Wednesday, September 22, 2010

OTOY at GPU Technology Conference, partnering with Nvidia, Intel and AMD

It's been a long time since OTOY was in the news, but the company will resurface at GTC. Jules Urbach of OTOY will be speaking in a session about emerging companies. Apparently there's no exclusive deal any longer between OTOY and AMD according to this article at Venturebeat.

OTOY will also make use of CUDA in the future which is great news!!! Hopefully this will speed up adoption of the technology by a factor of 10 to 50x ;-)

UPDATE: here's the full PR release:

OTOY to Present Enterprise Cloud Platform at NVIDIA GPU Technology Conference

OTOY will unveil its Enterprise Cloud platform at the GPU Technology Conference this week. The platform is designed to enable developers to leverage NVIDIA CUDA, PhysX and Optix technologies through the cloud.

Santa Clara, CA (PRWEB) September 23, 2010

OTOY announced that it will unveil its Enterprise Cloud platform at the GPU Technology Conference this week. The platform is designed to enable developers to leverage NVIDIA CUDA, PhysX and Optix technologies through the cloud. OTOY's proprietary ORBX GPU codec will enable high performance 3D applications to render on a web server and instantly stream to any thin client.

OTOY is participating in the GTC “Emerging Companies Summit,” a two-day event for developers, entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, industry analysts and other professionals.

OTOY Enterprise Cloud platform
The OTOY Enterprise Cloud platform sandboxes an application or virtual machine image without degrading or limiting GPU performance. CUDA-powered applications, such as Adobe's Creative Suite 5, will be able to take full advantage of GPU acceleration while streaming from a virtual OTOY session.

OTOY bringing GPGPU to the browser
In addition to supporting CUDA through its server platform, OTOY's 4k web plug-in adds CUDA and OpenCL compliant scripting across all major web browsers, including Internet Explorer, Mozilla FireFox, Google Chrome, Apple Safari and Opera. GPU web applets that cannot run locally are executed and rendered using OTOY server side rendering. This ensures that GPU web applets can be viewed on any client, including HTML 4 browsers.

Next generation rendering tools coming to developers
OTOY enables server hosted game engines to render LightStage assets and leverage distributed GPU ray-tracing or path-tracing in the cloud. The OTOY Enterprise Cloud platform can host complete game engine SDKs, making game deployment to Facebook or other web portals simple and instantaneous.

OTOY will add native support for CryEngine content in 2011, starting with Avatar Reality's Blue Mars. Blue Mars is the first virtual world built using the Crytek engine. It is currently in beta testing on the OTOY platform.

About OTOY
OTOY is a leading developer of innovative software solutions for GPU and CPU hardware, as well as a provider of convergence technologies for the video game and film industries. OTOY works with a wide range of movie studios, game developers, hardware vendors and technology companies.

OTOY integrated in CryEngine and supporting distributed GPU ray tracing and path tracing in the cloud!! The dream of real-time ray traced or even path traced games is getting closer every day! I do hope that OTOY will deliver this dream first, they have all the right technology and partners now.

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