Friday, September 30, 2011

The Influential Power of Print

Influential Power of Print

Office Pet Peeves

by LinkedIn via

Business Card Face Off


14 Epic Tech Fails

Thursday, September 29, 2011

In-depth video on micropolygons in OpenGL

Anyone interested in OpenGL and micropolygons should definitely check out the following 1-hour-long video presentation by Kayvon Fatahalian, "Evolving the OpenGL Graphics Pipeline in Pursuit of Real-Time, Film-Quality Rendering":

Lots of interesting insights in the future of GPU hardware.

Minecraft 1.9 Pre-release 2

Yes guys Minecraft 1.9 Pre-release 2 is here. Jens Bergensten has just publicized that the Minecraft Beta 1.9 Pre-release 2 is now available to download. There isn't really much added to the game just some new items. There Is A New Mode Which Is Called " Hardcore Mode" In That Mode If You Die 1 Time You Will Have To Delet The World.. You Will Not Re Spawn..

Minecraft Blog

In this blog basically what i'm going to do is to update you guys for minecraft beta! I will talk to you guys about minecraft mods, and the new updates in the releases of minecraft. Stay tuned!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Fifa 2012 Keygen Download

Fifa 2012 Keygen Download

 Download new keygen here:

Mirror download:

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Real-time dynamic GPU path tracing

A small teaser of something I'm working on, rendered in real-time on a GeForce GTS 450:

12 samples per pixel, max path length = 4, 584x266 render resolution, Stanford Bunny with 69k triangles (rendered in about 0.4 seconds on a low-end GTS450):

This will eventually become a full-fledged game inspired by this video:

I need to draw more

I played a game on Twitter where I let people put in suggestions for me to draw. Some crazy people suggested the following:

An Island Unto Themselves

#Marketing in the Prosumer Culture

For many of you, this post will seem a bit dull, but the implications from it are far reaching and profound. I'd like to state up front that this sort of topic is my forte' and I regularly advise on this to what often seems like an entirely baffled room full of executives (not to mention lawyers who are ready to grab pitchforks and torches) - but as I've often said in those situations: Bare with me, because what I'm about to say is probably the most important thing you could hear on the matter. (small_island)
We live in a digital culture of sharing and mashup, where 1's and 0's are interchangeable and cheap. It doesn't matter to the prosumer culture whether those ones and zeros are configured in a manner that yields a photo, mp3 or streaming video - what matters is the sharing of ideas and media that pertain to their topic of interest at that moment.

On the subject matter, the best advice I can give stems from what I like to refer to as the Gospel of Virtual Environments, but for most you would know it as Lessons Learned From Lucasfilm's Habitat. Written by Chip Morningstar and F. Randal Farmer in 1991, this synopsis addressed the lessons they learned from running a massive multi-user virtual environment in the late 1980's on the Commodore system known as Habitat, and while the graphics were definitely paltry by today's standards, the lessons are just as important today as they ever were - because they address the underlying nature of technology as well as the attitudes of people that use those types of systems.

One of the most important lessons from that synopsis was simply:

Work within the system

And while this lesson is open to interpretation, the story that accompanied it really set the stage for understanding how not to address prosumers in a digital age if your goal is to protect IP, or system type mechanics/rules.

I won't go into the entire story here (it’s available at the end of the post as a link for reading), but I will address the fundamental understandings that came out it, and how they still apply today in the digital world context.

Essentially what it boils down to is this:

If you are a company with a brand and IP to protect, you have more options today in order to enforce it than you did twenty years ago utilizing traditional methods. The landscape has changed quite a bit, and the 1's and 0's of today are agnostic, while the mentality of the prosumers is that of simply sharing for the sake of conversation or furtherance of devotion to a particular brand or image. In modern context, this still holds true on a much wider basis than it did twenty years ago, and so our defacto arsenal of "cease and desist" and litigation often times is met with an outstanding backlash in the wider sphere of digital culture, causing more damage and loss than had the entity utilized the "Work within the system" lesson.

No better example of this sort of backlash (humorously named the Streisand Effect) can be given than that of the RIAA and MPAA with many years of fighting and litigation efforts to curb or eliminate the acts of piracy among Peer2Peer networks. It is now over ten years later and such an approach has not only cost those entities more than it's worth to enforce, but has had the opposite effect to curbing the "violations" worldwide - eliminating single file P2P systems like Napster, Limewire, etc but giving rise to massive file collection P2P systems like BitTorrent where no longer single files are shared but large quantities of files as a single "set".

Where the RIAA wanted to stop music piracy by shutting down places like Napster which offered single tracks per download, they ended up fostering a worldwide backlash that is BitTorrent where finding a single track is unlikely versus searching for the entire discography of the artist for download. Clearly, this is throwing gasoline on the fire and acting surprised that the fire did not go out.

The interesting thing about all of this is simply the fact that digital culture and mashup mentality often do a much better job at proliferation of ideas and content than even multi-million dollar marketing campaigns, creating new content from multiple sources that transcend the originals – beneficial to multiple entities all at the same time, as we see in the Gwen Stefani vs Britney Spears music mashup below titled “Tick-Toxic”.

Whatcha’ waiting, whatcha waiting, whatcha waiting for? Prosumers aren’t as Toxic as you think.

Working within the system entails an unorthodox methodology, in that the proper approach to "infringement" no longer is a black or white scenario, but instead many shades of grey for the negative approaches (and in methods that offer mutual gain, 16.7 million colors of awesome) - often entirely dependent on the situational context. While cease and desist options and litigation are still a part of that arsenal of enforcement, it no longer constitutes the cut and dry option, and in fact should be the absolute last option to be enacted - instead of the first or only.

When you find yourself looking to protect IP or a brand, the first question that should be asked is no longer "How do we stop this infringement?" but instead should be "How do we monetize this situation, foster its growth and make it work for our own benefit?" - aka: Working within the system.

Working within the system entails a willingness to work with the people involved in that system on the same grounds and foundation that those people utilize within that particular system, whether that be business or individuals (prosumers) in order to foster a mutually beneficial situation while limiting the constraints that would cause a backlash and do widespread harm. Think of it like trying to disarm a nuclear weapon - you wouldn't go in and bash it with a sledgehammer for fear that you could cause a massive explosion. Instead you handle it delicately and with foresight for the bigger picture. Cease and Desist (litigation) is your sledgehammer, and should only be used as a last resort.

