it. There isn't even an option to shoot them in the leg. I tried.

The obvious killer: OK so the Lipstick killer wasn't exactly obvious but you do start to realize a pattern and want to track the killer down on your own. Stupid clues.

The amount of clotheslines Phelps takes: You'd think with his Army training he would learn from his BLOODY MISTAKES! Rage. Or do some cool slide and then take the guy down.

There were other things that were starting to piss me off about the game and making me want to play less. Things like pathetic interviews where you can't prove the person is lying but you know they are by obvious eye twitches or smirks. Also how many characters are in the game but none you really get attached to.

I do still need to finish the game. I plan to tonight. I've only got a few more Arson missions left. Trust me. Solving arson cases isn't as fun as it sounds. Needs more fire. Less pissed off policemen.

"Don’t Stop Me Now" de Queen dans Minecraft

Queen Minecraft

Le niveau monte de semaine en semaine quand il s'agit de maîtriser les Blocs Musicaux dans Minecraft. C'est cette fois "Don’t Stop Me Now" de Queen qui est à l'honneur.

"Don’t Stop Me Now" de Queen dans Minecraft

Le niveau monte de semaine en semaine quand il s'agit de maîtriser les Blocs Musicaux dans Minecraft. C'est cette fois "Don’t Stop Me Now" de Queen qui est à l'honneur.

View Zip Codes on a Google Map

Zip Codes by RadiusHere is a handy application if you need to get zip codes around a particular location.Using the application you can enter an address or zip code and a radius size and view the location and all the surrounding zip codes within the given radius on a Google Map. The returned zip codes are also displayed in the map sidebar. If you mouse-over a listed zip code in the sidebar it is

The Hangover 2

So don't look at the below picture if you think I might spoil the movie for you. I'm not giving the whole storyline away but the similarities to the first one are just too obvious to ignore. There was no "Hey let's make it so they don't find the guy" or "let's add MORE penis jokes". I don't even see why the Doug character was in it.

I went to see The Hangover 2 today. I liked the first one and even though I laughed at the second I couldn't help but feel like I had pretty much watched the first movie again but in a different city with slightly different scenes. It's still funny in parts so go see it. The end photos always make me laugh the most.

User Submitted Screenshots (2)

e-mail your Minecraft screenshots, house, or creations to minecraftinspiration@hotmail.com
and I'll include it in the next post!

The Best Google Maps of the Week

El Microscopio del VotoThe 2011 Spanish electoral results in the context of historical electoral results and a vast range of demographic indicators. Using the map you can view electoral results since 1987 and discover how the electoral and socio-economic landscape of Spain has evolved over the last few decades.TU Delft CloudviewerTU Delft Clouvdviewer allows for the 3D exploration of massive

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Vidéo : Final Fantasy dans Minecraft

Final Fantasy Minecraft

Un fan de Final Fantasy s'est amusé à reproduire le Château de Figaro (FF6), le Château de Baron (FF4) et la Tour des Fanatiques (FF6) dans Minecraft. Je vous laisse découvrir ça en vidéo.

Pack de Texture : http://www.mediafire.com/?3hpawoh87zla8hc

Vidéo : Final Fantasy dans Minecraft

Un fan de Final Fantasy s'est amusé à reproduire le Château de Figaro (FF6), le Château de Baron (FF4) et la Tour des Fanatiques (FF6) dans Minecraft. Je vous laisse découvrir ça en vidéo.Pack de Texture : http://www.mediafire.com/?3hpawoh87zla8hc

Minecraft Beta 1.6.5

Minecraft 1.6.5

Afin de corriger certains bugs persistants, Notch s'est décidé à sortir Minecraft 1.6.5.

Au menu de cette mise à jour :

  • Item jetés puis récupérés ne disparaissent plus

  • Items récupérables quand on pose un bloc dessus

  • Luminosité s'adapte lorsque l'on creuse

  • Commande "shift+clic droit" dans coffre ne crashe plus le jeu

  • Mode Advanced OpenGL réintégré

  • Réglage de la limite de framerate : 40, 90 ou 200 FPS

  • Client Minecraft plus fluide

  • Lits en Multijoueurs

Minecraft Beta 1.6.5

Afin de corriger certains bugs persistants, Notch s'est décidé à sortir Minecraft 1.6.5.Au menu de cette mise à jour :Item jetés puis récupérés ne disparaissent plusItems récupérables quand on pose un bloc dessusLuminosité s'adapte lorsque l'on creuseCommande "shift+clic droit" dans coffre ne crashe plus le jeuMode Advanced OpenGL réintégréRéglage de la limite de framerate : 40, 90 ou 200

1.6.5 Out

1.6.5 released with only one purpose... a bug fix, equipment doesn't break on first use.

