Monday, September 12, 2011

Video of Octane Render rendering in real-time on 8x GTX580s

I just saw a very impressive video on Youtube, showing real-time rendering of a complex interior scene with Octane Render using eight GTX 580s. Octane Render has very recently improved its "direct lighting/AO" kernel which includes a new ambient occlusion preset and a diffuse indirect lighting option (there are now separate sliders for specular, glossy and diffuse path depth and a slider for AO distance) so that it is now capable of rendering very realistic looking interior scenes extremely fast:

Screengrab from Youtube:

Some observations:

- in contrast to the type of scenes that is usually used to show off unbiased renderers (wide open outdoor scenes with shiny cars and lots of direct lighting from a skydome or sun/sky) this is an interior scene that is mostly lit by indirect lighting with many glossy surfaces

- the scene in the video contains more than 1.3 million triangles

- rendered at very high resolution (1500x1000 pixels)

- perfect scaling with number of GPUs (99-100% extra performance per additional GPU)

- while navigating through the scene, the image remains remarkably clear and recognizable without ever degenerating into a pixelated mess of big, blocky (and often black) pixels

- convergence to a noise-free image is extremely quick

It's not hard to imagine that this renderer will be truly real-time with the upcoming generation of GPUs (according to Nvidia, Kepler will be more than twice as fast at path tracing as Fermi, just like Fermi is 2-4x as fast as Tesla (GT200) thanks to caches and other improvements (see and AMD's Graphics Core Next will be much more focused on GPGPU computing than previous architectures). These graphics can be rendered noise-free in real-time at high resolution with techniques like adaptive sampling, image reconstruction, compressed sensing (a hot topic in medical imaging currently), edge-aware filtering of indirect lighting (e.g. the a-trous wavelet noise filter), extraction of spatiotemporal coherence with reprojection, path regeneration, reusing samples with frame averaging and frameless rendering. Rendering complex, 100% photorealistic scenes in real-time is much closer than commonly believed and cloud rendering will play a key role in accelerating this process.

UPDATE: another interior animation rendered on a Nvidia GTX 590 with Octane Render's new indirect diffuse lighting/AO kernel:
Rendertime per frame: ~1 minute, 1024 samples per pixel (see screenshot in this thread). This is absolutely amazing...

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