Instead we should first think about ways to work within the system at hand, for our own benefit (because we are still self-interested as companies) but also in a way that addresses the underlying and fundamental need of the prosumer mentality to spread and share IP, Brands and derivatives of those properties.

One of those many shades of grey happens to be simply allowing the proliferation of the IP or brand to continue while adding only monetization or supplemental marketing to the situation. This can be seen today in the general approach by Youtube where music in the user created videos is now more likely to come with a link saying who the artist is, the name of the song, and a direct link to purchase that music. This, in turn, offers a solution to working within the system and IP infringement in that the question answered was no longer "How do we stop this infringement?" and instead "How do we utilize this infringement to our own and their benefit?".

In the case of Youtube, however, while the approach is sound there is still no method to actually handle the mashup and derivative offerings that spawn in abundance from this culture – as we can see from the Tick Toxic video where both Tick Tock from Gwen Stefani and Toxic from Britney Spears is put together for a new take on two songs, Youtube only recognizes the Gwen Stefani part as the music to tag and offer for purchase (catching only half of the potential).

In the long run, prosumer integration of your IP or brand in derivatives or outright is the best form of free marketing for your brand or IP that you could ever hope for. You would never think to shoot down free marketing on your behalf, especially when things like videos on Youtube have this wonderful habit of "going viral" wherein hundreds of thousands if not millions of people share and view those videos, giving the brand or IP massive amounts of free exposure. The trick to all of this is to look at it from a marketing perspective and not a legal perspective.

Prosumer culture is the predominant force in the digital age, and we are best served by allowing that system of understanding to proliferate with little or no negative intervention. While this flies in the face of the crack legal team on call at most companies who want nothing more than to fight the good fight, the benefits far outweigh the costs in the long run - and only serve to offer additional revenue models, and widespread marketing and goodwill among this global system if approached properly with complete understanding.

What we have today are companies that essentially shoot first, and ask questions later (if they bother asking at all) with their DMCAs, Cease and Desists and litigation. This is detrimental on the whole because of the prior notion of the Streisand Effect, moreso because it fosters an "island unto yourself" mentality, cutting you off from the system in ways that would otherwise be beneficial on a massive scale, turning instead to a methodology that actually harms you and your brand/IP.

In order to succeed in the digital age, we must understand that we are not an island unto ourselves. This is true not only in social media of all types, but in the greater scope of the digital culture we rely on today. The rules of engagement here are different than we were taught traditionally, and we need to be willing to think creatively and innovate if we want to truly excel. While cease and desist, as well as possibility of litigation still remains, we need to keep our perspectives in check, resorting to that route only when all other possibilities are exhausted and explored in context.

Remember: Prosumers aren’t as Toxic as you think they are. They could very well be the fountain of youth to invigorate your brand and IP on a global scale.

Further Reading
Lessons Learned From Lucasfilm's Habitat:
The Streisand Effect (Wikipedia):

A few details on Imagination's PowerVR GPU with Caustic Graphics hardware ray tracing

A few days ago, an article appeared on the Japanese website about an in-development PowerVR GPU, the PowerVR RTX, which is said to have integrated ray tracing hardware from Caustic Graphics (acquired by Imagination Technologies in December 2010). The article is in Japanese, and the Google translated version is barely understandable:

Monday, September 26, 2011


Hello everyone!

I hope that I will be able to publish a new video, a pretty big cathedral. I actually made it  a couple of months ago but somehow I lost the savefile. Right now i´m on my way building it up again! Link to some pictures of the cathedral!

Camera Advance 1.9.3 CyberAndroid


Camera Advance 1.9.3 CyberAndroid

Overview: Full featured picture camera app.

Requirements: Android 2.1+

Camera features:
- Timer
- Burst picture capture
- Reduced racket by capturing multiple photos (a.k.a tripod mode)
- Panorama fashion produces a panoramic angle effort from 3 photos (different than 360 panoramas, exclusive on based devices)
- Zoom (only on based devices)
- Exposure Compensation (only on based devices)
- Live camera histogram (best on Android 2.2 and up)
- On concealment camera aids to getting prizewinning photos: installation and Fibonacci spiral
- Built-in picture gallery with multi-touch
- Easy UI with swipe to hide
- Configure volume buttons for zoom or picture capture
- On concealment estimate of photos mitt (accuracy depends on sound used)
- Uses class device to embed camera class content in photos

What's in this version:
-Save to outside storage

Swirl Pro - A Wine Guide vP.2.8.4 CyberAndroid


Swirl Pro - A Wine Guide vP.2.8.4 CyberAndroid

Overview: Swirl helps you encounter intoxicant and road favorites with tags, notes, and pictures.
Requirements: Android 2.0+

Swirl Pro - A Wine Guide lets you see hundreds of thousands of wines from, view varietals and pairings.
You crapper add your possess intoxicant notes, pictures and tags to intoxicant to road favorites.

Pro adds so such more flexibility including, but not restricted to the following:
Stop looking at ads
Be supportive
Custom tags for your intoxicant categorizations
Add your possess wines
Hide items you don't use from the bag page
Display your possess tags on the bag page
Find your possess wines in search
Share intoxicant lists with other pro users

What's in this version:
-Updated UI
-Higher quality images when viewing wines
-Personal intoxicant categories/lists
-Track everything in your cellar
-Keep road of intoxicant gifts
-Minor fault fixes

Superuser 3.0 Final Elite CyberAndroid


Superuser 3.0 Final Elite CyberAndroid

Overview: Superuser grants and manages root permissions on your rooted phone. This collection gives you admittance to added features not available to basic users.

