Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Link roundup

1. Banksy in a graffiti battle.

2. Gabe Delahaye's latest Walking Dead episode summary.

3. Custom business card giveaway.

4. The Old Republic is a Gold Box deal right now at Amazon, down to $40.

5. Board game designer Kim Vandenbroucke looks at board games trends from Toy Fair 2012:
Hasbro’s lineup of children’s game and been gender-ized! (yes, I made that word up) Classic games like Candy Land, Twister, Clue and Connect 4 have been redesigned to appeal to one gender. Connect 4 is no longer yellow and blue, now it’s black, gold and red with very masculine packaging. The Connect 4 line extension, Connect 4 Dunk, will have a basketball themed commercial that will target boys. Obviously, with the Battleship movie on the horizon, we all know that Battleship is solidly in the boy’s group of game and that will continue, and Clue will join the ranks of boy’s products with this year’s into Clue Eliminiation. On the other end of the spectrum, Candy Land and Twister are going to be girls’ products. Candy Land Princesses and a new version of Twister Dance featuring Britney Spears were featured in the Hasbro showroom.

I’ll admit that I’m sad to see Connect 4 go to the boys, but I think it will be interesting to see how gender-izing previously gender neutral games will go.

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