Monday, September 21, 2009

How now Emo Cow?

Forget wanting grass to be Emo so that it'll cut itself..

If cows were Emo.. they would play emo music so much that grass would just want to die from the depressing lyrics.

If cows were Emo then sheep would be goth.

If cows were Emo.. then Myspace would be Mypaddock.

If cows were Emo then they would have to paint their white spots black, smoke and wear black skinny jeans.

Plus if cows were emo.. milk would taste funny.

I found the original cow pic while looking up pics of cows to be abducted by aliens for a piece I'm working on. Isn't the cow's hair spot on to the Emo fringe-over-my-eyes hairstyle? I'm tempted to make my Emo cow a Myspace page just to see how many friends he gets. I bet he'd get many. He's a sexy beast. Don't frown Emo clown will be next.

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