Requirements: Android OS 1.6+, Rooted phone

Proposed Elite features:
- Advanced index management
- Per app notification/logging settings
- Settings backup/restore
- Busybox/sqlite installer/verifier
- Root console
- A widget of some kind?
- OVER 9000!!! (It's a feature, deal with it)

Current player features include:
- Advanced index management
- Per app notification/logging settings
- Pin endorsement for Superuser prompt
- Ghost mode
- Featured Root apps list

What's in this version:
Fixed layout on non-Honeycomb tablets
Better direction of fragments on tablets
Compatibility for Donut restored
Fixed fault that caused capricious results when an app is remembered that was previously allowed
Backup/restore of apps and preferences
Fix for Superuser intellection the star is noncurrent when it’s not
Major speed process for notifications and logging
Show seconds in index defaults to off now
Fix FC when trying to swipe left/right in HomeActivity
Fix changelog edition tracking, exclusive show what’s changed since the last instance the changelog was displayed on launch

Always check update su star after revive device) on Android 2.2.1!

Shark Attacks

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Minecraft Mayhem

Things I’d love to see @Notch add in future #Minecraft updates

It’s no secret that I’m a fan of Minecraft, that wonderful indie game from Mojang that has millions of players who have paid twenty dollars for a perpetual beta. It’s not that the graphics are something unbelievable, because honestly it is a game that is decidedly low resolution. I think it’s actually the fact that it is low resolution gaming that really interests me.

Minecraft - Pumpkin Patch
 John Smith Texture Pack 32x32 resolution

Instead of putting their effort into some graphical extravaganza, Mojang is focusing on what actually matters in a game – the actual gameplay. Modern gaming companies can learn something from this today, because we end up with all of these games that are essentially knockoffs or re-hashing of prior games except with better graphics. There’s a reason why games like Space Invaders, Pac-Man and a myriad of classics persist today as genres which we continually find ourselves coming back to.

It’s about the innovation of gameplay, and less about the graphics.

While the “vanilla” Minecraft game is 16x16 resolution for the textures, there are “HD” modifications and texture packs which enhance the game further, even if they are not officially supported. This brings me to the point of this post, in that there are quite a lot of things which seem like a no-brainer to officially add to Minecraft but continue to be overlooked.

Official support for HD texture packs

While the base game itself should always be 16x16 textures, officially supporting high definition texture packs doesn’t seem like something too much to ask. MCPatcher is a de-facto patcher_mainmethod to effectively patch your Minecraft JAR file so it can handle texture packs up to 256x256, but it also adds HD Font support, custom texture animations, and incorporates Better Grass, among other things. These three things should be a staple of Minecraft natively.

 Not everyone is interested in the high definition texture packs, but it couldn’t hurt to officially include support for them built-in. At the end of the day, the point is to look at the most common things that the players are modding and reduce their need to jump through those hoops.

Craftable Obsidian (and more)

It has continually baffled me that you can craft items out of diamond in Minecraft but you can’t craft anything using Obsidian (other than a Netherportal). There is, of course, modifications that allow this to be possible such as Obsidian Plus but I think this idea needs to be better thought out and also expanded on. For instance, Diamond is supposed to be the hardest natural substance in the world, and so it should remain that way, with Obsidian armor and items being made to be as tough as Diamonds are now, while Diamonds are made 1.5X tougher

Not just tougher, but tougher to mine. Obsidian takes a disproportionate amount of time to mine with a Diamond Pickaxe, when Diamond should be tougher than Obsidian. In this case, it should be required that an Obsidian pickaxe or better be required to mine Diamonds. Obsidian should also offer some protection against fire damage, maybe reducing fire damage by half if the player is wearing a full set of Obsidian Armor. In order to get an Obsidian block, you would do the same thing as if you were making any other block – fill the crafting grid with 9 obsidian shards (much like you’d fill it with 9 diamonds to make a diamond block, etc) which brings me to the next point, which is that breaking Obsidian should not yield an obsidian block, but instead obsidian shards. These shards are then used to create armor and items, or on a grid of 3x3 filled then make an entire block like we do with Diamond, Lapiz, Iron, Gold, etc.

netheriteBut let’s not stop there… I’ve seen the idea of Netherite kicked around, and I believe this is an excellent idea – at least the base of it. A minable block type found only in the Nether that can only be mined by Diamond Pickaxe or Obsidian Pickaxe (but not Iron because it’s too weak), which is craftable into Netherite tools and armor. Netherite would be 2x as tough/strong as diamond and be immune to fire damage (obviously because it’s a native resource of the Nether). The reason that Netherite is twice as strong as diamond is because I said earlier that diamond is the toughest natural resource in the world, but Netherite is not from the normal world. Netherite would look like a bright purple obsidian shard, and the Netherite Ore would look like the image here. The Netherite tools would require Blaze Rods instead of sticks (because sticks would catch fire), so for instance, a Netherite Sword would be a single Blaze Rod at the bottom and two Netherite shards on top.

On this scale, we can say that the resources would be reconfigured as follows:

Wood < Stone < Iron < Obsidian < Diamond < Netherite < Aetherite (Skylands)

In the event that the Aether becomes part of Minecraft officially, then a resource exclusive to Aether should be the top end – maybe something like Aetherite where only Netherite or equal Aetherite can mine it. The idea is to balance the durability of resources in accordance with how much effort a player has to go through in order to obtain it. In this instance, something like Aetherite would be one of the hardest to acquire and such should be the best durability overall. You’d have to first make a portal to the Nether to get Netherite and Glowstone in order to make an Aethergate, and prior to that you’d have to mine your way up the durability scale to get to the Nether to begin with.

In this manner, Aetherite tools and armor would be 3X the durability and strength of Diamond today, but it would be very hard to get ahold of (being a rare resource much like Diamond is today in the main world, but in the Aether only). Netherite would also be the same rarity as Diamond in the main world, but in the Nether. So the Nether and Aether would both have their equivalent of Diamond resource. From what I recall, the Aether mod has a special set of craftable tools under the idea that your normal tools won’t work in the Aether. While I understand this mentality, there has to be some sort of agnostic resource like Aetherite which has a universal durability which makes it worth travelling to the Aether to get and return with items made from it.

Of course, being that Diamond, Netherite and Aetherite all would have increased durability and strength, we would adjust the strength of certain blocks to accommodate this new-found strength, making blocks in the Nether much stronger, such as netherrack being half as strong as Obsidian, but nowhere near as weak as dirt. This is, after all, the equivalent to Hell, and all that fire and pressure down there would expect things to be a lot tougher and hardened.

