Thursday, August 25, 2011

MineCraft blog! Creepers and Drowning Traps

hey guys! This blogging thing is new to me so be patient, they will get better..... i hope!
well i'm coolstuffMC, a minecraft fanatic, youtuber and now, a blogger! so today i'll talk a bit about a green guy we all know and love, NOT! of course i'm talking about Creepers. Creepers annoy the crap out of me, as i'm sure they do the same to you too. for you who don't know what a Creeper is, a Creeper is a green monster in minecraft that stalks you and then it goes a little like this:
Creeper: thatsssssssssss a nice everything you got there!
You: Thank you
Creeper: ssssssshame if sssssomething wasssss to happen to it.
You: yep
Creeper: sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
You: are you ok
Creeper: BOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so i hope that cleared things up for you guys. anyway back to my story, the other day i was on one of my servers that is used for giant buildings and stuff like that. I'm realy happy because i built a massive creeper. as i'm dancing around so proud of myself, someone was spawning hundreds of real creepers into the inside of it. so then the guy says to me "come look at this i built you a secret entrance into the creeper." it looked real so i went in, sure enough there was a little secret room, i said thanks then he left. Suddenly i here a hissing noise to find that loads of creepers were walking into the same room. well, i think we know what happened next, BOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! once i respawned and got back to were the statue used to be, there was a giant crater in the ground, which i had to fix up! so, yes thats one of the reasons i hate creepers.

Onto the next of my planned deaths, this time i was playing survival island multiplayer with some friends. we were doing well, but then i logged off for dinner. when i came back everyone was spawning items and building random things. someone had built a 'water slide' since i am the master at drowning traps i inspected it and it looked fine! she , the owner of this machine, asked me to try it, so i did. sure enough i was drowned. drowning wasn't the problem, the problem was that i ruined my reputation of being the master of drowner traps. this is because five minutes before this happened it was labeled 'garbage bin, do not enter!' so i should of known.
enough for today, Thanks for reading!

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