Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Update 4 on Cornell Box Pong

Here is the latest animation. I've made the reflecting sphere in the background bigger, so you can clearly see the Pong ball bouncing its way through the scene. Still a simulation, animation consists of 28 frames (3 seconds/frame rendertime on a Geforce 8600 GT M).

And 2 youtube videos:


Download scene (needs tokaspt to run)

The benefits of real-time path tracing in this scene are obvious and impossible or very difficult to achieve with rasterization based techniques:

- refraction in the glass sphere in front
- reflection on curved surfaces
- diffuse interreflection, showing color bleeding on the background spheres and on the Pong ball
- soft shadows behind the background spheres and under the Pong ball when touching the ground
- true ambient occlusion (no fakes as used by SSAO, or the much better quality AOV) when the balls approach ceiling or floor
- indirect lighting (ceiling, parts of the back wall in shadow)
- anti-aliasing (multiple stochastic samples per pixel)

Now I want to focus on getting the game code ready.

Update: I've made the room higher and all the walls, celing and floor are now convex, which should simplify the collision detection:

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