Which also means that it would be more likely to find Diamonds in the Nether because of perfect conditions. In the Nether, while you could find diamonds more readily (say on the same occurrence as Iron in the main world) you would likely be more interested in finding Netherite, which is the nether equivalent to Diamond and is much tougher and more durable. 

Plausible Alchemy (and Craftable Glass)

With the introduction of 1.8 came also the Cave Spider. These are blue looking spiders that hang out underground and have a chance to poison you when they attack. From my understanding, the antidote to being poisoned happens to be a bucket of milk, which makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

A more believable antidote would be made of a mushroom, redstone, and a glass container (from top to bottom). Since redstone is also one of those superabundant resources in the game, it wouldn’t make it too hard to craft a stock of antidotes to take with you into the caverns below. Of course, the antidote item would look sort of like the icon for the combined dyes in the John Smith Texture pack (a colored type glass container). This introduces a couple of things into the mix, most notably being the glass container (ie: craftable glass), and of course a combination use of mushroom and redstone powder in a manner of alchemy to create a plausible antidote to being poisoned – whether that is food poisoning (eating zombie flesh or raw meat) or whether you are poisoned by a spider.

The other interesting thing about the craftable glass/antidote combination is that it opens up Minecraft to other potions down the road that could be useful and plausible (at least in terms of minecraft, without getting into full out magic). Let’s say this is more like an Alchemy addition.

I can imagine an elixer made from bonemeal and netherrack that acts as a Mob disguise (changing you into a type of Mob temporarily) – working only for one night per use, but having no effect in the Nether or Aether. The plausible alchemy idea creates quite a lot of uses for plants and powder combinations.

Added Balance

I have to say that while Minecraft is a wonderful game, there are a lot of things about it that simply don’t make sense from the perspective of gameplay mechanics. Obviously the inability to craft useful items from Obsidian is one of them and how Obsidian is disproportionately tougher than Diamond to mine, but more so there are little things that bug me about the balance of items and availability.

Take for instance the common apple.

Apparently you can only find apples at random in dungeon chests, but not from breaking leaves on a tree. This never made sense to me, because apples commonly grow on trees. On the Raven’s Oddizzy server that I play on, there is a mod installed that takes care of this and makes it so breaking leaves on trees gives a small chance to drop an apple, but this should be something that is native to Minecraft out of the box. The same goes for Pumpkin seeds and Melon seeds, where they are apparently only found in chests in abandoned mineshaft biomes. Breaking Pumpkin and Melons themselves should give a chance to recover seeds normally, with the plant stems attached to the pumpkins or melons naturally. While the seeds and apples could still be an item in the dungeon and abandoned mineshaft chests, I fail to see how making items that  logically are common instead uncommon makes any sense. The same goes for Cocoa beans… there really needs to be a Cocoa tree added to the game that only spawns in the Swamps. Just like real cocoa trees, they only grow in hot, rainy areas.

In dungeon chests, I’d instead recommend a chance to find Golden Apples, since these items truly are a rarity and very expensive to craft normally, they would make the perfect treasure to uncover for successfully raiding a dungeon or stronghold.

Tamable Horses 

I’d also say that Leather should also be craftable into Saddles as well, but only if saddles are given more of a purpose, such as adding Horses to Minecraft that we could ride only with a saddle. When I say “ride” horses, I mean it in the sense that they should be controllable on land and give a bonus to speed for movement, unlike trying to ride a pig which essentially is just you wandering around aimlessly with little or no control. Of course, horses should first be tamed before we could ride them, and so feeding them Sugar Cubes would attain that.

Sugar Cubes would be made by placing 3x3 sugar on a crafting table to yield 4 Sugar Cubes. As for feeding the horses (because you would need to do that in order to keep them alive), I’d suggest being able to feed Horses only Apples, Sugar Cubes, and Grain. Grain would be obtained by placing 3x3 Wheat on a crafting table to yield 4 Grain. Horses would also fall in line with the addition of breedable animals that @Notch is working on, except in this case there is more of a need to breed horses than sheep.

Cactus Candy

While I’m on the subject, Cactus should also be craftable further than simply Green Dye. I suggest a recipe using Cactus that creates a Cactus Candy – Sugar and Cactus (maybe the same recipe as used for TNT but instead cactus in the center and Sugar on the 4 cardinal directions). Cactus Candy would be edible by the player for 1 food point replenish, but would also have the ability to Tame Mobs that you feed it to, where the mobs that you tame would act like pets and defend you when attacked. This would be a brilliant Halloween Secret Update for 2011. Tamed Mobs would of course only last until daylight, when they would burst into flames and perish, and Cactus Candy wouldn’t work on Creepers (obviously). We could use the same recipe for Chocolate Candy, but instead substitute Cocoa instead of Cactus to create a Chocolate Candy that would not only make a mob friendly like a pet but would make the mob immune to Sunlight. The Chocolate Candy wouldn’t work in the Nether simply because chocolate would melt in that environment.

While I’m on the subject of game balance, there is of course Bedrock which you cannot break. I’d like to see that you could not break bedrock with even a Diamond Pickaxe remain true, but using a Netherite Pickaxe you actually should be able to mine bedrock (and collect it). What happens if you jump into the hole you just made from mining the Bedrock? Simple, instead of falling endlessly and dying, you would be transported to the Nether (you essentially fall into Hell), and if you don’t have any Obsidian on you when you do this, you’re pretty much screwed because there is no way to get back to the main world from the Nether (unless you’re lucky enough to come across one of your old Nethergates). Bedrock wouldn’t be craftable into anything other than to be able to build with it in blocks, which comes in handy for making an near impenetrable building.

Before we worry about whether this makes Nethergates useless, we have to realize that in order to even acquire the Netherite Pickaxe to begin with, we’d have to make a Nethergate, survive and mine in the Nether long enough to find Netherite, kill enough Blaze to get Blaze rods, and then make it back to the main world with our new tools alive before they become an awesome source of mining power. With a Netherite Pickaxe, mining Bedrock would take as long as Diamond Pickaxes take today when mining Obsidian. Anything less than a Netherite Pickaxe still would be unable to mine Bedrock.


