Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Minecraft 1.8 : Date de Sortie le 8 septembre ?

Minecraft 1.8

Jeb vient d'annoncer sur Twitter qu'il tablait sur le 8 Septembre comme date de sortie de Minecraft 1.8. Reste plus qu'à attendre et croiser les doigts pour qu'il n'y ai pas de gros retards...

The plan right now is to release the "PAX version" of Minecraft ASAP, but there is some crucial work remaining. Sep 8th is a good guess

BlueAnt variation

So I was told the Antman was too "creepy" or "mean" so I worked on a happier more kid friendly version.

Turnaround video on my youtube channel:

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

User Submitted Screenshots (6)

Offerings for Akuma

Demons ask not for forgiveness, for they know not that they are evil #nymwars


It was once said that the greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was to convince the world that he/she did not exist. I believe this to be untrue, because I contend that the greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was instead not that he/she did not exist but instead that he/she was God.


Think about it.


Would we not have religions that contradict their own words of enlightenment at the expense of others? I feel that our ideals are corrupt and that it is not entirely our own fault. We see these demons among us in many forms, coming to us in the guise of angels bringing our salvation and safety, but after we’ve given ourselves to them, they show their true nature – far after it is too late to change.






However true this revelation may be, I still refuse to condemn the entire human race for ignorance. No, we always search for deeper meaning and salvation, it is simply in our nature. There is nothing wrong with that driving force within us, but it is that which deceives the masses with false hope and promises that is to fault for this.


I blame the Akuma… the demon.


This is not a debate over religion or lack thereof. I merely wish to frame a related situation in terms which many of us can easily visualize. There is salvation, but not without a fight.


I speak of a special sort of Akuma, or demon… one which infiltrates nearly every facet of our lives. It makes us lazy, and increasingly dependent upon it. We grow weak with every passing day as it grows stronger at our expense and few are the wiser for it.


I am wiser for it, and I wish to shed light.


By nature I study and strive to understand the world of technology. It is a blessing and a curse to know the intricate details and force with which it controls our lives. I am a technology forecaster, a futurist, an academic researcher, but most importantly and foremost I am human. What surprises me most in my study of technology is the condition of the human race as a result of it.


Technology is the beast which demands offerings, and feeds upon us more and more. Much like a demon, it begins with the promise of salvation, and when we begin to trust in it, it asks for more. We do not see the dangers in the innocent requests of this demon because at first it seems so little to give for so much in return.


We receive these great devices and services which allow us to communicate, entertain, and access to all the world’s knowledge in a moment. But just like a demon, our technology grows by our submission to it. We give to it all of our lives, we feed it with images, video, audio, personal details of every part of our lives. We trust in this demon to keep us safe, and we trust this demon implicitly.


But just like a demon, it is never satisfied.


A demon cannot know that it does evil if it believes what it does to be good. Maybe it has worn the disguise for so long that it has begun to believe its own lies. It has become so convincing that a great many are willing to give themselves over without ever questioning the motives or intentions.


I speak of a great evil, an Akuma. A demon so powerful that it has control over most of our lives, and we would be nearly powerless without it. Akuma knows this already, which is why it has become so brazen as to no longer ask for our submission to it, but instead demands our sacrifice to it. When we protest the demands, Akuma is crafty in its response for it knows that words are easily twisted to meet its own ends. We do not stop Akuma… we merely slow the progress for a moment.


Blind progress leaves us frail and powerless. To burn bridges as we cross them in pursuit of our technological superiority is more blunder than blessing.


To know the true power that Akuma has upon you, simply turn off your breaker and shut off the electricity in your home. So fragile is your life and well being that a single button can threaten you.


Somebody controls that button, and it isn’t you. You merely have the ability to demonstrate to yourself that such devastation is possible by a mere button. Listen to your home, how quiet and still it has become. Think of how much you rely on that power to keep you alive.


No bombs are needed to kill you. Not a single bullet need be fired. There is no army to raise against you. There is only silence.


Deafening silence.


In this silence is where the seeds of fear are planted, and where our very sanity is engulfed. The demon knows it will not lift a finger save that to give silence, because many will willingly kill themselves and others in that breach of sanity and desperation.


Akuma is bad only because we are careless, it is powerful only because we are blinded by the distractions and gifts it returns, all with strings attached. Akuma is bad only because it knows nothing else to be true and believes it is doing good for us all.


Technology is not bad if we remain in control of it, and do not let it control us. Akuma is evil only because we allow it.


Akuma goes by many names in modern times. It is called by the demon of information, Google, whom came to us as an angel of order, telling us it would do no evil and now demands all things from us. It twists words and rephrases intentions in order to deceive those which it depends upon for power. It gives privilege to those which submit unto it, and punishes those whom dare defy.


A demon feeds on the lives of others, it collects the souls of its victims; even if it must do so in pieces. A demon punishes those who will not submit unto it when it believes that its power is absolute. It rewards you with things which do not exist, and will steal away from you all that truly matters if you let it.  Demons are masters of illusion and lies. They take from you the things you can hold and offer in return the things which do not exist or matter.


More importantly, demons in our lives exist only because we give them the power to do so. We give these demons control over our lives and offer no resistance or alternatives for salvation.


I am not a Luddite. I know that technology and progress have power to make our lives better. It is when we become so complacent in our submission to it and we no longer can offer control over it that technology and progress rule us instead of the other way around.


As Jaron Lanier once said: You Are Not A Gadget. You are bigger than your technology, and only you can find deeper meaning in the interaction and salvation it offers. You alone control whether it becomes a demon or an angel, as it is a reflection of ourselves.


It still remains that Akuma is simply a reflection. It needs us to have any sort of power, and it keeps this knowledge from us in hopes that we should never have this revelation.


Remember this the next time your power goes out, or these demons stop asking you to comply and begin demanding when it believes you have no other choice.


There is always a choice, and it begins with knowledge. Do not be afraid of Akuma, for it is powerless without your submission, and knowledge is its weakness. It is weak against the same things which all demons are – the light of truth and human spirit.


