Saturday, May 7, 2011

Guide to YouTube Partnership [YouTube]

Everyone, not only me gets these questions all the time on YouTube. How do I become a partner ? I wrote a blog post on that which I think you should read. Click here.

That explained the basic method of applying and getting partnership. Now, I have seen people who have 500 subscribers and are partners, and people with more subscribers (>1000) which are not. Your chances of getting partnership is very little effected by the number of subscribers you have. Most of it is dependent on your video views. When I got partnership on my TutorialConr channel, I had around 200,000 to 250,000 video views.

To ensure you will be selected, there are some guidelines you must follow. You must create your content, not even 1% of the content on your YouTube channel must be a property of some other person or entity. After all, it is about 'Broadcast Yourself'. If you have any music videos, not made completely by you, or any videos that directly support piracy and/or other illegal activity, remove them off the air completely. In case you feel there might be an 'indirect misinterpretation' of your video, post an annotation saying that this video does not intend to support illegal crimes.

Your account should almost always be in good standing. If you do not get views, do not worry. Just keep posting regular and good quality content, and most of all socialize with other YouTubers, subscribe to them, go to their videos and comment and reply to many people.

Make yourself somewhat noticed. Be clean. These are the most important guidelines to YouTube partnership. If you follow YouTube's Community Guidelines, you'll have that nice little banner on your channel in no time.

Thanks for listening out to my opinions

Please comment with suggestions, constructive criticism is welcome !

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