Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Prayer Points - December 2008

This was just posted to our prayer points email list:

Dear Prayer Partners,

We are into December and the Connections Summer has begun. Our first
December Sunday followed a wedding of a couple in our congregation and it
was great to spend the next day picnicking together in a local forest
reserve (You can find a picture here:

We are now ramping up to our "Kid's Christmas" event on Christmas Eve in our
local park. The aim here is twofold: Firstly, to seize the opportunity of
Christmas to present the gospel. Secondly, to do so in a way that builds
community, an accessible activity in a public space.

We are still making use of the local park and the local surf club as a
venue. We recently had a bit of a "problem" with the local council
triple-booking the park with other organisations. But to "do church" in
semi-public view and to follow up with bbq and fun on the beach is good for
us. We want it to be known that "Sunday morning and lunchtime something is
happening in the park."

We are still on the learning curve, however, and value your prayer.

1) Please pray for our times in the park - the key aspect of our
"Connections Summer." Pray that we are able to interact well with those who
see us, and that they will join us in some way - at least in conversation.
Pray for those who are willing to run kid's activities and the like each
Sunday lunchtime.One thing we are feeling the lack of at the moment is

2) Please pray for fine weather each Sunday!

3) Pray for our Kid's Christmas event at 5pm Christmas Eve. The reaction to
our advertising has been positive. Pray for the logistics and for those
preparing things for that time.

4) One of our difficulties at the moment is how to incorporate all ages
within our Sunday gatherings. Please pray for us as we work out how,
especially, we minister to our children. Please pray for the provision of
workers in this regard.

God bless,


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