Be not afraid of our technology, nor compelled to give unto it things which would endanger you or remove your control over it. It is you who control this demon, and determine if it remains an angel at our mercy or becomes so corrupt that we are merely slaves.





OTOY partners with GPU path tracing renderers Octane and Brigade!

Wowowow... this is superawesome news! An article on Venturebeat today revealed that OTOY will be partnering with two fantastic renderers, Octane Render from Refractive Software and Brigade from Jacco Bikker, both pioneers in interactive/realtime high quality GPU based rendering.

I've blogged about these three developers before, and the fact that all three will be joining forces is just breathtakingly awesome! It's a dream come true:

- Octane Render is by far the fastest, most feature rich and highest quality unbiased GPU renderer, trouncing traditional biased and unbiased CPU renderers

- Brigade is a realtime CPU/GPU path tracer targeted at games (with many noise reducing optimizations) developed by Jacco Bikker, who also developed the GPU path tracing code used in my latest demos

- OTOY is an emerging cloud rendering/cloud gaming company (probably best known from the AMD Radeon 4800 and 5800 launch events and the Ruby demo which used voxel ray tracing) that also owns LightStage, a state-of-the-art dome-shaped capturing environment for creating 100% photorealistic digital actors, which was used in blockbuster movies like Benjamin Button, Avatar and The Social Network

This new partnership means that there is now a very high concentration of high-quality rendering know-how and I've got a feeling that there will be more to come. This will have a profound impact on the movie/game/rendering industry... I'm extremely happy and excited to see what's coming from all this :D.

The VentureBeat article is here:

Monday, August 29, 2011

Pie chart about cake

With the topic of 'Pie VS Cake' on Twitter this came up. A pie chart about cake. Thanks @oneguyinmelb

My first real Game Character

Ok so this wasn't for a game technically, it's for secondlife which doesn't even support normal maps so the included normal map in this blog post was just to show I can make them and because it makes me look cool I guess...

So this is AntMan! My first mesh avatar in secondlife and first game character period...

Video link to my youtube page at the bottom :)

Sunday, August 28, 2011

UPG: Unbiased Physics Games!

I've been working on some new real-time path traced demos during the past week involving physics, driving and shooting, three popular ingredients in action games. The demos will be bundled under a new 3 letter acronym, i.e. UPG (GPU in reverse), which stands for Unbiased Physics Games.

I've created two new small games:

- a simple driving game where you can pull some driving stunts with lighting effects (the camera follows the car):

- a simple shooter game where you can hit the car and a robot-like character which will respond to the impact of a cannonball:

Both games use the GPU path tracer developed by Jacco Bikker for the Simplex Paternitas demo. The videos were recorded on a GTS450 with 16 samples per pixel (which already offers very good image quality with little noise) at a resolution of 640x480.

The robot and car in the second demo are both encapsulated by a "hitbox" (an axis aligned bounding box to maximize the path tracing performance), which position is updated every frame.

I'm going to implement a movable and "shootable" light hanging from a chain, which should create dramatic shadow effects. Some basic AI path finding code so the robot starts chasing and shooting the user-controlled car might also be an option. Still thinking about implementing oriented bounding boxes which would enable some cool collapsing structures. Plenty of ideas still and new ones are coming every day, there's just not enough time to execute all of them :) On the rendering side, I think I'll shift the geometric focus of the demos to triangle meshes and two-level BVH or grid, because there's only so much you can do with spheres and boxes - even though they're relatively cheap to intersect.

I've also tried porting the code to OpenCL with the recently released OpenCL1.1 drivers from Nvidia but the OpenCL kernel refuses to build for some reason and there's no easy way to find out what's causing the error. It will take some time to get this right.

Download the executables at


cnn hurricane irene

sam cooke death

ocean city maryland beach irene

kim kardashian wedding dress

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Cut The Rope - Cut The Rope Apk Or Cut The Rope Game For Cut The Rope Online

Cut The Rope, catch a star, and feed Om Nom candy in this award-winning game!

The long-awaited hit game has finally arrived at Android! Join MORE THAN 40 MILLION PEOPLE who have already played this game and gave it an average rating of 4,81 (out of 5)!

Cut The Rope Online The little monster Om Nom is hungry and the only thing standing between him and a full belly is you – that is your help cutting the ropes that hold the candy he wants. Swipe your finger across the ropes to release the delicious bundles into his mouth. But don’t forget to collect the stars and break the bubbles along the way – easier said than done when enemies and obstacles await!

Cut The Rope Game is an award-winning mobile game from ZeptoLab, was an instant phenomenon in the iOS App Store reaching the #1 spot globally, and continues to gain popularity as it makes its way onto Android.

Download For Cut The Rope file apk over here Cut The Rope .apk


New York Evacuation Zones

The New York Times' New York City Hurricane Evacuation Zones Google Map shows the three evacuation zones in New York.The zones are based on the strength of the hurricane making landfall. New York is preparing for the threat of storm surges with the closure of the entire public transportation system.Climate Central has created a Google Map showing the areas in lower Manhattan, New Jersey and

Minecraft Tutorial - Redstone e Pistons - Parte 01.

Tips To Ensure You're Ready For Back To School

by obizmedia via

The History Of


The 5 Minute Guide To Getting A Job In Social Media

by Mindflash via

How to Graduate From College With No Debt

by visually via

Friday, August 26, 2011

Lita Ford is dead

atlantic beach nc mandatory evacuation.


hurricane irene

The Moron Test: Section 1 DistinctDev, Inc.

Are you a complete idiot? Buy The Moron Test now and find out!

Prove you're a genius with The Moron Test, mobile's leading brain-teaser! Graduate from Moron to Genius as you tap, twist, and think your way through these fun and tricky challenges! Master the test, then share it with your friends and family!

The Moron Test is one of the mobile's best selling apps of all time and has over 16 million downloads worldwide, and now you can play the FULL original version The Moron for FREE! Play now and see why The Moron Test has become a household name!

