Sunday, October 19, 2008

Connections Summer?

On Sunday (Oct 19) we finished up meeting at our venue for the past almost-year at Somerset Heights. It's been a great occurrence to shake us out a bit and cause us to get back to our "fresh expression" missional heart. As mentioned in a previous article - the joy of known uncertainty is the need to rely on God.

What lies ahead for us? As soon as we found out that we would have to be making some changes we have recognised that God in his grace is providential. Our prayer has been "Close the doors you want to close, Lord; open the doors you want to open - and above all keep us obedient to you."

And in the light we have some immediate plans and some medium-term opportunities.

The immediate plan is to meet this coming week at ANZAC Park near the Surf Club in Somerset. We're going to have a marquee from the local Scout group. The Bishop will be there to pray for us and encourage us. It will be good to gather in that place and enjoy each others company at BBQ and beach afterwards.
(If you want more specific information about what's happening each week then you can find it at

Our medium-term plans are in the process of being "brought forth." It is looking less and less likely that the use of a local school will eventuate (at least not until next year). What is more likely is the possibility of having a "Connections Summer" with our Sunday meetings at the Surf Club or thereabouts.

The message amongst us is this:
As part of the Imagine Project we are encouraged to imagine under God the possibilities of what ministry, church, and following Christ might look like in many creative ways - and as we have been conversing with people and sharing together it seems that a "Connections Summer" at the Surf Club fits with people's imagination. Our prayer has been that God will close the doors that need to be closed and open the doors of the way he would have us go. God answers prayer. This door seems open, and looks good - being near the beach throughout summer gives us opportunity for building relationship, outreaching, and creativity in our gathering together while continuing to shake us out of our comfort zone and press into God.

The Connections Leadership Team (CLT) is meeting this week and we hope to finalise some of the administrivia for this so that Bishop John can pray us into it on Sunday. However the administration is not the substance of what we do or plan to do. Rather, the substance of it depends on us all being willing and able to look to God and to grow, work and play in Him. It will require us all to be praying and sharing ideas and thoughts and putting up our hand to be involved. So please be praying and communicating.
We are in a transition into something new as a church. Please be praying for us, particularly this week, as lots of decisions are made and new things eventuate.

Exciting times. In his hands. For his glory.

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