Thursday, November 4, 2010


(This was my reaction when I saw the trailer.)

I first saw the trailer for Suckerpunch a few months ago. I think it was through but I could of randomly found it. The trailer blew my mind. I watched it 3 or 4 times and then downloaded it for my ipod so I could watch it a few more times during the night.

The movie storyline is something about some institutionalized women who try to break out but they imagine different worlds to escape the world they're in. They imagine dragons, samurais, nazis (possibly zombie nazis!?), guns, swords, bombers, mechas. I also saw there was a few dance numbers and some awesome slow motion fighting scenes.

Zack Synder basically just made a movie with all his favorite things in it. It should be every geek girl's or guy's dream world. I think it's going to be a great movie. It's going to be for a very small niche of people who are into those sorts of things and everyone else won't be able to follow it. Much like Scott Pilgrim with it's small videogame bits in it that not everyone would of got. I can't imagine my Mum watching Suckerpunch and enjoying it.

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