The Moron Test - it's fun to FAIL!


- The FULL original version of The Moron Test... for FREE!
- Simple, addicting game play fun for all ages!
- Play through dozens of question types
- 7 levels ranging from Moron to Genius
- Fun characters, sound effects, and music
- Checkpoints and continues in each section
- Brag on Facebook by sharing your best score
- You will LOVE watching your friends fail!

Also, check inside for "Failing in Love", the first animated short featuring characters from The Moron Test!


MacWorld: "Names Can Be Deceiving: Despite its name, The Moron Test isn’t a dopey gimmick. Rather, it’s very addictive, delightfully drawn, and extremely entertaining."
USA Today: "Addictive iPhone App" "This clever game is also fun to pass to friends..." “…highly addictive time waster…” “…for a half hour of my life nothing else in the world mattered.”

Check us out online for hints, news, and updates!
Download The Moron Test over here

The Moron Test Android Market apk

Check out The Moron Test, one of the top selling mobile games of all-time!

** All New Section Coming Soon**

Prove you're a genius with The Moron Test, mobile's leading brain-teaser! Graduate from Moron to Genius as you tap, twist, and shake your way through these fun and tricky challenges! Master the test, then share it with your friends and family!

is one of the mobile's best selling apps of all time and has over 16 million downloads worldwide. Play now and see why has become a household name!

- it's fun to FAIL!


- Simple, addicting game play
- Five full sections featuring over 400 steps
- Global leaderboards and achievements
- Dozens of puzzle types
- 7 levels per section ranging from Moron to Genius
- Beautiful Retina-enabled graphics
- Fun characters, sound effects, and music
- Checkpoints and continues in each section
- Brag on Facebook by sharing your best score
- You will LOVE watching your friends FAIL!
- More sections coming soon!


- Old School (100+ steps!)
- Late Registration (100+ steps!)
- Winter Break (100+ steps!)
- Food Fight (100+ steps!)
- More to come!

Also, check inside for "Failing in Love", the first animated short featuring characters from The Moron Test!


MacWorld: "Names Can Be Deceiving: Despite its name, The Moron Test isn’t a dopey gimmick. Rather, it’s very addictive, delightfully drawn, and extremely entertaining."
USA Today: "Addictive iPhone App" "This clever game is also fun to pass to friends..." “…highly addictive time waster…” “…for a half hour of my life nothing else in the world mattered.”

Download The Moron Test over here :

Doodle Jump RPG Software Inc

Jump Jump!!! another name is “Jumping Now”. It is an interesting and skilled game. In the game, you need to let the painted small beans jump up ceaselessly.

When the beans doodle jump, you need to watch out of the cracked platform, the moving blue platform, unidentified flying objects and bad persons, also there are rapidly rising rockets and bamboo dragonfly. If you are falling due to the carelessness, you can hold breath in the sea water and go on jumping. Doodle Jump game is full of funs and skills. The higher you jump, the higher marks you will get, you can also upload your marks.

Operating methods For The Doodle Jump apk
To use the gravity sensor is to shake your Android machine to the left and right, beat the monsters when you touch the screen.

Download Doodle Jump RPG

Fruit Ninja Apk Android

The worldwide smash hit game Fruit Ninja .apk is now available on Android!

Fruit Ninja is a juicy action game with squishy, splatty and satisfying fruit carnage! Become the ultimate bringer of sweet, tasty destruction with every slash.

Swipe up across the screen to deliciously slash fruit like a true ninja warrior. With three games modes in single player and worldwide leaderboards using Openfeint, the addictive gameplay will keep you coming back for even higher scores.

Fruit Ninja features three packed gameplay modes - Classic, Zen and the new Arcade, featuring powerups including Freeze, Frenzy and Double Score! The bonus Dojo section includes unlockable blades and backgrounds, and you can also unlock achievements and post scores to the online leaderboards with Openfeint.

Fruit Ninja is the original and the best slasher on Android!

Download Fruit Ninja Halfbrick Studios At Here Fruit Ninja apk

Fruit Ninja Iphone

This is the hd version of the most popular Fruit Link Go game in App Store, it is played(including the flash versions) for over 100 million times world wide.

Price: Free
From: CronlyGames
Genre: Puzzle
Release: May 13, 2011 (US)

Doodle Jump Apk GameHouse

Download Doodle Jump Apk, one of the most popular games on the iPhone, claimed to have been downloaded 10 million times via the IOS device, and Android.

The game who just celebrating its second birthday was made ​​by a company called Five Sky, was founded by two brothers Igor and Marko Pusenjak of the city of New York. The game is available for the Android platform, BlackBerry and Symbian.

The game launched with instant success in the market. Apple placed it as second in the list of top paid apps in the iPhone.

Doodle Jump maker plans to expand the game to more platforms. According to mobile marketing agency, Appular, Doodle Jump will be present for the iPad.

A version for the Xbox Kinect Jump Doodle has also been planned. Then the line of toys and comics of the game will also be made.

Doodle Jump is a game published by Five Sky for sOS, BlackBerry, Android, iPhone, iPod Touch and Nokia's Symbian. Launched on 6 April 2009 and then released for Android and Blackberry on March 2, 2010. As for Symbian launched on May 1, 2010.

Download: here

There is Darkness

A rare glimpse into the side of me that so many fear does not exist.

Life is one of those things that can be very cruel. I’m not one to mull around and pretend that somehow my experiences are worse off than another person, because honestly that would be pretentious at best and arrogant at worst. In the end, what I can comfortably say is that “I truly understand”.


Maybe it’s empathy that drives us, a yearning to walk in another’s shoes just for a bit and bond closer? I’m not entirely sure about this, and that’s one of those things that you’ll rarely hear me say out loud. I have a fear… and it is a gripping fear. It is that someday I will not be able to help somebody when they need it most. The words “I don’t know” are like poison on my lips, because I may be sealing the fate of another by not being able to bring light into their life.

