Friday, May 6, 2011

CBox Unbiased Truck

I've modified the scene in the Kajiya path tracer a bit more: it now consists of a Cornell Box out of axis aligned boxes with the (in)famous truck from Unbiased Truck Soccer:

Color bleeding from the red and green wall:

The screenshots were rendered with 8600M GT (6 fps default view). On a GTS 450, the demo runs at 70 fps in default view. It should run at >200 fps on a GTX 580 with 8 samples per pixel. This new path tracer is just incredible fun, I can't stop messing with it.

Executable and source code at

UPDATE: a more challenging lighting set up with an open box only illuminated by the sky:

The truck seen from behind, indirectly lit by skylight bounced off the back and side walls. As expected with standard path tracing, the noise is a lot worse in this scenario. Bidirectional path tracing should converge faster using fewer samples.

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