I absolutely love Endermen. But that doesn’t mean they couldn’t use some tweaking. For starters, they should definitely be made more rare in the main world than they are today. I was under the impression that Endermen would rarely spawn, so it would be that much more scary when you did actually run into a murder of them, (I’m using Murder to describe a group of mobs, as in a Murder of Crows. It just seems really fitting).

So making Endermen more rare in the main world would obviously need a plausible reason, right? Absolutely, and of course I have one here for you. Endermen have those glowing eyes and they give off the Nethergate particles, and they are tall, slender, and flat black. To me this indicates that Endermen actually come from the Nether and are native there, and that any which are in the main world (rare) have somehow escaped the grips of the Nether only to wander the main world aimlessly. While they are rare in the main world (as in, they should be made much rarer than they are now) they should conversely be common in the Nether.

Nothing says “Holy s*^tballs!” like being in the Nether, and seeing Endermen in abundance. Think about it, their entire purpose is to move blocks, right? And with the 1.9 update it looks like @Notch and Jeb are adding actual structures to the Nether, like strongholds and whatnot. So who actually built those structures?

Endermen, that’s who.


It makes absolute perfect sense. Endermen are the lost souls of Minecraft. Doomed to forever wander a cursed world and build tirelessly. In the Nether they are the workforce creating all of the structures, so it makes sense that they are much more common in the Nether than the main world. But also because they have Nethergate particles coming from them and possess the ability to teleport at will, it would stand to reason that some actually escape the Nether (or just accidentally teleport out), and not knowing anything else, they just continue mindlessly collecting and building like they did in the Nether. This gives us also a plausible reason why Strongholds exist in the main world as well, built by lost Endermen who are roaming the main world.

Aside from this obvious sort of back-story for Endermen, it also makes sense to include them more abundantly in the Nether simply for the fear factor alone. In the main world, you at least have a chance to run long distances and have enough space to really fight and move, but in the Nether… just look at all the unending lakes of lava and you quickly realize that on the Endermen home turf, you don’t want to mess with them.

Another thought also goes back to the idea of the Cactus Candy. If you can feed Cactus Candy to an Endermen and not get killed in the process, you deserve to have an Endermen protect you. It’s going to take balls of steel to walk up to an Endermen, stare it in the eyes, and feed it Cactus Candy. Since there are way more things in the Nether that can kill you and a mob, I believe Cactus Candy should also work in the nether as well. With all the things that want you dead in the Nether, you’re going to need all the help you can get.

Golden Opportunity

Gold is one of those ores that seems to have been completely neglected in Minecraft. While you can make tools and armor from gold, the durability is pretty pointless to make it useful for anything other than decoration or looks. However, what if Golden items became useful in the Aether? What was essentially useless in the main world, would be hardened in the Aether (upper atmosphere and colder), making golden armor and items the equivalent of Iron items and Armor on the main world below, where Iron would become too brittle to be used in the Aether (Skylands), gold would have a useful purpose up there. Considering you need a Glowstone Portal to get to the Skylands (Aether) it would make sense that Gold becomes the staple commodity in that area. As an aside I am using Skylands and Aether interchangeably. I know that Aether is an extensive modification to Minecraft and Skylands are just native biomes of floating islands. Just wanted to clear that up.
Rope (Obviously)

Made from vines, ropes let you create the equivalent of hanging ladders that you can climb. I’ve already seen a mod for this, so it shouldn’t be a big deal to officially add it. Vines growing on the sides of walls should also be climbable, but should work much like trampling crops, in that if you climb vines too much, they break.

Hookshot (Grapple)

I know this isn’t Zelda, but you can already use a fishing pole to reel in mobs (assuming you’re that creative). A craftable Hookshot would be a mechanical device you can make that officially does what a fishing pole already does to mobs, but with the added function of pulling the player if they hookshot an immovable block-type (much in the same way that pistons cannot move Obsidian or Double slab). In this manner, a double slab on the ground with an Obsidian block on top of it would make for an excellent Hookshot target, and also make dungeons really interesting to get around.


Again, this isn’t Zelda, but a boomerang would be very useful in Minecraft. The crafting recipe would be essentially an upside down bowl, and using a boomerang would shoot the boomerang out in front of the player a certain distance and return in a straight line. Hitting a Mob would stun it , and if the boomerang comes into contact with collectable items (drops) it will bring those back to the player from a distance.

Block Switches

Block switches would be essentially like a lever except that they are full blocks with a blended square indent on them. They would come in stone, mossy cobble, cobble and wood types with an indent state to denote being activated. Having block switches would make secret passages utilizing pistons (like moving bookcases, etc) more secret without having to use a wireless redstone sort of modification to make regular blocks act like switches.

Redstone Powered Lamps

Using Glass surrounding a single Glowstone, we’d create a single Lamp Block that is powered by redstone to turn on or off. When off, the Lamp is clear glass, and when turned on it becomes Glowstone (lit up). Don’t get me wrong, I really do like Minecraft, but one thing that bothers me is that the way the game is geared it seems that the most common mentality is medieval at best. Lots of castles and villages, but no real opportunity to progress into a more modern age if you wish. Redstone powered lamps would allow that to a further extent.

I’d also add in Light sensor blocks that a player could craft in order to detect when the light level falls below a certain range and activate. This would be useful for lampposts using the redstone Powered Lamp block, in that a light sensor block could power a lamp block up to 4 spaces away (including vertically). In this manner we could create lampposts with a light sensor block in the ground at the base that only activates the lamppost when it becomes night. Of course, if you buried the light sensor block, then it wouldn’t work (or would always be “on”) so in order to get it to work properly you’d have to have at least one of the faces of the block uncovered.

While there are probably many more things I could suggest for Minecraft, I think this list is long enough to make the original point. There are a lot of things that still need to be balanced and shored up with the game that seemingly have been forgotten in the rush to add new content, and I’d like for Mojang to go back and seriously re-evaluate the things they left behind.

If you can think of other things that would greatly benefit from being added to Minecraft as a native inclusion (that obviously wouldn’t outright break the game mechanics), please feel free to add them (and a link to the mod if it exists) in the comments below.

Screebl Pro 2.7.3 CyberAndroid


Screebl Pro 2.7.3 CyberAndroid

Overview: Get your Screen on! Screebl is an covering that controls power saving features supported on orientation. Never have the concealment turn soured again patch using your phone, and SAVE BATTERY too. It's doable with Screebl!