Not knowing is something that scares me more than anything. Time and again, it is the specter of not knowing that threatened people’s lives, people I dearly care about – family and friends. It’s not knowing that could make the world worse off, in my opinion. Contrary to popular belief, I really do have the best interest of others in mind, even when I’m being a hard-ass or deliberately disagreeable. It is in those times when I actually care the most for others.

I am hyper-critical in the eyes of many, but there is a deeper meaning behind exactly why I act that way. It isn’t necessarily for the sake of starting an argument, or creating some sort of ill-will toward others or even aimed at myself (although the latter is quite common toward me). I consider that collateral damages at best, but still worth the effort. It’s not the collateral damages I’m after, but preparing people to rise out of those ashes a better and stronger person.

That’s where the confusion comes… because many (if not most) only see the collateral damages or trials by fire as a result of my hyper-critical nature, but fail to see the extended outcomes of that.

It isn’t whether I’m criticizing others or even companies that matter – it’s the willingness on my part to rub salt in the wounds in order that we hopefully address there are wounds to begin with and focus our attention on healing them while we can, before we bleed out (metaphorically speaking). Nobody likes having those wounds ground in salt, nor should they… but if it was all roses and rainbows, we’d never get heated or passionate about the subjects at hand or bother to address them at all, and to me… that’s far worse because it’s “not knowing” that can be the worst damage.

I’m no stranger to darkness and pain, and my life has brought me much more than any one person should ever be asked to endure. No, I didn’t lose my legs in a war. I’m not living in a poverty stricken third world country. There are horrors and struggles that even I wouldn’t wish on others, and truly wish there was a solution to.

Over the past few months it’s been like that for me, and maybe a large part of the years of my life as well. A lot of strife and grief… unimaginable to a guy like myself who thinks there must be reason and logic to all things, and suddenly there is not. I’ve held a broken man in my arms in tears as he had a total nervous breakdown – afraid to go to the hospital because he thought they’d never let him out of the psychiatric ward, I’ve learned that my step-sister was murdered by her boyfriend in another state, and I’ve been to funerals that I never thought I’d go to so soon in my life.

I’ve had to wonder if anything I’ve done is worthwhile, if it really made a difference in the end. I’ve lost a lot in life… I’ve run into burning buildings to save people only to have them die a few months later of a heart attack. I’ve had love and lost it countless times, mostly because I’ve been lied to, stranded, cheated on, or worse.

Even in the darkness there is light sometimes. 

I’m more of a realist, with a side of sarcasm. It’s not the realization that I’ve been cheated on or lied to that hurts most, because over the years that has become inconsequential to me, it’s instead when you have to let the person you love go in order for them to be happier without you, and to be a better person. It’s when you see there is a wound and you know the only way to make it better is to point it out and pour some salt on it. It’s knowing your name will be on their lips only in salt and vinegar from that moment on, but they will be stronger because of it, even if it means you have to take a hammer to your own heart to do it. That is a level of caring that I think few these days possess… often too selfish to let go even when they know they should.

I have a unique sort of perspective on things.   Maybe it’s a curse… seeing the bigger picture and not being afraid to rub salt in the wounds when it’s needed. In the long run, people do change and become better for it, no matter how much they think I’m a horrible person in the short term. I can take that collateral damage if it means people will ultimately be better off for it.

I was asked in an interview recently what the best and worst parts of being an analyst and trend forecaster are, and my answer was cutting and truthful. The best part is that those situations are like a giant puzzle to be solved, something that begs to be worked out… the challenge. The worst part is knowing the solution is something that will never be acted on, and that you have no choice but to watch with your hands tied as a ticking time bomb counts down. Even worse when you have no choice but to rub salt in the wounds just to make things apparent, but know full well things will bleed out in the end because people are more interested in defending themselves instead of fixing what is wrong.

Sometimes there aren’t any solutions at all, and that’s even worse for me. Sometimes I have to lay awake at night knowing there is nothing I could have done to prevent a murder, and even the noblest of intentions did not save a friend in the end. Staring in to the hollow eyes of a dying relative who has made peace, knowing you’ll never see them again. Those eyes still haunt me today in my dreams. That’s the stuff nightmares are made of.

Inside my mind is often a dark place. There are screaming souls, strife and grief swirling and angry at the world. I’ve learned that pouring salt on those wounds is the best remedy even for myself, and trial by fire sets those dark specters ablaze in the inky void. Despite the darkness, there is always a shining light, and if I have to destroy hell itself to let it shine through, then so be it.

I’ll take being relegated to damnation if it means others are saved by that light.

“Demons”, my friend used to say, “are my only friend”. I remember he used to sit alone and cry, with the grip of addiction, anger and shame choking him. I could do nothing… I had no pearls of wisdom… I had no comfort to offer… it was his trial by fire, and I would do worse to him by stopping it. It was gut wrenching for me… and I cried with him many nights. Angels who have fallen have no choice but to become Demons… something I said a long time ago to him… and he had it tattooed on his back. There was no rehab for him… he’d been there countless times and it never worked.

He’s clean now, but only because he’s spent many years in jail. Sometimes what we think is the worst thing that could happen, really is what may have saved our lives or made us a better person because of it. This is a reality that I’ve come to understand.

I’m a better person for all the tragedy and suffering I’ve endured or had to witness. From my own trial by fire I’ve learned something invaluable – the ability to have perspective.

It’s made me a harder person, I will agree. But underneath all of that is somebody who cares deeper for others than many may even imagine.

Does this make me a lonely or bitter person? Sometimes. Some days I wonder what life would be like if I were just able to play ignorant and pretend everything was alright. Ignorance is bliss, and it’s a bliss I’m not afforded… It’s a high price to pay.

I remember when I was younger… in highschool. I watched helpless as a friend had his head blown off at point blank range. It was a pointless argument on the basketball court, and my friend didn’t want any trouble. He begged… he pleaded and cried… as the other kid pulled out a gun and held it to his forehead. I tried to intervene… and I was beaten horribly by the rest of his gang. I should have run for help… but instead I lay beaten and held down.