Keep mining guys! :D

Jack of All Trades (Master of None)


Thanks to @BevanWhitfield for convincing me to blog more frequently. While I may not be entirely coherent at this hour of the morning (8:00 AM is half past the crack of WTF for me) I’ll make my best attempt to ramble on in some semi-intelligent banter while I drink my coffee. I’m not exactly a morning person, per-se, but I figured what better time to write a post than over a fresh cup of mocha java while some random idea is still battling the Stay Puffed Marshmallow Man from the prior night’s dreams?


Anyways, it’ll be informal and less on the “intellectual” side with these sorts of posts, or maybe unintentionally intellectual. Probably a little rambling as well, but that’s what mornings are for.


This morning I’ll be writing about the penchant for technology to be heading toward this Jack of All Trades scenario where they offer a plethora of applications but don’t really do any one thing very well. In my mind, I’m essentially thinking about Portable Music Devices where there really isn’t a device that caters to an audiophile.


I’m sure there are suggestions to purchase an iPod Classic at 160GB and call it a day, but to be honest I’m not happy with the stranglehold that Apple seems to have on that end of the industry. I was checking out the WalMart.com website recently and they have the audacity to have a category for MP3 Players and iPods.




There’s a word for that, right there, but I’m not entirely awake enough to think of it. I will, however, convey that the feeling I got when seeing that before my eyes was roughly translated into a deep need to buy a plane ticket to Cupertino and punt Steve Jobs square in his pretentious crotch.


Wait.. that’s the word!


Ok, moving on.


The point is, I’m an audiophile. Many years of listening to audio (music, binaural, holophonic, digital and analog) has pretty much set my discerning ears into the high end experience. This also means that I have an extensive collection of audio at my disposal (and a 1TB external HD). I’d like to make that 5TB if I could, but there seems to be a bottleneck in the process, which is that there really exists no Portable Audio Player that will cater to Audiophiles.


I’d say MP3 player, but to be honest I’d rather listen in uncompressed WAV or FLAC for higher quality, and as we know that requires more storage for the higher file sizes. I currently have an antique MP3 player (Creative Zen Touch) that contains a 20GB internal HD for storage. I suppose compared to the latest iPod touch and its measly 8GB storage (64GB if you are willing to mortgage the house) it’s a blessing. If I look at the iPod Classic it’s 160GB which is definitely larger than my current Creative Zen Touch (20GB), but I’m a tech guy…


So what is that supposed to mean?


Well… look… We’re in an age when you can buy a portable 1TB HD with a USB connection for $99.00 at a local Staples, and the best Apple can offer is 160GB for an iPod Classic for $249? Better yet, a 64GB iPod Touch for $399 is highway robbery… I don’t give a rats ass what it can do because I only want my portable music player to be able to do one thing exceedingly well.


Play music.

iPod Touch

Only Apple would downplay the ability to play music on their own MP3 players…



I’m confused. Clearly a 160GB HD doesn’t cost much, and nowhere near enough to qualify $249 on an iPod (let alone $399 for less than half the storage). But then, this is why I dislike Apple. The whole hermetically sealed shut bullshit with their products, and charging more for their products than they are remotely worth, simply because people will pay it. Not to mention offering the product in a different color (white) and acting like it’s an entirely new launch product.


To each their own, really. I can’t drink that particular batch of Kool-Aide.


But back to this whole Portable Music Player thing…


As an Audiophile I actually demand more from the products I buy. But there is a certain set of guidelines I’d like to lay out to any company that would like to topple the iPod as the reigning master of music, and immediately garner respect from true audio lovers (not to mention their money)


1. 500GB HD as the entry model. 1TB for the Pro version.


This is a no brainer. People who love music and audio have a lot of it. As in, more than probably the entire neighborhood combined. We love audio. That much. We want to essentially drag a large chunk of our collection over to the device and not have to do this again for at least a month or three. 500GB hard drives are cheap, and for a professional audio player, tacking on an additional $99 for a 1TB model wouldn’t phase them. Offer both the ability to install software onto the user’s computer (with their consent) that will allow them to stream their local music collection to the device over the internet as well as a subscription cloud storage option for those who don’t want to use the local streaming option from their computer.


2. Discerning ears require a real audio output. Take your 4 band equalizer and shove it. Give us something like Izotope Ozone 4 built into the device and really let us experience audio. This is also the same mastering system I have installed and use through Winamp when listening to audio on my laptop and I settle for nothing less. Make sure the hardware aspect of the device can handle full High Definition Digital Audio output as well.




