Tuesday, October 19, 2010

OTOY and path tracing for games in the cloud UPDATE: video presentation!

Here's a link to Jules Urbach's presentation about OTOY at GTC 2010: http://www.nvidia.com/content/GTC-2010/pdfs/4008A_GTC2010.pdf

Some interesting stuff in there:

- "Games/Apps –100% in the cloud by 2014" !!! this doesn't sound too far-fetched considering the success of OnLive and the growing interest from major game publishers and developers in the cloud platform.

- "High level web services enable path-tracing and LightStage rendering in any 3D engine"

- "Crytek engine on Facebook"

Real-time path tracing and GPU cloud servers, it's a match made in heaven (or in the cloud actually) .

UPDATE: Found a link to the full video presentation from Jules Urbach at GTC in HD + there's also a Q&A session afterwards: http://www.nvidia.com/content/GTC-2010/flvs/4008_GTC2010..wmv

Notice Jules talking about unbiased rendering at 04:26 and path tracing at around 08:20!

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