Saturday, September 19, 2009

Cupcake Wars!

I did add these to a range of t-shirts for sale online but the online shop that does all the printing is pending the image based on a possible copyright infringment. Basically.. those cupcakes look a little too much like real Star Wars characters. Either that or my made up font (impact 14pt repixelled) looks too much like the real Star Wars logo. Get real.

Anyway, haven't been up to much lately. I've been sick the last two days but today my nose is actually clearing up. I'm happy about that. I can't say that having a Cold is the funnest thing to have. I hear Polio rocks. I want that. Yeh. No.

Hulk Hogan was just interviewed on channel Ten during the Cats VS Magpies AFL game. Now that's funny brother.

Twitter convo about the Hulkster:

MisBHaving: Hulk Hogan if u say "brother" once more imma kick u in the nads.

My reply: Hogan probably has no nads after years of steroids, hehe

MisBHaving: nyah nyah nyah, very true :-)

It's true! You don't get big 20 inch pythons (as the Hulkster liked to call them.. seriously naming your muscles is just plain silly) by not doing steroids or atleast working out every day for the rest of your life.

Now I'm off to finish watching the Footy. Whenever someone talks about "The Pies".. my mouth drools. I haven't had dessert yet.

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