Sunday, October 12, 2008

Prayer Points - October 2008

These prayer points were recently sent out on our prayer partners mailing list. If you'd like to be part of that email list please let me know.

Dear Prayer Partners,

Once again thankyou for supporting the Connections project through your prayer and intercessions.

The chief prayer point for this month revolves around our need for a venue. We have been given short notice that we will need to leave our current premises. We found out last week and this coming Sunday (October 19) will be our final service at our current location. Arrangements for our next venue have not yet been finalised. This means that we are entering into a transitional season with a certain amount of uncertainty. I am full of confidence, however, in God who will use this time and whatever short-term interim measures we require to grow us and get us ready for the next season that lies ahead.

I've made some more comments on this on my Connections blog: and I'll share with you the prayer request I've written there:

Please pray for us. Please pray for those opening doors - that are next long-term venue will not be too far away. Please pray for us to be wise and discerning. And above all, please pray that God will have his way with us and we will learn what we need to learn during this time so that this congregation of God's people may bring glory to his name alone.

Please also pray specifically for this forthcoming "last Sunday" that we will end well at this venue - that has been a real blessing for us for the last few months.

Of course our church is not about bricks and mortar. Life continues and we would be grateful if you could also pray for:

1) The two couples getting married over summer.

2) Those of us who are training as facilitators for the "Lifekeys" program that we are looking to make use of next year.

3) And thank God for the many relationships that we are part of in the local community.



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