Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Brigade 2 Physics Bricks WIP 2

I've altered some things in  the scene to look more like the original video (, such as materials, floor texture, and lighting. The scene is now lit by the sky and by an area light floating above the brick tower. I've also implemented shooting physics for the orange ball, which can be shot from any camera view.

Reference picture (from original scene by Phymec at

Real-time rendered recreation of the scene in Brigade 2:

Real-time rendered video:  (50-60 fps)

The number of dynamic bricks is reduced to maintain a high framerate and because the physics become increasingly twitchy with more moving objects. I'm quite happy with the result so far, as it shows that in simple scenes Brigade 2 can achieve the same photorealistic quality in materials and lighting as an offline unbiased renderer (in this case LuxRender's SmallLuxGPU), but in real-time and with real-time physics and moving objects.

I've also made a fly-through video of Random City, which is another real-time path traced WIP demo that I'm working on:

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