Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Link roundup

1. Penelope Trunk on why getting divorced, if you have kids, is probably a bad choice for you and your kids. Her comments reminded me of a book excerpt Robin Hanson posted a few days ago:
The alternative to the European Syndrome is to say that your life can have transcendent meaning if it is spent doing important things – raising a family, supporting yourself, being a good friend and good neighbor, learning what you can do well and then doing it as well as you possibly can. Providing the best framework for doing those things is what the American project is all about.
2. Book and art print giveaway. Via.

3. Outside magazine:
California’s San Quentin State Prison is home to a ball field where you can take your cuts against convicted felons. This I had to try.
4. Read about the Batman: Year One movie that never was - - directed by Darren Aronofsky and starring Clint Eastwood:
the script strips Bruce Wayne of his status as heir apparent to the Wayne Industries billions, proposing instead that the young Bruce is found in the street after his parents’ murder, and taken in by ‘Big Al’, who runs an auto repair shop with his son, ‘Little Al’. Driven by a desire for vengeance towards a manifest destiny of which he is only dimly aware, young Bruce (of deliberately indeterminate age) toils day and night in the shop, watching the comings and goings of hookers, johns, pimps and corrupt cops at a sleazy East End cathouse across the street
A perfect idea for my just announced art contest.

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