Sunday, November 7, 2010

Zombie Cupcakes

Halloween this year kind of sucked. The kids and I were sick with possibly with a zombie virus or possessed by a demon. Either way, we couldn't celebrate in our true form. So I've made up for Halloween today by finally making zombie cupcakes. Yes they're brainalicious. They're even injected with what I call the Jam Virus (rasberry jam) and are tasty little decaying cupcakes indeed. Nothing much to the recipe. Basic Amy Sedaris cupcake recipe, mix a little green food colouring, cut open, fill with jam and top pink frosting in a brain squiggly type pattern. Done.

Next year I'm definately going to plan a big Halloween event and party. Complete with scary zombies coming out of the ground in my backyard. I adore the fact my kids aren't scared of such things. They know it's not real and that Mummy can kill any monster that appears. Kinda. Godzilla would be a tough one..

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