Requirements: Android 1.5+

Pro-only Features:
- Locale 1.x Plug-ins
- Tasker integration
- Icon choice
- Better spotting algorithms
- Screen timeout set from Screebl

Recent changes:
- Wording changes for tablets and other devices
- Socialization features
- Bug fixes: 271-06, 202-03

Glass Widgets 1.6.1 CyberAndroid


Glass Widgets Full 1.6.1 CyberAndroid

Overview: Yet another ordered of base bag concealment widgets.

Requirements: Android OS 2.2 - 2.3

This package contains:

* Glass Clock Widget (with weather)
* Glass Calendar Widget
* Glass News Widget (RSS feeds)

They are designed to wage you with the most essential aggregation at a glance, ease still allow you to enjoy the sight of your (Live-) wallpaper. Less is more ;)

Full version include:

- Adjust Background Color (and transparency)
- Adjust Text Color (and transparency)

What's in this version:
Adds geolocation support for the clock & defy widget, nonnegative the option to exhibit the titles of RSS/Atom feeds in the programme widget. The secondary releases contained individual geolocation attendant fault fixes.
Adds the All-In-One widget, nonnegative various fault fixes.
This is a behind-the-scenes update. I replaced the in-memory store with a database-based store that should preclude the widgets from arbitrarily "forgetting" things whenever Android feels same cleanup up the memory.
A bugfix for the forecast dialog.

Folder Organizer CyberAndroid


Folder Organizer CyberAndroid

Overview: Group items according to labels and create customizable folders and widgets

Requirements: Android OS 1.5 +

Group items according to labels and create fully customizable folders and widgets. You crapper care apps, bookmarks, contacts and shortcuts
+ Change folder icon, picture arrange support
+ Sort folder items any artefact you like
+ Make app shortcuts with custom icons and names
+ IconFinder support: see for newborn icons on the web
+ Put items in asking bar
+ Scrollable widgets

What's in this version:
Bug fixing

Glass Widgets Full v1.6.1

Glass Widgets Full v1.6.1

Glass Widgets Full v1.6.1

Requirements: Android OS 2.2 – 2.3
Overview: Yet another set of basic home screen widgets.

This package contains:

* Glass Clock Widget (with weather)
* Glass Calendar Widget
* Glass News Widget (RSS feeds)

They are designed to provide you with the most important information at a glance, yet still allow you to enjoy the sight of your (Live-) wallpaper. Less is more

Full version include:

- Adjust Background Color (and transparency)
- Adjust Text Color (and transparency)

What’s in this version:
Adds geolocation support for the clock & weather widget, plus the option to show the titles of RSS/Atom feeds in the news widget. The minor releases contained several geolocation related bug fixes.
Adds the All-In-One widget, plus various bug fixes.
This is a behind-the-scenes update. I replaced the in-memory cache with a database-based cache that should prevent the widgets from randomly “forgetting” things whenever Android feels like cleaning up the memory.
A bugfix for the forecast dialog.

Glass Widgets Full v1.6.1



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RealPlayer beta v0.0.0.60

Written on September 25, 2011 at 2:49 pm by

Filed under Android apps {no comments}

RealPlayer beta v0.0.0.60

RealPlayer beta v0.0.0.60

Requirements: android 1.5+
Overview: Entertainment on your Android. RealPlayer is one of the best Android apps to enjoy your music, videos, and photos.

More user-friendly than ever, RealPlayer includes an intuitive user interface, playlist editor, widgets, searching, content folder selection, fast scrolling, and a ton of other features to make your media experience more enjoyable. Best of all, RealPlayer supports any file format that your device currently supports (it will only play RealMedia if your device supports it).

Download RealPlayer today and tell us what you think – we listen to user feedback and implement the most requested features.

Recent changes:
Create and edit playlists on the device
Search including voice search
Lock screen widget
Improved widget with cover art
Fast scrolling
Share your media with friends using social networking services
Move the application to the SD card
Compatibility with headphone controls
Set songs as ringtones
Auto bookmarking for videos
Pause when headphones are disconnected
Support for new versions of Android including Honeycomb
Graphics optimized for high-res tablets
Bug fixes and other improvements

RealPlayer beta v0.0.0.60




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Folder Organizer v3.4.4.2

Written on September 25, 2011 at 2:38 pm by

Filed under Android apps {no comments}

Folder Organizer v3.4.4.2

Folder Organizer v3.4.4.2

Requirements: Android OS 1.5 +
Overview: Group items according to labels and create customizable folders and widgets

Group items according to labels and create fully customizable folders and widgets. You can organize apps, bookmarks, contacts and shortcuts
+ Change folder icon, icon pack support
+ Sort folder items any way you like
+ Make app shortcuts with custom icons and names
+ IconFinder support: search for new icons on the web
+ Put items in notification bar
+ Scrollable widgets

Video preview:

What’s in this version:
Bug fixing

Folder Organizer v3.4.4.2



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my new game: Dead Island

My copy of DEAD ISLAND arrives tomorrow or tuesday, so i will be posting aout DEAD ISLAND on this blog for the next few weeks..

I can't wait for the chance to De-stress and relax and kill some zombles, so Bring on the dead...

Thanks for reading...

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Android Lost 2.3: The Best Locator/Controlling App


Update: Android Market Version 3.1.5


Angry Birds Seasons: Moon Festival 1.6.1 CyberAndroid


Angry Birds Seasons: Moon Festival 1.6.1 CyberAndroid (Paid Amazon/Ad-free)

Overview: Angry Birds Celebrate the Holidays
Requirements: Android 1.5+

The holidays hit arrived, but the Angry Birds ease can't catch a fortuity from the tricks of those greedy naif pigs. In this stylish update, it's Sept and the slug is flooded and broad as the Angry Birds head to China for the Mooncake Festival! The 3000-year-old harvest festivity is digit of the most important Chinese holidays, and the pigs conceive they can conceal themselves in the midst of every the celebrations.