This is the type of Graphic EQ I want to see on my Portable Audio Player



3. Full color capacitive touch screen. Responsive and elegant. Intuitive GUI.


4. No, we don’t want your software suite installed on our computers to manage our collection.


We’re anal retentive about our music collection. We’ve sorted it just the way we want it. I ran iTunes once, and only once, on my computer only to have it immediately decide to retag, re-sort and otherwise bastardize my music collection the first time it ran.


Never again.


If you see Steve Jobs, kick him in his pretentious balls for me. That man cost me a month of time undoing the damage to my collection.


Unless you employ actual audiophiles who are fanatical about their audio collection, pay your employees to work out how to build the actual audio player instead.


5. Take your apps store and fsk off. I want a portable audio player that plays audio immaculately well, not a device that does countless things piss poorly. If I wanted to play Angry Birds on my MP3 Player I’d have … wait, strike that. I don’t give a damn about Angry Birds. I listen audiobooks, Old Time Radio Dramas, and high end music audio. If I wanted to plays games, surf the Internet, write emails, and video chat I’d be using my laptop.


I always laugh when I hear the argument about why Tablet computing is the future because PCs apparently don’t do anything well. Tablets have a future, mind you, but they are a technology that does everything mediocre at best. It’s not a laptop replacement by any stretch of the imagination. If anything they are a quick fix for Internet or whatever app you want to download, but when you want to get anything serious accomplished it’ll sit in the corner and collect dust.


I like to call it “Disposable Computing Experience”.


Which brings me to the next point.


I want a portable music player built for audiophiles, not a tablet computer that does a million things half assed. I don’t care if it plays videos, or my photo album. I sure as hell am not interested in a 2 year service contract with a mobile phone company just to use it either. Have enough common sense to build speedy WiFi into it, but never forget that this device is meant to focus on playing music amazingly well as its first goal.


If you want to throw in bluetooth access, I’m cool with that, but only if it can sync to my computer to wirelessly transfer my audio collection as well as double that bluetooth capability for wireless headphone usage. You may as well build a receiver for that which I can connect to my home audio system to stream my music from the device wirelessly. You also include a bluetooth remote as well, for when I have my device synced to the home audio system, or maybe have it sitting on a table while I wander around with my wireless headphones.


So here’s the plan:


Capacitive touch screen, and intuitive interface. Honeycomb 3 Android OS, and at least a dual core processor with plenty of RAM. While we’re at it, toss in an nVidia Tegra processor for GPU.


I understand that solid state memory is still in a high-priced sucky stage in technology, so if you can only manage 64GB onboard that’s just fine. I still want to see 500GB and 1TB availability for my entire music collection, or at least a large chunk of it. Give me the option to set up software from you (one of the few softwares you should offer with this unit) to run in the background and stream my local music collection to my device through the Internet. This way, with a wireless Internet connection, my portable music device is as large as my home computer storage is. If I happen to have 5 TB of storage for my music collection, then my Portable Music Device Table has that much as well.


The unit should be no larger than an iPod Touch, but you are free to make it thicker to accommodate the features.


Built-in rechargeable battery with at least 20 hours of listening time. The battery must also be replaceable, even if we have to order a replacement from your company.


Izotope Ozone 4 level of graphic equalizer and pre-processing ability for the audio.


Bluetooth ability, obviously.


Price the unit sanely. 64GB of storage is not your cue to charge $400 for an audio player. Much the same way that $899 is not an appropriate price for a tablet computer (I’m looking at you Apple, Verizon and Motorola). Try an entry price of about $250 for the 64GB unit but only if it has the WiFi Sync ability (to stream music from my home computer over the net).


In short, build a portable music player that actually kicks ass for once.

Grand Theft Auto IV in Street View

Grand Theft Auto IV - Custom Street ViewI think this might just be one of the most awesome things I've seen ever. This Google Map lets you explore the whole of Liberty City, from Grand Theft Auto IV, in Street View.GTA4.net have created custom Street Views of the whole of Liberty City and added them to this Google Map. The map shows all the important locations in the game, such as health & weapon

HTML5 & Google Maps

GIS Cloud HTML5 CanvasThis Google Map demonstrates the advantages of using HTML5 canvas to create an overlay for a map.What impresses me most about the map is how fast the canvas element is drawn on the map. There are a few thousand polygons on this map and they load seamlessly. If you zoom in and out on the map you can really appreciate the speed with which the polygons are displayed.I think the

Power Claw Concept

Got a request for a claw concept based off of the "Ork" "powa klaw" from warhammer 40k.

getting there...