Saturday, April 25, 2009

Prayer Points - April 2009

Recently sent to the email list for our prayer supporters:

Dear Supporters,

Sorry that this month's prayer points are a little late. Thankyou for continuing to support us in prayer. As always, more news can be found at

Prayer points for this week.

1) Please continue to pray for the local community, particularly the local school communities as the two primary schools in Somerset begin the process of amalgamation. (More about this here: Please pray for the school community to be blessed, it is a real blessing to have use of the facilities there.

2) Please pray for the contacts we are making with the local neighbourhood, particularly children as we meet at the local school and are "noticed." Please pray for those who have shown a desire to attend and that they and their parents would become part of our community.

3) Please pray for us as we finalise a plan for (re)instituting small "community" groups. Pray that we would identify the key leaders and release a good foundation of mutual support, shared mission, and pastoral care at the heart of our community.

4) Please continue to pray for those who are participating in the "Search for Life" program, that there would depth of learning, sharing and engagement with the substance of following Christ.

5) Please pray for renewed evangelistic zeal and that we would have the encouragement of new Christians in our midst.

Finally, please pray for Gill and I and the children as we prepare for and take a month of leave beginning at the end of May. Pray for arrangements to come together and for a time of rest and rejuvenation. Please also pray for the rest of the leadership team who will be ministering during this time.



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