Help the Angry Birds as they chase the pigs finished 30 sort newborn levels filled with pagodas, rabbits, and red lanterns, lit by a impressive harvest moon. Like in the example Angry Birds, the pigs hoodwink the peace-loving crowd discover of their wanted eggs, leaving them with null but a coercive thirst for revenge. It's instance to alter backwards their unequalled sort of weaponry--the finger-powered slingshot--and release an armament of angry artillery in this collection of five seasonal adventures for the world's most favourite physics-based unplanned game.

See climates whir time as you aviate finished the expose towards those greedy swine: defeat their newborn seasonally-themed bases with your decorated firepower, beatific aim, and plentitude of pass cheer.

New Treats, New Tricks
Mortal enemies acceptation the pass spirit with a very brief truce.
In Trick or Treat, the pigs cleverly apply a bedsheet to anxiousness the birds and disconcert them from their eggs. Fly finished lantern-lit clearings enclosed by creepy trees, frightening flooded moons, and pig-filled pumpkins as you turn ham into bacon in over 45 excitable stages.

It's the most wonderful instance of the assemblage in Season's Greedings, but there's no jolliness in this shuttle nest. The pigs haw dress up as Santa Claus and become direction gifts, but it's every a trick. Plow finished the deceive and cover in over 25 life of yuletide revenge.

Love is in the expose in Hogs and Kisses: intend near enough to blow the pigs a touching before you blow them away. Break finished the sticks and stones and blackball the pigs with mercy in over 18 heartwarming levels.

Go Green, Get Lucky for St. Patrick's Day. The pigs module requirement more than four-leaf clovers, buckled hats, and tempting pots o' metallic to disconcert the birds. Forget the shillelagh. Use the birds themselves to place the smackdown in more than 18 levels of elating emerald action.

In their Easter special, the birds verify in the season by feat on an foodstuff hunt. Stay hot on the dawdle of those greedy naif pigs as you pass the Angry Birds to victory--it's feat to verify more than a some colorful wind foodstuff decoys to stop these furious fowl.

More content is on the way! Stay tuned for episodic updates as you punish those greedy pigs, encounter the eggs, and support the crowd intend angry every over again.

The Birds are Back
It's a site smash--the Angry Birds become knocking on Halloween.
The Angry Birds possess courage, dedication, and an enormous slingshot. What they requirement is a artefact to start themselves toward those dishonorable pigs, and that's where you become in. Slide your finger across your touchscreen to pull the plaything backwards and adjust the flight of apiece shuttle for peak effect. Then, lift your finger from the concealment to waste your avian friends toward their greedy naif foes. Once the shuttle is in mid-flight, only tap your concealment at just the correct moment to release apiece its primary ability.

Boom Goes the Dynamite
As with the example Angry Birds, Angry Birds Seasons is a physics-based teaser game. You catapult apiece shuttle toward pigs hiding behindhand a difference of destroyable materials. Use apiece bird's unequalled skills to fortuity finished crates, boards, stone, ice, snow, glass, dynamite, and another materials. Learning which birds work prizewinning against which materials module support you causing chain reactions, destroying the pigs and generating broad scores. Snuff discover the pigs using the fewest sort of birds doable to score the most points.

Launch into the Seasons
Rain on the pigs' Valentine's Day fuck parade.
As the seasons change, so module your Angry Birds experience. Immerse yourself in the pass embolden of your choice with an Angry Birds-themed twist, whether it's the centime signaling melodies of St. Patrick's Day, the soothing ingeminate highlights of Hogs and Kisses, the sleigh bell-and-organ wad of Season's Greetings, or the Monster Mash-like soundtrack of Trick or Treat.

Just like the example Angry Birds, layers of shifting scenery, shuttle songs, pig grunts, and calls to state from our slingshot-loaded friends add the mettlesome a significance of depth and movement. Zoom in and discover of apiece scene to intend a meliorate significance of where to start your incoming bird, altering the game's look and feel.

Unwrap These Awards
Angry Birds Seasons rewards you with metallic goodies for different accomplishments.
• Golden Eggs: Poke your beak into hard-to-reach areas to encounter digit of these prizes in apiece themed take pack. Choose the metallic foodstuff in the take superior schedule to admittance a recreation bonus stage.
• Three-Star Bonuses: Master apiece initiate with three stars to alter another bonus initiate (indicated by a pumpkin, present, heart, or pot o' gold) and fill the picture with metallic stars.

What's newborn in edition 1.6.1
Fixed an ad issue institute in the preceding version
What's newborn in edition 1.6.0
Vibrant newborn Moon festivity theme
30 sort newborn levels to test your teaser skills
8 hidden pieces of mooncake to collect, with a primary take erst you've institute them all!

Video of Unbiased FPS + a new video of Brigade!

The following two videos of "Unbiased FPS" were rendered on a GTS 450 and demonstrate mouse look, shooting mechanics and how adjusting the number of averaged frames affects the amount of noise and blurring. Youtube has a terrible video compression algorithm for videos containing fine-grained noise (such as Monte Carlo noise), so these came out much worse than expected:

The frame averaging technique (implemented by Kerrash) significantly reduces the amount of noise without affecting the framerate, but the resulting blurring of fast moving objects is of course less than ideal. At the upcoming Siggraph Asia 2011, a paper entitled "Image-space bidirectional scene reprojection" will be presented which could potentially solve the blurring issue by reconstructing additional frames without distracting blurry artefacts (there are two versions, a raster based version and an image-based one). The video accompanying the paper shows a lot of promise and is definitely worth checking out:

On a sidenote, I found a new, short video of the Brigade path tracer, showing a real-time pathtraced animated character: (no details on the hardware used)

The video shows very nice soft shadows and path traced ambient light coming from the skydome (calculated in real-time contrary to the constant ambient term which is used by many games to approximate indirect lighting).

A.I.type Keyboard Plus v1.0

A.I.type Keyboard Plus v1.0

A.I.type Keyboard Plus v1.0

Requirements: ANDROID 2.1 and up
Overview: A.I.type’s revolutionary text prediction will help you type faster and better!
An intelligent keyboard with revolutionary context-sensitive text prediction, auto-correction, auto-learning, undo/redo/navigation capabilities and cool (and customizable!) skins (WP7, Windows 8 and iPhone for instance).

