Monday, November 1, 2010

Videogames and snacks

I get into a frame of mind where I need nothing but videogames or chocolate. Either one put me in a trance where I don't have to think about anything but what I'm doing. It's fantastic. I don't need drugs and don't think I ever will. Unless drugs give you superpowers and then I'm totally in on getting some.

Top 10 snacks to eat while gaming:

10. Chocolate. In bar form for easy eating.
9. Cupcakes. Especially the ones with lots of frosting.
8. Chips and dip. I like corn chips myself.
7. Crackers and dip. Similar to chips and dip but with strong crackers instead.
6. Hot dogs. Oh yeah. Easy to eat one handed.
5. M&Ms. Doesn't matter what colour.
4. Hot chips. Deep fried goodness.
3. Salad... JUST KIDDING.. but seriously something healthy maybe?
2. Nachos. So close to being my number one snack
1. Pizza. Food of the Gods. Need I write more?

I never do real blog posts. You were warned a few posts ago.

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