Monday, March 12, 2012

Win a copy of Margaret Atwood's lurid new dystopian short story

Brand new fiction from Byliner, Margaret Atwood's I’m Starved for You:
Margaret Atwood, one of the most prophetic authors of our time, delivers a fictional tale of sexual obsession that is equal parts Tom Jones and Brave New World. A hilarious yet harrowing story that lays bare the very real dangers of trading liberty for safety, I'm Starved for You evokes the irrepressibility of human appetite and asks just how far a man and a woman are willing to go to get what they’re truly hungry for.
It's a lurid, pulpy, dystopian thriller with a shocking and satisfying ending. You can read the first page or so here. I was sucked right in.

You can buy it for the Kindle at Amazon.

I also have one digital copy to give away. For a chance to win, simply comment on this post and include your email so I can contact you if you win. One comment per person, and this contest is open worldwide. I'll pick a winner Sunday night.

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