A.I.type Keyboard Plus v1.0

ut of the box, the keyboard provides English prediction only at the moment, but it learns any language you use! (add your local language in the settings, if it’s not there by default).
Psychic word completions and predictions are generated by A.I.type’s servers on the Cloud. When the device is offline or Internet connection is too slow, or if you disabled Cloud-based prediction, word suggestions will be generated by the device only.
The keyboard also learns your unique words and style of writing (MyType). Just type your texts normally and it will keep learning. The learning model is stored on the device itself and is NOT shared with our servers.
Privacy notice: while installing A.I.type Keyboard, you will receive a warning message about collecting sensitive data. This is the standard general-purpose Android message issued for any downloaded keyboard and it does not pertain to A.I.type. Our keyboard DOES NOT COLLECT YOUR SENSITIVE DATA.
Personal request: if you like our keyboard – please be kind and give us 5 stars in the Market (“four is more but five – and we thrive!”), plus a nice comment. If you don’t like us – please let us know why (, and we urge you to hold yourself from rating us low. We are working hard to make it a great keyboard, and there are many challenges in the way… We are very responsive and appreciative to feedback and comments, and answer every message (if you provide contact details, of course).

Video preview: 

Key features:
* Suggests your next word!
* Completes your current word!
* Corrects your spelling as you type!
* Auto corrects your typos when you hit the spacebar (context-sensitive)!
* Automagically learns your common words and style. We call it – MyType (beta!)
* Supports unique skins (Windows Phone 7 skin, iPhone skin, large buttons skin and more).
* Allows skin customization – colors, background images etc.
* Includes a layout for undo/redo/copy/paste/navigation and more.
On our agenda:
* Prediction in other languages (recommendations?)
* Learning from SMS messages on start-up
A.I.type’s revolutionary text prediction will speed up your writing by saving more than 75% of your keystrokes. You choose entire words instead of typing one letter at a time. A.I.type is great for your emails, SMS messages, chats, social network communications etc.
With A.I.type, the word you’re looking for will often appear in the list without typing even a single letter! Practically any word appears with just one or two keystrokes. This ability comes from A.I.type’s patent pending technology which understands what you’re typing and helps you quickly and easily find just the word you were looking for.
In addition, when you type fast and make typos as you go, A.I.type auto-corrects your words, and – being sensitive to the context – it does it well!
Because A.I.type keeps improving, it’s recommended that you allow the auto-update feature to run so you’ll always have the latest version.
Own a Tablet? Download A.I.type Tablet Keyboard and get a whole new experience in typing!
Want Android style prediction on your Windows? Visit our website ( and download the PC version for free!
If you have any problems at all with the installation or use of our A.I.type Beta, or if you would like to leave feedback, please contact
You may also write us feedback via the Feedback Form of the keyboard. If you fill out your e-mail address, we promise to respond!
Writing has never been easier!

A.I.type Keyboard Plus v1.0



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Kaspersky Mobile Security v9.10.77

Written on September 23, 2011 at 8:14 pm by

Filed under Android apps {no comments}

Kaspersky Mobile Security v9.10.77

Kaspersky Mobile Security v9.10.77

Requirements: Android 1.5+
Overview: Robust anti-theft, anti-malware, privacy protection and call/SMS filter.

Kaspersky Mobile Security v9.10.77

Kaspersky Mobile Security offers you complete peace of mind, knowing that your smartphone and your data have the advanced protection against privacy violation, device loss or theft, annoying calls and messages, as well as malicious software.

< Anti-Theft >
* Remotely Lock or Wipe your phone if it is lost or stolen. Just send a special SMS to a missing device to remotely activate protection.
* Prearranged message will be displayed on the screen if the smartphone is locked, allowing any law-abiding citizen that finds your smartphone to return it to you.
* Locate your smartphone using GPS, GSM or Wi-Fi – see it’s exact location on Google Maps.
* The first thing a thief normally does is to remove a SIM card. If the SIM is replaced, SIM Watch feature will immediately lock the device and send you an email alert with the new number.

< Call & SMS Filter >
Choose which contacts you want to accept calls and messages from.
Easily blacklist annoying numbers just by a single click.

< Privacy Protection >
Mark a contact as ‘private’, meaning that no trace of them will appear in contact lists, SMSs and call logs.
Other people using your mobile will only see what you allow them to see.

< Anti-Malware Protection >
Everything you need to keep your smartphone protected:
Real-time protection from malware, on-demand or scheduled antivirus scans, automatic updates over-the-air.


Kaspersky Mobile Security v9.10.77



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WidgetLocker Lockscreen v2.1.0

WidgetLocker Lockscreen v2.1.0

WidgetLocker Lockscreen v2.1.0 apk
Requirements: Android OS 1.6 +
Overview: Customize your lock screen!

WidgetLocker Lockscreen v2.1.0WidgetLocker is a lock screen replacement that puts you in control of the look, feel and layout of your lock screen.

- Drag and Drop placement of Sliders, Android Widgets and App Shortcuts
- Sliders look selectable from built-in styles (Android, Sense, Motorola 2.2, iPhone, and Android 2.0 Rotary) or from user-themes.
- Slider Actions can be customized, for example Slide-to-launch-Camera or Slide-to-call-your-Girlfriend.
- Resizable widgets and custom grid size
- Notification badges on apps/sliders via ADWNotifier ( )
- Customize which widgets/buttons are allowed or blocked at the lock screen
- Optional Easy Wake Mode, allows all hardware buttons to wake, rather than just the power button (Does not work on all phones)

Portions of WidgetLocker are based on the excellent ADW.Launcher ( ) by Ander Webb and friends.
Official Gingerbread 2.3.3 (Nexus One) breaks trackball wake:
CM7 nightlies might remove your widgets from WidgetLocker, fix here:

What’s in this version:
WidgetLocker Lockscreen v2.1.0 apk
More options for Root users
MIUI-like slider
Clock on Sense slider is optional
Added center button to rotary slider (pull down)
Allow editing existing sliders (From resize mode)
Much better wallpaper cropping
Option to only allow Volume buttons while music is playing
WaveLauncher integration
Unlock-with-Wifi integration (Requires UWW 1.1, coming soon)
Atrix Fingerprint scanner fixes
General fixes and optimizations

Please uninstall old version first.

Free WidgetLocker Lockscreen v2.1.0 apk


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