Friday, August 6, 2010

Badly worded my question about your being an on-line pastor...I should have asked how many pastors' sermons are recorded for on-line listening and were you the first for Tasmania and are there many in Australia doing this?

Badly worded my question about your being an on-line pastor...I should have asked how many pastors' sermons are recorded for on-line listening and were you the first for Tasmania and are there many in Australia doing this?

Not sure how many pastor's sermons are recorded online. But I'm sure I wasn't the first.

I know Anglican Parish of Kingston have sermons:
And Wellspring:
And St. Johns' Launceston:

It really is a pretty common thing these days. Google around.

My sermons from the 9:30 Congregation in Burnie are also recorded (using my phone!). Available here:

Connections sermons are, of course, here:


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