Later when I was in my early twenties, I worked at a bar. A friend of mine at the time came strolling in late one night, and there was clearly something wrong with him. I called for the bar owner to come down… was an older man in his fifties. The kid, and I still think of him as a kid today, snapped over something somebody said and went into a full out brawl. Eventually we managed to pull him out of the bar into the sidewalk, still beating on the bar owner… we tried to call the cops, but the bar owner told us not to. I finally jumped in and yanked the kid off of the bar owner and when the kid started swinging and fighting me, I tried to back off… but he had his sights set on me and would have no part of it.

I had no choice at that point but to fight back. I ended up slamming the kid’s head into the brick wall outside and beating the ever loving piss out of him until he would stop attacking everyone in arms length. Bleeding and defeated, he got up and started walking down the road… the bar owner went inside to get cleaned up and call the police. The kid and I were the only two outside in those dark and desolate streets.

I’ll never forget that night… as he wandered down the road… toward his home. Turning to yell things at me. I’ll never forget it because that was the last time anyone saw him alive.

The police went to his house later only to find he was slumped in his kitchen… blood smeared all over the walls and floors… he had committed suicide. His wife and young daughter were traumatized. I never felt so bad in my life… that I could have followed him home… I could have kept an eye on him… anything. But I didn’t and he’s dead. I don’t blame myself or beat myself up over it. I blame the drugs he was on, and the depression and guilt… It finally did him in.

I have scars on my my body that serve as a constant reminder that from that night on I would stand to defend and try to help people at nearly any cost. Even if that meant I would take the grief for it. I’ve been stabbed, beaten, burned, and more over the years standing for that ideal. But I stood tall and refused to back down. Because I know it could be worse… it could be a lot worse.

Despite all of this, I choose to embrace not the darkness but instead always search for the light. I choose to look for how to make all things better, but I’m not afraid of the darkness either… I’m not afraid to admit when you have to storm the gates of hell to get to that light, and face your deepest fears, anger, aggressions, insecurities, and all those demons that hold us down. I know that we all have to face those demons, and if we want to be better people we have to be willing to defeat them. We have to be willing to face them head on and not try to convince ourselves that those demons do not exist, or that we are somehow immune to their effects.

Salt in the wound is the least of our worries. It’s what happens when we bleed out and could have stopped it that we should be most afraid of. What I fear most is having no choice but to watch that happen.

I’m harsh and cynical at times, but it’s always a façade. I’m this way because I don’t want this world, and the great things you do, to be destroyed and tormented by the demons that haunt you, to overrun all the good things you are capable of and take them away from you. I’ve seen the horrible things that happen when they do. It isn’t because I’m angry… and it’s not because I like causing contention. It’s because I want less of those demons in this world, even if we have to face them together.

Whether that applies to love, business, or just personal lives… I want what is best for everyone. I’m willing to stand against those demons alone and fight against the things that shouldn’t destroy us in any capacity. Hopefully, one day… I will no longer be standing alone in that fight.

Until that day, I am glad for what little light there is in the darkness, and choose to shine that light (however painful) on those demons. I choose perspective.

Google Crisis Response - Hurricane Irene

Google Crisis Response has put together a Google Map for the 2011 Hurricane Season. The map currently shows the projected route of Hurricane Irene with the option of viewing a number of other layers on the map.As well as viewing the forecast track of Hurricane Irene the map includes:a cloud imagery layer from the Navy Research Laba layer showing coastal areas placed under tropical cyclone watches

Questions & Answers with Google Maps

Quora is a website of questions and answers created, edited, and organised by everyone who uses it. Today the site has added Google Maps to topics with associated locations. For example, if you search for Chicago the city is shown on a static Google Map with all the Chicago related questions listed beneath the map. If a user clicks on the static map a larger interactive Google Map will open.Read

Space Mountain dans Minecraft

Space Mountain Minecraft

Voici la vidéo d'un joueur qui s'est amusé à reproduire Space Mountain dans Minecraft. Oui oui Space Moutain !

N'ayant pas assez de courage pour connaitre parfaitement l'attraction phare de Disneyland Paris, je vous laisse juger si le résultat est fidèle à l'original ;) En tout cas, un grand bravo à CapitanoTtouristo.

Space Mountain dans Minecraft

Voici la vidéo d'un joueur qui s'est amusé à reproduire Space Mountain dans Minecraft. Oui oui Space Moutain !N'ayant pas assez de courage pour connaitre parfaitement l'attraction phare de Disneyland Paris, je vous laisse juger si le résultat est fidèle à l'original ;) En tout cas, un grand bravo à CapitanoTtouristo.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Rubix's Cube dress

Some of you* (*no-one) will remember my concept Nintendo dress. Dreamt, drawn and lusted over by me. I still want it but now I'm thinking I want a Rubix's cube dress too. Argh so many dresses.

Possible accessories?:

Rubix's Cube earrings by: Soxsrz on Etsy

Checks in the mail heels by Dereon from

Rainbow socks from Hot Topic

a creeper

New York Evacuation Zones on Google Maps

The New York Times' Hurricane Irene Tracking Map is probably the only map of Hurricane Irene that you will need.This Google Map shows the projected path of the hurricane with forecasted wind speeds along the path. It is also possible to overlay the latest satellite pictures of the hurricane on top of the map.WYNC are also using Google Maps, in their case to display New York City Evacuation
VenomExtremeTerra de Gigantes - Pixel Art

Storm Surge Simulation with Google Maps

Florida International University has used Google Maps to create a Storm Surge Simulator for Miami-Dade County in Florida.Storm surge is the greatest threat to life and property from a hurricane. It occurs when water from the ocean is pushed toward the shore by the force of the winds swirling around a hurricane.This simulator allows residents of Miami-Dade County to enter an address and visualize

Voice Search on Google Maps

Google has added voice search to Google Maps. If you use the Chrome web browser on (other countries' Google Map domains are not supported yet) you can speak into your microphone and search for a location on Google Maps by voice.To search by voice just click on the microphone icon in the Google Maps search box. Using voice to search Google Maps is very fast - check out the video

