Sunday, March 27, 2011

Unbiased Truck Soccer: motion blur tests

I made some tests to determine which amount of motion blur (accomplished by accumulating samples from previous frames) is acceptable for relatively fast moving objects.

The picture below shows a comparison of the scene from 'Unbiased Truck Soccer' with different amounts of motion blur: no motion blur (left), averaging the last 3 frames (middle) and averaging the last 6 frames (right). These images were all rendered on a 8600M GT with a frame rate of barely 5 fps, so the comparison is not representative for more powerful GPUs, but it provides a general idea of the "noise freeness" of parts of the image that are static like the walls, floor and ceiling. The three little rectangles at the bottom of the picture show a close-up comparison of a noisy area of the ceiling which is lit only with indirect lighting.

A low-res video:

The truck is performing a looped animation. The camera can be moved by holding the middle mouse button (dragging in image plane) and Shift + middle mouse button (zooming).

The new test can be downloaded from The package contains three executables, with different amounts of motion blur (none, average of last 3 frames and average of last 6 frames).

On a GTX 580 this demo should run at 60 fps at default settings (768x512 resolution, max path length 4, 4 samples per pixel per pass blurred to 12 (motion blur = 1) or 24 (motion blur = 2) samples per pixel).

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