Saturday, September 13, 2008

First Sunday, Fifth Year

Today is the first Sunday of the fifth year of Connections. And what a way to celebrate it! Our dear brother Dave McPherson was baptised today in the Cam River. Dave's fiance, Emily, reaffirmed their faith, and their daughter Kiara was also baptised (but not in the river).

Dave came to Jesus a couple of months ago. It has been a joy and delight to see how God has been at work in him and his family and he has taken his place amongst us. The Missioner Bishop (Training & Projects) in the Imagine Project, Ross Nicholson, was with us and following the baptism confirmed Dave in his faith.

It had been a miserable day today - the weather was blustery and rainy. The rain stopped as Dave and I entered the water, the sun burst through the clouds as he came up out of the water and lasted until we prayed and declared God's truth following the confirmation. I'm not usually one to wax lyrical about metereological coincidences but it was truly profound. The truth of the gospel was demonstrated and declared in public as a firstfruits of conversion growth of the church in this time and place.

And the shared life of Connections continues. Four birthdays to celebrate amongst the children - where the children prayed for each other. And another engagement to rejoice in. Please continue to pray for us to depend on God and to grow in Him in the way He would have us go.

Photos courtesy Jonathan Adamczewski

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