Monday, April 6, 2009

The Local Global Financial Crisis

More bad news for industry in the Burnie area:,23599,25301849-1244,00.html
CONSTRUCTION and mining equipment manufacturer Caterpillar will cut 280 jobs from its 700-strong Tasmanian workforce by the end of the month, a federal MP says. Caterpillar's Tasmanian base is at Burnie, in the state's northwest, where the local federal member is Sid Sidebottom...

Mr Sidebottom said up to 500 more jobs could go in the area from Australian Paper's pulp mills at burnie and Wesley Vale.

A review on the viability of those two commercially troubled mill's is due in June.
This will have a direct impact on those amongst us and around us here in Somerset. We know that this is far from a unique circumstance for communities around the nation in these times. Pray for those affected and that we may respond well.

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