Mapping Manchester's Trees

DataGM is Greater Manchester’s public data portal. It was created by public sector organisations in Greater Manchester, to release and bring together in one place, as much of the data they hold as possible.Trafford Highways Trees uses data from Trafford Council to map the area's trees. The map uses custom map markers to create a visually striking Google Map.At the bottom of the Trafford Highways

Visit Texas with the Help of Google Maps

TravelTex, Texas Tourism's official Web site, is a great guide to things to see and do in the state. The site also includes a handy Google Maps based trip planner. TravelTex features over 400 cities and thousands of activities to do for visitors to Texas. As users browse the site they can add the viewed attractions and events to their own trip planner and create a personal itinerary. Users can

Official Air Guitar User Guide


How To Eat Crab

New Apple, Inc. "Spaceship" Campus


The CIO: Business Leader of the Future


No-one loves plastic bags anymore

Do you ever feel. Like a plastic bag. Something something... in the wind. Yeh Katy Perry song is lost on me. Plastic bags can be useful if you don't have any other bag.

Book a Flight with Street View

The Lufthansa airline has created a clever booking form that allows users to click on a map to input the destination of a flight. As well as auto-filling the booking form with the selected destination a click on the map also displays a Google Maps Street View of the chosen destination. For example, if a user clicks on London a Street View of the Houses of Parliament is displayed to help entice

MineCraft blog! Creepers and Drowning Traps

hey guys! This blogging thing is new to me so be patient, they will get better..... i hope!
well i'm coolstuffMC, a minecraft fanatic, youtuber and now, a blogger! so today i'll talk a bit about a green guy we all know and love, NOT! of course i'm talking about Creepers. Creepers annoy the crap out of me, as i'm sure they do the same to you too. for you who don't know what a Creeper is, a Creeper is a green monster in minecraft that stalks you and then it goes a little like this:
Creeper: thatsssssssssss a nice everything you got there!
You: Thank you
Creeper: ssssssshame if sssssomething wasssss to happen to it.
You: yep
Creeper: sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
You: are you ok
Creeper: BOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so i hope that cleared things up for you guys. anyway back to my story, the other day i was on one of my servers that is used for giant buildings and stuff like that. I'm realy happy because i built a massive creeper. as i'm dancing around so proud of myself, someone was spawning hundreds of real creepers into the inside of it. so then the guy says to me "come look at this i built you a secret entrance into the creeper." it looked real so i went in, sure enough there was a little secret room, i said thanks then he left. Suddenly i here a hissing noise to find that loads of creepers were walking into the same room. well, i think we know what happened next, BOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! once i respawned and got back to were the statue used to be, there was a giant crater in the ground, which i had to fix up! so, yes thats one of the reasons i hate creepers.

Onto the next of my planned deaths, this time i was playing survival island multiplayer with some friends. we were doing well, but then i logged off for dinner. when i came back everyone was spawning items and building random things. someone had built a 'water slide' since i am the master at drowning traps i inspected it and it looked fine! she , the owner of this machine, asked me to try it, so i did. sure enough i was drowned. drowning wasn't the problem, the problem was that i ruined my reputation of being the master of drowner traps. this is because five minutes before this happened it was labeled 'garbage bin, do not enter!' so i should of known.
enough for today, Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Shopping in Sydney with Google Maps

Urban Walkabout is a comprehensive on-line shopping guide to the popular shopping areas in Perth and Sydney, Australia.The site includes Google Maps for both Perth and Sydney, displaying all the best shops in all the popular suburbs of both cities. The shops on each map are categorised into Fashion & Bodycare, Objects & Art, Food & Drink, Stay & Explore and Shopping Centres.If you click on a

Vamos Jogar Minecraft :: Ep.13 - Creepers Malditos e Futura Giveaway ?!

Why I Dislike “Other” Grids

Convincing Huck Finn to whitewash the #SecondLife fence.


This is one of those blog posts that will invariably be written from the top of my head, but definitely less technical. It’s about life experience, history repeating, and of course about why I really don’t like “other” grids in SecondLife. I understand very well that “other” grids aren’t necessarily part of SecondLife and it can be argued that they are separate entities unto themselves. For instance, OSGrid, ReactionGrid, InWorldz (which I have a particular distaste for), SpotOn3D (which is probably the only grid that actually manages to piss me off simply because of their arrogance and disregard), and others.


This isn’t to say that I dislike all other grids, however I do keep the whole thing in proper perspective, which seems to be a rarity with those who actually use those grids.


Let me tell you a story about my

first years in virtual reality.


I got my start back in the days of VRML and places like Blaxxun Contact, but the system I was using back then wasn’t exactly Blaxxun. Instead it was a place called Cybertown (which to this day most likely still exists as a digital ghost town). Cybertown could be described under the concept that I became very familiar with over the years called a White Label product, whereby the company responsible for the technology or service would license that technology to third parties without any branding. In the case of Blaxxun (and I’m sure BSContact can correct me if I’m wrong), it was a company that made a good technology product – in that they made a multi-user layer for VRML systems, and that technology was white labeled and licensed to third parties who would then create their “unique” systems powered by Blaxxun Contact technology.


Years later, I encountered this scenario while using ActiveWorlds technology. Their main universe, the Active Worlds Universe, was really of little concern to the company because they made a majority of their money (and probably still do to this day) licensing out their technology to third parties as a white label product and service. Just like the scenario with Blaxxun, there existed in the case of ActiveWorlds dozens or maybe even hundreds of third party “Active Worlds” based universe systems all rebranded with different company names and sold as unique services, all betting on the idea that nobody had heard of ActiveWorlds, or any of the other third party universes to begin with.


Concerning ActiveWorlds, at least they were partially correct in assuming nobody had heard of the parent company responsible for the technology. But during those years I wound up with a sort of virtual world fatigue. I’m sure any long-term virtual environment user will concur, that virtual world fatigue is real and it comes and goes, but often is triggered by oversaturation of similarity.


