Friday, June 20, 2008

Prayer Points - June 2008

This from our monthly prayer letter:

Dear Prayer Partners,

Thankyou for your ongoing support in praying for Connections and the work of the gospel in Somerset and the Burnie region of Tasmania.

1) Praise God for a young couple who recently gave their lives to the Lord. It was a great privilege to pray with them in their home as they turned to Christ. Please pray for them and their baby daughter as they take their next steps in a Christian journey. Please pray for their encouragement and nurture, and also pray for ongoing spiritual growth for the rest of us.

2) Praise God for the blessing of provision through BCA. Gill and I are now officially BCA Field Staff with a commissioning to happen soon. The financial and prayer support of the BCA network is a vital resource in the next stage of Connections. Thank God for BCA

3) Please pray as we tackle some significant planning and strategic direction administratively in the next little while, including budgeting and finanical planning for the next five years. This administrative framework needs to be there to serve the gospel ministry of outreach and growth, please pray for discernment and creativity and for the gospel vision to be well communicated through this area.

4) Please continue praying for those who are taking the bold step of sharing something of their testimony at our Sunday meetings.

5) Please pray for God to prepare those whom he has set aside for ministry work in the area of children and youth in our congregation. Please pray for the raising up of these leaders from within or from outside of the congregation.

6) Please join with us in praying for the local primary schools - Somerset Primary School and West Somerset Primary School. We have "adopted" these schools through the initiative. The schools are currently considering an amalgamation process - a process full of emotion - so please pray for a covering of grace in that area.

7) Please continue to praying for our small groups.

If you have any encouragements or questions please feel free to contact me. It's a joy to touch base with the wider body of Christ who are supporting us in prayer.


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