Tuesday, February 15, 2011

720p video of Tokap Arcade Madness running on a GTX 580 in 1080p!!!

This is really great, I asked someone with a GTX580 (Radiant from Octane render forum) if he could capture a video of the Tokap game, and he has done a truly fantastic job, running Tokap Arcade Madness in 1080p(!) and fiddling and tinkering with as much parameters as possible. Thank you Radiant!!!

More than 6 minutes of pure awesomeness if I may say so myself:

ENJOY! Just twelve months ago, who would have thunk that real-time path tracing at 1080p would have been possible today? :-D

Some screen captures:

Download 'Tokap Arcade Madness' at

Currently working on integrating the open source Bullet 3D physics engine into Tokap, to have some real physics based gameplay. Stay tuned!

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