Friday, April 24, 2009

Somerset Schools

As those who follow our prayer news will know the local community here in Somerset is facing a significant opportunity wrapped up in the amalgamation of the two local primary schools.

For years there has been what has been called a "thin red line" arbitrarily drawn along a street in Somerset which demarcated which primary school a child would go to. Despite the fact that the two schools are only 800 metres apart this division has also impacted relationships and attitudes in this small community.

With government incentives and some visionary leadership the decision has been made to amalgamate the schools and invest more than $6 million dollars in new school facilities at what is now the location of West Somerset Primary School (which just happens to be where we are currently meeting as a church).

A media release from the state government gives some insight:
Mr Bartlett also acknowledged the hard work of the Somerset and West Somerset school communities, which began 18 months ago.

“In many ways the Somerset and West Somerset school communities are trail blazers. Community and school leaders realized the impact of the changing demographics in their community, and both school associations had the foresight to work collaboratively with their school communities,” he said.

“The result of that hard work will result in a $6 million investment to refurbish and modernize the West Somerset site using both our $5.7 million School Futures Fund and the Australian Government’s $370 million Building the Education Revolution package for Tasmanian schools.”
As a new school community is formed and people struggle with the changes, please be praying for Connections as we seek to be people of God in the midst of it all. It is a significant opportunity for the local community in many respects and much good can come of it.

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