Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Religious Rant

I went to church this Sunday (17th October, 2010), I couldn't feel but to think "This is a useless waste of time".

Now, I'm sorry if you're the religious type, this is the internet, everyone is entitled to say what they think, especially in blogs.

Anyways, why is it useless? First of all, what difference will it make? How different is your life going to be if you don't go there? Will it help you win the lottery? No. Will it make you live longer? Or bring your lost loved one back? Hell no! (Something I noticed is that old people for some reason attend the church a lot).Wake up people, stop believing and worshiping a god whose only actions are written in a book which we don't even know if they are true or not!

Maybe I should write a book about how I transformed water into wine, maybe in 2000 years from now, I'll be a religion. Anyways..

Back to the whole mass thing, thinking of it from an observer's point-of-view, it's nothing more than a ritual, by blind people, for blind people, whose fathers and mothers enforced this religion, made by the evil Christian Church, which sentenced people to death in the past, for thinking differently, and opposing to what the church said (Which was mostly lies, as they still are ). If you think about it, haven't your parents enforced Christian religion onto you? Like mine did to me. If this god of yours really loves you and forgives you no matter what, he won't mind you not attending to his silly rituals.

And yet, blindly, people praise these, popes, and priests (Who are mostly child molesters), who are nothing but people like you or me, only difference is that they read the bible to thousands of people and arrange rituals. Oh! And I love this part, they guilt you into giving them "donations". If you don't everyone looks at you like "Look at him, too cheap to give something to the holy church".

Looking at their past, there's not much "holy" in it, same goes to their present. I Like to believe things when I see them, although, just because I never saw a thousand dollars, that doesn't mean they don't exist, but a guy that walks on water, turns water into wine, somehow has wine as blood... That's too much BS for me.

And I saw an episode of Family Guy which, even though it was a joke, it was right. We, the human race, could be way more technologically advanced if the Christian Church didn't exist. I want to be part of that parallel universe, where people aren't afraid of gods, where people don't have these stupid rituals, where scientific discoveries were praised, and not declared lies because they weren't following the words of some book.

Well, I feel better getting that off my chest..

TL;DR : God is fake and gay, you're an idiot for following his religion, made by liars, fascists and rapists!

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