Monday, June 27, 2011

Sparse voxel octree with real-time global illumination and dynamic geometry

Cyril Crassin has posted a very nice video on his blog at showing the latest developments in his sparse voxel octree research which will be presented at Siggraph 2011 in Vancouver.

Major improvements on previously published results ( include real-time indirect lighting (for diffuse and glossy materials) and support for fully dynamic voxel objects (by fast mesh voxelization and updating the voxel octree in real-time). There has been research in animated sparse voxel octrees before (using rasterization, see,, and, which doesn't look as detailed as Jon Olick's raycasted static sparse voxel octree tech from Siggraph 08), but this is the first time it's being done with ray casting (cone tracing actually).

The global illumination algorithm resembles photon mapping: instead of photon tracing, the scene is rasterized from the perspective of the light source and radiance is stored in the octree, followed by filtering in screen-space and a final gathering step using approximate cone tracing. More details:

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