What brought this on in my AW years was this constant insistence by third party universe owners (white labeled universes) that I should leave ActiveWorlds and come join their universe instead. Clearly they were better than ActiveWorlds, would go the argument. They, of course, had essentially bolted on various additions to the browser at the time, maybe set up a novel registration system, or paid for certain modifications to the ActiveWorlds browser or server which made their version slightly different. Many of these third party, white-label universes were small fish in the ocean of virtual worlds and you’ve likely never heard of them before. Places like Virtual Celebrity Islands (Peace City), Virtual U, SpiralMatrix, Vectorscape, Galaxyworlds, Cybernet Worlds, and even the ill-fated Juno Internet Service had their own browser at one point. If you’re an ActiveWorlds user (or an old timer who remembers) those names should sound familiar, but if you weren’t in the ActiveWorlds scene, then it is highly likely none of those systems ring a bell, let alone remembering ActiveWorlds itself.


Part of the third party ploy to attract users away from other systems and from ActiveWorlds itself was to offer cheap land and server space for the object paths (sound familiar?) or tout how they had a better and easier setup and registration process that in some way had different features that made it better than what Activeworlds had offered. Many even introduced their own in-world currency system.


Is any of this sounding familiar to you?




This pretty much sums up what goes through my mind


In the end, the hard truth of the matter was this: No matter how much any of them tried to differentiate themselves from the main company responsible for the technology in the first place, they always fell short and instead were always seen as either short term flash-in-the-pan or (more appropriately) living in the constant shadow of Activeworlds, and thus perceived as a cheap copy.


There was, of course places that exist today like VirtualU, but despite the in-world hacking and paid additions to the software in order to add features and abilities, to this day the idea of a specialized system built for expos and business meetings never seemed to make sense to me (and even if it did, I can’t imagine that business is exactly booming). The modern equivalent to VirtualU today is SpotOn3D, who I’ve had the pleasure of hearing insist to me how they alone finally got this “virtual world” thing right when all else have not – however not realizing that it’s all been done before and has failed, and that I actually know this because I witnessed it myself over many years in the industry before SecondLife even existed. But moreover, the modern equivalent to all of those third-party universes from the Activeworlds white-label process happens to be the scenario by which we have all of these different “grids” and then SecondLife as the main example of the technology.


Just replace the word “Universe” with “Grid” and you realize we’ve repeated the scenario once again, and I’m seeing pretty much the same outcomes and attitudes replayed.


With InWorldz, they remind me of SpiralMatrix or Cybernet Worlds, where the land is basement priced, the service is on par, and the technology is two generations or more behind the main company responsible for the technology to begin with. The users of that system act like a cult from Utah, and insist it is far superior to even SecondLife or any of the other grids, and always cite things like “the land is so much cheaper here!”. Hell, they even created their own currency in world called I’s or whatever. Congratulations to the hard work of the team behind InWorldz, because it does take a lot of work to run and operate a virtual world environment. However, your “grid” is doomed to obscurity in the grand scheme of things, and if SecondLife itself is a niche audience, yours is a niche within *that* niche.


I have the same to say about most “grids” and even to many virtual environment systems on the whole like BlueMars and Kaneva, and (yet again) Let me address a few “grids” here. It’s not sugar coated, and it’s going to hit a nerve, but at least I’m being blatantly honest and upfront. I’m sure it is likely to offend, because I’m not about to paint a rose-colored picture of where we’re at as a whole.


I’m about to be very candid, and straight to the point.


If you wish to remain unoffended or stay within your rose-colored world where nothing you do is wrong, I suggest you skip the rest of this post, as it will be a realist viewpoint verging on the edge of cynicism. Any comments that are derogatory, flaming or just outright attacking will be ignored entirely. This is just my own opinion and analysis, without any sugar coating – it will likely be very harsh.


SpotOn3D – you haven’t gotten anything right. You’re just arrogant and ignorant. All the business acumen in the world didn’t save you from brewing the worst PR sh*tstorm you could have mustered, and a lack of actual understanding for the history and practice of virtual worlds as a whole has you repeating common (yet completely avoidable) mistakes. You don’t seem to understand the merit of how people react to what seems like subtle policies or actions on your part, and that it would cause trouble in the long run. Pride comes before the fall. You haven’t done anything at all different than when I called your idea “VirtualU” or any number of other virtual world environments who thought it was a novel and innovative idea ten years ago to set up a walled garden system to cater to business professionals and schools. You’re heading down the same path as your predecessors, gleefully and completely oblivious, if not outright self-assured. If anything, the recent PR nightmare should have been your wake-up call. 


InWorldz Put a leash on your community. It’s ok to want to grow your userbase, but not through sleazy practices like trying to get people to leave other virtual environments. I don’t hold you, as the company, at fault. I fault your community – but you can make a big difference in that perception by actually coming up with creative outlets to promote InWorldz *outside of the SL community niche* like an actual, honest to god, real company would. Right now, you (and many other grids) are giving off the perception that you’re a bunch of vultures fighting over users. That has to stop if you ever hope to be a brand and service that stands on its own merit, and not in the shadow of others – a footnote in the history of virtual worlds, if you even bother to warrant that much.


Avination: Start with what I just said about Inworldz and add to it this nugget of knowledge: An online marketplace isn’t the reason your in-world land sales falter. Banning magic-boxes isn’t any more of a solution than banning automobiles because you can’t seem to sell horses anymore. The problem isn’t the innovation in marketplace type systems, it’s the lack of added value in having in-world stores. Forcing the issue isn’t a solution. Instead, why not offer education to your business users or entrepreneurs to show them that actually running a virtual business implies many of the same things as running a real business, and that if they insist on making their “store” nothing more than a fancy vending machine, then they should not expect people to treat it any better than that. Having a privately held marketplace system that doesn’t interoperate with other grids unless they agree to a privately held agreement does more damage than good in the bigger picture – and is the same lesson I offer to SpotOn3D as well as Linden Lab, except in the notion that Linden Lab can afford to ignore this for the time being while you and other open grids cannot. 


