Wednesday, September 15, 2010


I can't remember when I drew the above.. but it came down to me thinking about silly string and why there isn't a serious version. You know the weird stuff that comes out of a can. I have to buy some and do the Tom Hanks blow my nose but silly string comes out thing.

Anyway the reason I drew it is because I like how things are just called SILLY string or CRAZY straws. Like these things have a personality or that the words silly and crazy are now adjectives on how we can describe something. Oh she has mad crazy hair. His muscles are silly awesome. OK maybe that last one won't catch on but you get what I mean.

I think I'm more a cross between Silly String, where I am all over the place and dryer lint, I'm random but in a fuzzy organized way that you have to deal with (and throw away/make a jumper out of). I made all that up. I have no idea what I'm like so ignore this late night written post.

I'm going to the Royal show on Monday and I'm more excited about it then my kids. That's what I am! I'm a big kid :D that describes me to a tea. Tee. t-shirt?

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