Sunday, March 11, 2012

OTOY buys Octane Render developer Refractive Software

It's official! OTOY, the company that made the jaw-droppingly realistic Ruby demo for ATI's Radeon R700 GPUs back in 2008 (which was the original reason to start this blog), has unveiled that it has bought Refractive Software, the New Zealand based developer of Octane Render, the absurdly fast unbiased GPU renderer (a nice and very recent user review of Octane render can be found at

OTOY has previously announced a deal with Refractive Software and Autodesk ( and to deliver real-time rendering solutions using GPU path tracing through the cloud. 

Brigade, the real-time GPU path tracer designed for games, is going to be jointly developed by Jacco Bikker, Jeroen van Schijndel and OTOY and will lift the graphical realism of games to never before seen levels.

I'm also immensely proud to say that I am now working with OTOY to get the best out of real-time GPU path tracing and pursue the holy CG grail of real-time photorealistic rendering.

You can read all the details in this article at VentureBeat: (regular readers of this blog might recognize the picture in the article ;-) 

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