Kitely: While you have a good idea, I don’t believe it has really been brought to your attention that marginalizing and perpetuating the already damaging image of treating virtual environments as disposable and cheap is bad for the industry as a whole. The entire point of the virtual world industry is to try and convince the majority of the public that virtual worlds are a lasting, persistent and engaging arena for all manner of interactions – so much so that it has the potential to supplant or greatly augment current web practices. By offering cookie-cutter, on-demand, throw-away instances, you bring that higher understanding down to the level of “gimmick”. While you are poised to make money in the short term, and even make an adequate business model from doing so, the bigger picture is that the cost of doing so is near irrevocable damage to the overall perception and expectation of seriousness and persistence for virtual worlds as a whole. On-demand spaces serve a very small niche, while perpetuating negative ideals of what a virtual world should be to the masses.


Linden Lab: I don’t even know where to begin. You have a decent system, not the best. There is a lot to offer but it is buried in bad decision making, high employee (and CEO) turnover, and stagnation in innovation. You have a marketing leader who has done little to innovate the perception or lead of your company. Of the 150 brand names in virtual worlds as of 2006-2007 (as reported by KZero), considered the hey-day of SecondLife, possibly 2 exist actively in SecondLife today, while brand names like Dell Computer are a digital wasteland of inactivity, probably flying under the radar of accounting and existing purely on recurring billing. Searching for any of those brand names today is like reading a virtual worlds obituary. You control the most powerful marketing engine the world has ever known called Marketplace in conjunction with what amounts to the most ideal (for the time being) method of immersive experience, and fail to see the connection between real life brands as marketing and prosumer culture by which your system boasts in spades.


You literally have an army of content creators who would bend over backwards to accommodate your company in the unlikely event that you implemented an IP system which rewarded users for creating content on behalf of brand names instead of punished them. This should be your focus, and not expending inordinate amounts of time and money chasing down DMCA requests and playing virtual worlds Whack-a-Mole. Instead, your marketing director has spent the last year “getting acquainted” with SecondLife and has enacted what constitutes business as usual – all the while seemingly not understanding that SecondLife is far from business as usual and by no means should be treated like a video game. Instead of implementing a prosumer based solution to your dilemma you continue to approach this issue in brick and mortar methods; separation between producers of content and consumers – you’re thinking like a video game company and not like an open ended virtual environment company. In the process, you continually invoke the Streisand Effect, shutting down one or a group of IP infringing creators, only to have twenty or more pop up shortly after either on your marketplace or bypassing your gaze and selling directly in-world. Your IP “Pop Quiz” that every person needs to take and pass before they are allowed to upload content via Mesh is the thinnest veil of a solution, demonstrated by the Back to the Future Delorean Mesh car replica sitting on the Beta Grid – not just one, but half a dozen of them.


Instead of wasting money and time playing cat and mouse, or covering your ass in the thinnest excuse for IP protection action you could muster, it’s time to use your resources to work smarter and not harder. You need to give those brands a reason to come back, and this time actually stick around. You need to do this in a manner which celebrates the fact that you have an army of prosumers who are more than eager to do your bidding and win sanction for those brand names, to do the work for them, and hold their heads up high as the official outlets of those products in your virtual space, while giving those brand names inexpensive and viral capacity for marketing in the virtual environment. It’s time to turn your perception of negative into positive and use it to your advantage. Clearly Linden Lab didn’t give them a reason the first time when they had all the world as a stage, so you had better be willing to roll up your sleeves and work on being innovative and enticing to those brands that you lost, getting them (and far more) back into your system. It’s not as hard as you’re making it out to be, trust me.


When you said you didn’t understand why SecondLife had staying power, or why it continues to be popular, I knew you weren’t lying. It clearly has an appeal that has yet to be effectively quantified for you or your staff, or how to actually use that to your advantage. Just ask your marketing director, who doesn’t seem to have any more of an idea than she did a year ago when she began. Mr Humble, in all of your experience in the video game industry, even you have to admit that it didn’t prepare you for SecondLife – in many ways this digital nation is leaving you baffled and perplexed.


What you need, Linden Lab, is somebody who can explain this to you and give you a clear path to raise the bar. Somebody who can easily lay it out, and explain why consumer versus producer thinking doesn’t work in your business, and what is more likely to work in your favor instead. The problem is that the person you are likely to find for that position isn’t going to conform to your preconceived notions of who you think is best. They should be willing to tell the hard truth, and not sugar coat it. It should be a person with multitudes of experience in virtual world environments, not just SecondLife but across a very broad range of virtual world environments over the course of many years spanning almost to the dawn of virtual world environments themselves. You’re looking for people who have experience in technology or video games, but seem to not understand that you’re hiring people for the wrong job. SecondLife isn’t a video game, and hiring people with video game industry experience is a mismatch. Hiring the right person will be the hardest decision you’ll ever make, because your very core of being will scream and tell you not to.


That, however, should be your clear indication that you are about to get it right. I don’t really care who you hire, as long as they are capable of meeting or exceeding those requirements, however unconventional.  Virtual Environments like SecondLife are new media, cutting edge, and there aren’t any degrees from any college that will prepare somebody for dealing with it – that is your first mistake. Mr Humble, you’re the CEO of Linden Lab and even your own years of experience at a video game company didn’t prepare you for SecondLife, so it’s time to start looking for people who meet unconventional and realistic expectations for the situation at hand. You should be hiring for that based on actual virtual environment experience in a business sense, not whether they can pull a college degree out of their butt on demand.


I’ll say to you what I’ve told countless other virtual environments and even game companies before you: You have the potential to be something far more amazing than even you can imagine right now. Unfortunately, potential is only one part and is often overshadowed by lack of action or understanding. It would be a shame if your potential were wasted like so many others in the history of virtual worlds. Just ask all the white label spin-offs who the world has wholly forgotten, and will continue to forget today.